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I learned one very huge thing: reviews freakin matter. The first book has had thousands of reads, but I currently have two reviews. Many of my family members have bought it, but I told them not to review it. I mean, they couldn’t be partial – well, a couple of the bastards probably could be (they know who they are!).

I want only honest and impartial reviews. I need to know what I am doing wrong, and what I am doing right. But if you like my book (or don’t), and you want more books from me (or you couldn’t care less), it would really mean the world if you would leave me an honest review. The way Amazon works essentially is, no reviews equate to lower rankings. As of late, my first book has dropped in the ranking, even though it’s still selling, because of that, or that is at least my assumption from what I know.

It’s kind of funny, and goddamn is Karma a bitch, but I never reviewed anything. Seriously, I have bought a ton of books off Amazon and never reviewed any of them. I’m in the process of rectifying that, as we speak. I also almost always leave likes on Youtube videos now, too. Anything that can get a review, bad or good, gets one. Anyway, I appreciate you guys. And remember, don’t be like me: review people’s crap.

Thanks for reading, and please connect with me on my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/B.J.FarmerAuthor/ While I have been slightly lousy keeping up with posting, I plan on getting better, now especially that most of the first draft of the third book is nearly finished.

My website is still in its infancy because yours truly also takes care of that, but here is the address, just in case: billyjoefarmer.com


Edited by: Jeff Ford

Cover by: Alex Saskalidis @ 187Designz

Facebook: www.facebook.com/B.J.FarmerAuthor

Website: billyjoefarmer.com

Emaiclass="underline" bill@billyjoefarmer.com

Text Copyright © 2020, B.J. Farmer