Beyond Reach

Beyond Reach
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Автор: Hurley Graham
Серия: Faraday and Winter #10
Год: 2010
Добавил: Admin 11 Фев 18
Проверил: Admin 11 Фев 18
Формат:  EPUB (409 Kb)
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A young couple are mown down in a hit and run incident. The girl is badly injured, the boy dies on the way to hospital. According to the sole witness the boy was in the middle of the road giving the approaching car the finger. Operation Melody is launched with DI Faraday at the helm. And reveals a mother driven to desperation by the attacks on her son ...and a link to a terrible crime from the early 80s that the victim does not want investigated. The investigation will rip apart a happy family but the high-ups are desperate for their 'Cold Cases' to be cleared up. Whatever the cost. And round it all circles ex-DC Paul Winter who has his own reasons for keeping the lid on an old crime.

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