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“Maybe,” I said, and grinned at him.

He scratched his head and said, “How come that Henderson fella, he acted like you said he would?”

“Easy. I went up and told him that you were coached to take a dive in the first round, that your manager was betting against you. He had his boys check and I guess they found out where the Wing money was riding. He never figured for you to hit him. He was trying to make the knockout look so good so it wouldn’t queer his record. He’s a straight boy, as straight as they come.”

Jeanie asked, “What will Rocky want Johnny to do?”

“Nothing,” I said, “I bought John’s contract from Rocky last night.”

They both gave me a very vacant stare and Big John said, “What was that you said? Have you got that kind of money, Mister Cooley?”

“It cost me a buck.”

His mouth dropped open. I handed him a copy of my agreement with Rocky. He went through it twice, his lips moving as he read. He looked up and said, “This here thing is dated before the fight. It says that if Rocky ever gets hold of my contract, he agrees to sell it to you for one dollar.”

“That’s right. I made him live up to it. Here’s the original of the contract.” I threw it on the table.

“But this Rocky, he had to put up a lot of money to get hold of that.”

“He put up my money, John. I mean, money that I borrowed on notes from every chump in town without telling them what I was going to use it for.”

He got very still and I heard Jeanie gasp. “But... but, if I knew that... Mister Cooley, suppose I lost that fight?” John said.

“You didn’t, did you? Henderson was sucked in by the fact that you apparently didn’t have any right hand, and your manager was setting you up for a dive.”

I picked the contract off the table and stuck it into my inside pocket. I slapped the pocket. Jeanie had fallen against him and had her face buried in his neck. Her shoulders were shaking with silent sobs. “Now I’m the manager, John, and when I need the dough, I’m going to have you get in there and take some beatings. But in the meantime you better get back into the trucking business.”

They both went with me to the door. Big John said, “Mister Cooley, you got yourself a fighter. Any time.”

Jeanie was mopping her eyes. I stood on the porch and stuck my hand out to Big John. He took a furtive look up and down the street and took my hand timidly. In a moment I left. All the way back into town I cursed and yanked the little coupe around all the corners. I was wondering what sucker trap I’d fall into next.