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“She looked so terrified in that moment, it was possible she’d shoot anything that moved.” Timber frowned. “I didn’t mean she’s an enemy. We all know the difference between humans who are just polite to us because they must be, and those who are friendly because they accept us.”

Snow calmed. “I just want to check on her. I plan to do that after we’re certain we won’t have an issue with the press showing up at our gates or them trying to sneak over a wall.”

Timber nodded. “I’m just glad that Wind is almost recovered from the healing drugs.”

Snow agreed. “He’s a strong male.”

“We’ll go with you,” Jinx offered. “You know it’s best if we stick to groups of at least four until we’re certain there won’t be more issues. I’ll grab someone to fill out our team.”

“Yes,” Timber agreed. “We’ll back you up, Snow.”

“She’ll be at home until she heals. I don’t need you to go with me.”

Jinx chuckled. “We’ll stay outside to keep an eye out for anyone else. We know you want to be alone with her.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “To help her undress and shower. It will be difficult for her to wash her hair with an injured arm.”

Snow growled. “Stop.”

“I talked to Chimes,” Jinx added.

Snow growled louder.

“So, Mr. Blue Eyes with the amazing ass, are you going to wear jeans and your gray tank top?”

Timber laughed at Jinx’s teasing.

“I’ll remember this if you find a female you like.” Snow shot them both dirty looks. “I will get even.”

“He’s going to be doing laundry tonight to make sure her favorite outfit is clean and ready to wear.” Jinx sipped his drink. “Just don’t fall on her in the shower.”

His temper snapped. “I am not clumsy! You’re the one with a name that implies you’re a klutz.”

Timber reached over and slapped his shoulder. “We are teasing. Stop showing off your fangs and thinking about ripping into our flesh.” He lowered his arm. “I’d be more afraid she thinks you don’t have a heart and are cold, with that name you picked.”

Snow stood. “I’m no longer hungry.”

Jinx gripped his arm and yanked on him. “Sit. We will stop teasing.”

He hesitated.

Timber nodded.

Snow sat and picked up his fork. “Leave me alone.”

Jinx leaned in and lowered his voice. “You’d be in a better mood if you shared sex with that female. From what I heard, you don’t have cable.”

“I’m done,” Snow snarled. He threw down his fork and stomped off.

“Come back,” Jinx shouted, laughing. “Where is your sense of humor?”

Timber shook his head as he watched Snow leave. “That was taking it too far about the cable. No male would have admitted the truth under those circumstances, unless he wanted to lose the female’s interest.”

Jinx grinned. “He needs a challenge, and she won’t give him too much of one, judging by the way that human looked at him. He’ll get her undressed, and she’ll be all his as soon as she figures out we know what to do with a female in bed. Too bad he’s not a feline.”

Timber glared. “Some females prefer not to have two pussies to contend with. They also know canines are more loyal.”

“Two pussies?” Jinx arched his eyebrows.

“You and their own sex.”

“Clever.” Jinx rolled his eyes. “A mated Species is always loyal.”

“Too bad most humans aren’t aware of that. They associate canines with something that is loyal. Do you know what they link felines to? Being finicky and difficult.” Timber grinned. “Canines are also known for being excellent with safety and security. Ever hear of a police feline?”

“I’m not allowing you to bait me. I can purr. Human females would be afraid you’d piss on them to mark your territory.”

Timber growled. “Do you know what I think? We should get our aggression out. We could go see who the better fighter is.”

“You just want to stop our discussion now because you know I’ll mention how humans are aware that canines enjoy licking their balls.”

Timber smirked. “What about hairballs?”

“I don’t have fur. You’re lucky you don’t have a tail, or you might chase it all day instead of getting any work done.”

“You’re using words to fight since you know I’d kick you all over the training room floor.”

“I’m a lover, not a fighter.” Jinx laughed. “See? I have a sense of humor. Snow needs to find one.”

Chapter Four

Mel panicked when she opened her front door the next morning and found Snow standing there. He held a large brown bag in his arms and a smile on his face. He sported a dark blue tank top and a faded pair of jeans. Black boots covered his feet…and he looked amazing.

She knew her mouth opened but no words came out. She could only stare into his eyes.

“I brought you food. I also wanted to check on you. May I come in?”

That voice. She crossed her other arm over her chest since she hadn’t put on a bra. The sling hid one side of her chest but now she covered the other. She wasn’t wearing much, actually. “Sure.” She was proud that she’d gained the ability to speak and backed up. “Sorry, but I wasn’t expecting you. I’m in my pajamas.”

He ran his gaze down the length of her body and widened his smile. “I like them.” He stepped inside and closed the door. He studied the room, and his eyebrows lifted. “Your home is very colorful.”

She glanced around, trying to guess what he thought of her place. It wasn’t much. There’d only been five available apartments for rent when she’d moved into town. The one she’d chosen had a single bedroom and affordable rent. The short five-minute walk to work if her old car ever broke down had been the deciding factor. It wasn’t a dive but it wasn’t nice, either.

The walls were a stark white but she’d bought colorful furniture from a secondhand store to liven it up. The mass-production landscape canvases on the walls fit her budget. The splashy throw pillows might be a bit much but they were cute.

“Very colorful,” he said again.

“I know. I probably overdid it a bit.” She turned back to him. “I was in a rebellious mood.”

“I don’t understand.”

She explained, “My mama always said flashy is trashy. I grew up in the house of dull. That’s what I called it. No bright anything except sunshine pouring through the windows, since she also didn’t believe in curtains. Sinners hide behind them. Not her. She wanted anyone to be able to walk up to our front door and know she lived a sin-free life.”

His eyebrows rose. “Flashy is trashy? What does that mean?”

She hesitated. “Nothing good, according to my mama. Bright colors mean you have no taste or class.” She glanced around again. “I wanted color my whole life, and now I have it in heaps. I went overboard. I’m kind of glad I wasn’t allowed to paint the walls. The building owner told me no, and I might have regretted if he’d said yes. I was thinking maybe a neon red. It probably would have clashed with the hot pink chairs and bright blue couch.” Mel grinned.

He chuckled. “I understand wanting something and finally having the chance to obtain it. I was an adult before I found freedom, too.”

She peered up at him but didn’t see any sign to indicate anything she’d said put him off. Sometimes she did that to people without meaning to. She knew with her small-town background, some city folks assumed she was pretty strange. He kept smiling, though. Some of her nervousness faded, and she took in the rest of him.

He was so tall, and just big all over. That chest of his was super wide and the muscles on his arms were enough to make her think he could lift pretty much anything. She liked that. It made her feel dainty and feminine.