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He ushered me into his classroom with a bland look and then went to his desk without saying a word. Within seconds his face was buried in some papers and I was standing in the doorway with my long hair dripping in my face, feeling miserable.

I finally sat down at a desk with a big sigh, dropping my bag on the floor next to me. When it hit the ground Mr. Shaw's head snapped up.

"Is there some reason you're making such a racket over there?"

"Sorry," I muttered and leaned over to pick it up.

"What did you say?"

"I said, 'sorry' for making noise."

"Right. I see you haven't changed at all since my class last year, Eve."

"What do you mean by that?"

"You were selfish and disruptive then and I see you still are."

That comment made my blood boil. The nerve of this man. "You can't talk to me like that."

"I can and I am. Someone needs to bring you down off your pedestal. Just because you're beautiful doesn't mean you can do whatever you want whenever you want."

That was a backhanded compliment if I ever heard one. And frankly I was shocked he called me beautiful, considering he always acted like it pained him to look at me.

"You don't know me, Mr. Shaw. You don't know me at all."

He scoffed. "Please. You think you're so mysterious? So hard to figure out? Girls like you are a dime a dozen, Eve. Sure you're hot shit at seventeen, but wait until you're twenty-five or thirty-five. The world won't be falling all over itself to make you happy anymore."

Damn, he was treating me like I was some spoiled brat. I wasn't. Sure I had a good life, but I appreciated everything I had, especially my looks. I knew the power my face and my body had over people. And I enjoyed it, but never took advantage. I wanted to scream at him, tell him he was wrong about me, but it was pointless.

All I said was, "I'm eighteen, actually. Today's my birthday." I looked down at my phone, frowning, willing someone — anyone to call me and rescue me.

Mr. Shaw cleared his throat. "Eighteen, huh?"


"That explains your sulking. I bet you had some elaborate plans for the evening. Tons of gifts and people fawning all over you."

I just shrugged. Nothing I said would change his mind about me, and I didn't really care anyway. Not really.

I was so busy trying to ignore him that I didn't notice Mr. Shaw walking across the room and coming to stand in front of me.

"Well," he said, "Let me give you a birthday gift more valuable than anything else you'll get today."

I rolled my eyes and pushed my hair behind my ears, trying to look casual.

He knelt down so his face was even with mine. "No matter how gorgeous your face is, or how perky your tits are, you'll never be able to get by on your looks. There will always be people who like me don't care about how tight and pink your cunt is."

I gasped and slapped him hard across the face without thinking. His head whipped to the side and I pulled my hand back, stinging.

A cruel smile spread across Mr. Shaw's face. "I'll have you expelled for that, Eve."

"You can't. I'll tell what you said!"

He stood up and started walking away. "No one would believe you."

He was right about that. I'd never imagined such crude language could come from him. Tears welled up in my eyes but I refused to let him see me cry. I took a few deep breaths and stood too. "Since we're being so honest, here's something you should know. One day the administration will find out the truth, that you're a bully and a dickless loser."

With that I grabbed my bag and headed for the door. Freezing in the snow was better than spending another second in that room. Before I got halfway there he was behind me, pushing me against the wall with his body.

"Watch who you talk to like that, little girl. That mouth of yours is trouble and I'd be more than happy to shut it for you."

My heart pounded as he held me, my face against the cool cinderblock wall. I was too scared to move. But as he shifted I felt something unexpected that changed everything. Something thick and hard brushed across my ass. His cock. His, from what I could tell from the brief contact, really huge cock. Mr. Shaw was torturing me and it got him hard. Really hard. While my brain was in turmoil my body reacted, dripping moisture into my tiny panties and puckering my nipples. A breath that sounded way too much like a moan escaped my mouth and I clamped it shut hard enough to make my teeth ache.

I hadn't been fast enough and he'd heard. The laugh that came from him was pure evil and terrified me. But it excited me too.

Mr. Shaw's face was next to mine and his breath warmed my ear as he spoke. "I knew it. You're just a dirty slut, getting all horny whenever anyone pays you the slightest bit of attention. I bet you're hoping I'll take you right here. Flip up your little skirt and cram my dick inside you. Fuck you so hard you can't breathe. Ride you until you pass out."

His voice was so low and calm, but full of heat. My knees almost gave out as I imagined him doing everything he'd said. I could almost feel him inside me, filling me like no one else ever had or ever would. Changing me forever. And in that moment I wanted it too. Wanted him so desperately it frightened me. How could someone I hate make me feel like this?

A hand skimmed down the side of my body, grazing my breast and waist, coming to rest on the swell of my hip. "I could do it too, princess. Make you scream and cry and call me God. Fuck you so good you'd want to die. Make you my whore to use however and whenever I want. All you have to do is beg."

I let loose a series of long, jagged breaths, frozen in place, unable to move or speak. My brain was foggy from confusion and fear and desire. I finally managed to open my mouth, though I wasn't sure what was going to come out before I said it.

"Go to hell." I whispered it, the words full of everything I wanted but couldn't say. But it was enough to surprise him. He stepped back and took his hand off me, which gave me space to pull my thoughts together. I ignored my throbbing clit and soaking panties and slipped away, not looking back until I was out of reach in the doorway. Then I glanced back at him, standing with his arms crossed, a tight smirk on his face.

"You'll be back. And you will beg."

I left without another word, telling myself he was wrong. But somewhere deep inside something had changed. Had awoken. And I knew I'd never be the same.

By ten o'clock that night I'd almost forgotten about the intense encounter with Mr. Shaw. The snow had stopped and the roads were cleared. I'd had a wonderful dinner with my parents and was surrounded by my friends in our basement, enjoying beer and snacks. My dad pretended he didn't know we were drinking and we kept the noise to a dull roar.

I was dancing by myself in the middle of the room to my favorite band, the new release a birthday gift I was enjoying immensely. The rest of my dozen guests were either sprawled out on sofas and the floor, or huddled together on the patio smoking.

Feeling no pain, I decided to take things up a notch. Eve though my mind wasn't on the events of the day, my body was full of need. Chip hadn't shown up after all, so I had to find someone else to satisfy me. I scanned the room and my eyes came to rest on a boy I could have fallen in love with if he wasn't as much of a horn dog as me.

Ben Kelly was almost too pretty to be hot. His dark hair fell in curls almost to his shoulders, framing his face beautifully. His skin was so clear and pale that his dark lashes and eyes stood out almost eerily. And his mouth. So soft and kissable, almost like a girl's. I'd spent many a night kissing him when we were younger. But once high school started he discovered sex and hadn't slowed down since. We'd been friends forever but never really dated because we liked each other too much to start something one of us would certainly ruin.

But that night, with graduation so close, I decided our time had come. I wanted to know if his kiss was different, and if what I'd heard was true, that he used that lovely mouth everywhere on a girl's body.