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Do you believe, Billy?"

"God yes," he murmured, his chiseled lips remaining parted with the intriguing vision. "Let me touch you. Let me…taste you."

With a graceful flick of her wrists, so agile and quick the human eye couldn't follow it, Pandora sent the shimmering length of red silk behind Billy's neck to draw herself toward him with it. What an incredible sight she made, leaning her knees against the cushion between his legs to offer him her beauty, the bounty of her feminine assets. When his lips found her nipple, she closed her eyes and let her head fall back, sending her hair into a raven cascade between her arched shoulders.

The sigh that escaped Cerise brought me back to my senses. The maid had unbuttoned her short black uniform to release her own cleavage, pretending it was her breast Billy suckled-and making all the sighs and secretive noises to go with her fantasy. And while Pandora's way with men was nothing new to me, for I'd witnessed it many times over my years as the overseer of the Sisters' welfare, I now felt fear rising to override my excitement. Not only was this witchy woman stealing the lover I'd captured for myself, she was turning him into her unwitting victim-and leaving him vulnerable to her two cohorts, as well.

Indeed, as Billy's soft grunts accompanied his tasting of the black-haired beauty with the eyes of fire, Perfidia was now rising to the challenge…playing a part in a drama that spanned the centuries; another movement in this symphony the Sisters had composed when they met long ago.

"Let's get rid of these trousers," she suggested, her angular face glowing like coals of desire as she grasped Billy's waistband.

Tripplehorn's hands tightened instinctively beneath the two breasts he was laving, allowing Pandora to step aside only enough so Perfidia could unfasten him, while he continued to pleasure those soft mounds of flesh. He inhaled deeply-indeed, the entire room seemed to breathe with him, intoxicated by the intense sensuality of the situation. His hips rose as though of their own accord, and again the clothing moved almost faster than thought, until the coarse twill bunched at his ankles and the muscled male legs above them flexed with a tension we all longed to feel with our hands.

His cock sat up like a wand-or like that sword Pandora had teasingly alluded to moments ago. Her talk of the tarot eluded Billy, no doubt, but he needed no spread of her cards to spread those magnificent legs and arch upward with an erection that defied description. Tall and proud it stood, a pillar of masculine strength and a promise of indescribable delight-and Miss Pink shifted forward, her mouth rounded in a perfect O-to capture the magic of that magician's tool.

"Not yet!" Perfidia growled, snapping her fingers as though an errant puppy had strayed from her pallet. "Cerise! Your stockings!"

The maid snapped out of her trance, and, grinning with the delight of a chosen child, trotted toward the foursome. Her breasts bobbed in the opened placket of a uniform short enough to show the tops of her black stockings and a glimpse of the bare skin above them. As she leaned over to unhook the dark garter strap bisecting her thigh, I got a clear shot of her naked behind and that black triangle beneath it-until she realized Billy, as guest of honor, should be afforded that alluring view.

"Oui, Mistress Perfidia," she breathed, sliding her fingers beneath the stocking top before easing it down the length of her shapely leg. "This one's the blindfold, yes? So Master Tripplehorn must guess whose cunt is sucking the cum from him! And the other shall be his gag, so that even his screams of ecstasy will be trapped inside him until he-"

"That's quite enough of your impertinence, young lady!"

Did even the clocks stop ticking? We all held our breath as the porcelain goddess rose to her full height with a haughtiness that ruled the room. Even Billy paused to watch what might happen next, although his hands remained firmly fixed on Pandora's ribcage.

"Give me your shoe, Cerise. And assume the position for the whipping you so richly deserve."

The maid's face fell, yet she knew better than to defy Perfidia's order…and truth be told, she grabbed her ankles with the resignation of one who secretly relished the punishment about to befall her. Both her black stockings had drifted down her legs, and as she presented her bare backside to Perfidia-and, by no mere coincidence, to Billy, as well-Cerise gritted her teeth. Most likely so she wouldn't cry out with her desire for more, faster and harder.

Smack! went the sole of the leather slipper against that pale quivering moon. And then Smack! on the opposite cheek, which produced a matching pink mark that made my backside smart just to look at it.

"Have you learned your lesson, girl, or do I need to continue?"

Cerise was quivering, more from pent-up excitement than shame. She bent down even farther, until her palms pressed the floor-which of course gave Billy a full view of her muff and the opening where she hoped he'd want to stuff himself. "Perhaps another round, Mistress," she whispered, "for I'm so very, very wayward. Where would I be if you didn't constantly put me in my place?"

Smack! went the sole of that slipper again-hard enough that the maid yelped this time. And when the second slap landed so close to her kitty I mewed in vicarious pain, she began babbling her thanks in a voice that bordered on incoherence.

"That will teach you to be so presumptuous, Cerise. Now give me those stockings without any more of your sass, dammit. Go stand with your nose in that corner."

"Oui, madame," the maid murmured, humbled yet flame-faced from the attention she'd received.

No doubt in my mind she'd be sneaking peeks from her corner as the Sisters continued their seduction of Billy Tripplehorn-with her hand up her snatch, most likely. Cerise was a randy little thing known to satisfy herself on bed knobs or broomsticks or whatever presented itself as she cleaned the mansion. It seemed her lot in this life to only watch the seductions in progress, much as I did, rather than participate in them. So, despite her pert, Continental allure, she remained as sexually desperate as I. Needy, all the time.

Needy…indeed my need had filled my mind and body with a wantonness that threatened to give away my presence in the back shadows of the room. Pandora, Perfidia, and Pink knew I was there, of course, and chose to ignore me as part of their strategy with the young stud they now entertained. Billy, however, remained blissfully ignorant of their ploys and my presence-just as well, considering he would never have succumbed to having each of his legs bound to the walnut chair with the maid's silk stockings, had he known what was coming. And had he been in his everyday world.

But here in the mansion, the Sisters of Samaria performed their own acts of kindness and release, mercy or punishment, in their own good time. Here in the mansion, forces operated on a different plane and things happened that were beyond the understanding of most in Redemption. Things just…happened.

Which was how Billy Tripplehorn came to be tied to his chair, his stocky calves bound by black stockings, and then-again, with the whispering speed of a dark angel's wings-Perfidia slipped the ends of the crimson shawl over his shoulders and under his arms, to fasten at the back of the walnut chair.

He was now a helpless knight, but his sword had lost none of its cocky magic. Unless I was mistaken, he seemed to be enjoying this unexpected turn of events. He sat enthralled by three total strangers, women who pulled punches that he as a lover and aggressor had never thought of. A wonderful game, if one ever gets to play it.

But a deadly game it was, and I tightened when Pandora moved to his left and knelt to caress his bared chest, while her cohort Perfidia massaged his neck and shoulders from behind the chair. "You may take your turn now," she instructed Pink.