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“Yes, but you do it when it’s Christy’s and your turn.”

“We do it together. I just do the planning. She’s a really good cook, Mom, I promise. And I’m eating enough. Too much, if you ask me, since I’m always making snacks for her, and I usually end up eating too.” Her metabolism was twice a normal person’s, and she had to eat five or six times a day or she’d lose weight. She struggled to maintain even a hundred pounds, so losing weight was officially a Bad Thing for her.

“But if it’ll make you happy,” I continued, “I’ll eat a snack. I skipped lunch anyway. I was trying to get here before rush hour.”

“We have milk and cookies.” She grinned and headed toward the kitchen.

I discreetly admired her figure as I followed her. My friends in high school had thought she was hot, and I had to agree with them. I smiled to myself at how they would’ve reacted if they’d known she was a nudist and swinger too. I hadn’t known about the latter until I was fifteen, but I’d had a thorough education since then.

“The cookies are in the pantry,” she said. “I’ll pour the milk.”

“Whoa, hold on. Cookies and milk? I didn’t think you were serious. Mom, I’m not in kindergarten.”

“Neither am I, but I like them. I can’t eat them very often, but I thought since you’re here…” She shrugged when I didn’t take the bait. “That’s all right. It’s getting harder to keep weight off anyway. I even bought one of those aerobics workout tapes.”

“Not Jane Fonda,” I said immediately.

“Are you kidding? Your father would divorce me!”

Anything to do with Jane Fonda had been banned from our house since 1972, the year she’d gone on her “aid and comfort” tour of North Vietnam. She’d taken chummy pictures with an antiaircraft gun crew, the same nice folks who’d done their best to kill men like my father and who’d succeeded with many of his friends. I was nine years old at the time and vividly remembered his cold fury. He wouldn’t divorce my mom for real, especially over something as trivial as a workout video, but “Hanoi Jane” was still persona non grata with us.

I changed the subject. “How ’bout an apple instead? Do we have any peanut butter?”

“Are you still on a health kick? Is that Christy’s idea?”

“Mom! Relax about her. I’m just trying to eat healthier.”

“I know, I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m fixated about her.” She opened the pantry and scanned it. “How about graham crackers and peanut butter?”


We made our snack in silence and then I took the plates to the kitchen table. Mom poured two glasses of milk and brought them as well.

“Not quite milk and cookies,” I said, “but close enough.”

“And much better for my figure.”

I rolled my eyes. “Your figure looks fine, Mom. Better than fine.”

“Your dad teases me sometimes, says I’m getting pudgy. I know he’s kidding, but still…”

“Don’t worry, you’re still a hot mom.”

Her eyebrows went up.

“That’s what all my friends used to call you.”

“Used to,” she echoed.

“Nonsense. My friends now think you’re hot.”

“And you? What do you think?”

“Are you kidding?” I said in surprise. I couldn’t tell her what I really thought—that I sometimes fantasized about her when I jerked off—but I said, “You’re the most beautiful mom in the world. I hope I’m half as lucky as Dad when I’m his age.”

“Now you’re just trying to flatter me.”

“Duh. But you asked for it. Still, I’m serious.”

“Thank you, honey.”

“What got you thinking about your looks?”

“I realized last week that we’re going to have an empty nest soon. My mother said she’d never felt old until the day I moved out. And now I’m about to face the same thing.”

“I thought you liked having your own space and time to do what you want.”

“The grass is always greener,” she said. “Besides, I get lonely sometimes without you and Erin here.”

“Well, I’m here now, so you aren’t lonely.”

She smiled and shifted gears. “Which reminds me… I hope you don’t mind, but it’s supposed to be sunny and warm tomorrow. Do you think you could help me in the yard?”

“Of course! I didn’t pack any work clothes, though. Only running clothes and everyday stuff.”

“Your dad probably has something you can borrow.”

“Cool. I figured. Thanks.”

“And… um… one other thing. Your bathroom is full of houseplants. Sorry.”

I laughed, more amused than annoyed.

“I’m in the middle of repotting them. I thought I’d have them done before you got home, but then your dad had this trip come up. So I… sort of forgot.”

“It’s okay.”

“You can still use the toilet and sink, but the tub is full, so you’ll have to shower in the master bathroom.”

“That’s fine.”

“Are you sure?”

“Absolutely. Besides, your shower’s bigger, so I’ll have more room.”

She laughed. “In case you want to dance?”


She smiled and rolled her eyes. Then she gathered our dishes and took them to the sink. “Anything special you want to do tonight?”

“I dunno. Read? Watch TV? I don’t really care. As long as I don’t have to build a model or do a project write-up, I’m cool with just about anything.”

“No models, no write-ups,” she agreed with a smile. “I promise.”

Chapter 2

I called Christy’s parents’ house before dinner. Her mother answered and told me she was staying with Brooke instead. I wrote down the number, said thank you, and called her next. I introduced myself and asked to speak to Christy.

“Oh, hey!” Brooke said. “Nice to meet you. Sort of.”

“Nice to meet you too.”

“Christy’s told me a ton about you. I can’t wait to meet you for real. Oh, and about that… Thanks for letting her come out. I know you had plans and all.”

“Nah. It’s all right. You’re more important.”

“Tell that to Fletcher,” she said, a touch bitterly. “No, don’t. He’s a loser anyway.”

“That’s the spirit.”

“Thanks. But hey, I’d better let you talk to Christy before she hurts herself bouncing up and down. Nice talking to you. Here she is.”

“Hello, Mr. Awesome,” Christy said when she came on the line. “Brooke just rolled her eyes. She says I make her sick talking about you.”

“Gag me with a spoon!” Brooke teased from the background.

“Well, it sounds like she’s doing better,” I said.

“She is. We’re having fun. I hope you don’t mind that I’m staying here instead of my parents’.”

“I don’t mind at all. I’m the one who told you to spend some time with her, remember?”

“I remember. I also remember the other thing I promised you.”

Brooke shouted, “Just do it already!”

“Oh my gosh,” Christy said, “she’s as bad as you-know-who.” She covered the phone, but I could still hear when she told Brooke, “Be nice. You know how I am.” She slid her palm off the mouthpiece and said to me, “Sorry about that. Anyway, where was I?”

“Spending the night with Brooke.”

“Yeah, probably till you get here. Is that all right?”

“It’s fine. Have fun. But not too much.”

“Oh my gosh, Paul! Her parents are out of town, so we have the house to ourselves.”

“Totally gnarly,” Brooke yelled. “Party all the time!”

“We aren’t really,” Christy assured me. “But… um… I’ll probably have lots to tell you when you get here. I’ve been working on my tan—”

“Naked!” Brooke added.

“Oh my gosh, will you behave?” Christy said to her. Then to me, “Yeah, while she was in class today. She just got home. That’s why she’s so wild. And… um… speaking of naked—”