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Happy let his drink spill on his carpet as he reached for her fragile-looking shoulders, drawing her full, delicately pink lips up to his own. Crushing his mouth down on the soft resilient flesh, he savored her taste, adulterated as it was by his scotch. He must get her to the point before she left where he could have her without the scotch. He had never kissed a white woman, one worth tasting, anyway. He thrust his tongue up to her frozen teeth.

"Kiss me, Prudence. Kiss me hard!" he ordered sternly.

Surprisingly, the young wife did kiss him hard, opening her little mouth to receive his demanding wet tongue, giving herself up to his lips crushing warm and hard over hers in a mind-swirling embrace. It had to have been the effect of the scotch. And yet this treatment was so different from what she had expected that there might have been some mindless gratitude mixed in. Was this possibly the way to save herself and her husband? she wondered. And was there anything to be saved from? This big black man was so… so nice! Maybe it was all some kind of dream she would wake up from soon.

"What a dream you are… a wonderful dream," he whispered, nuzzling her neck and her cheeks, tasting a faint hint of the perfume that she had applied behind her ears, perhaps just before they had been taken from the train. He blew gently into her little china ears until the goosebumps prickled over her arms, visible near her wrists. Slowly, gently, he undid the buttons of her suit and her blouse and insinuated his wandering black fingers into the soft folds of material.

"Aaaarrrggghhh," she groaned as his hands found the already desire-stiffened nipples of her lush young tits. The fullness of her curvaceous little body surprised him, and he was excited beyond his previous expectations as he rapidly explored her soft pliant tits with their white creamy mounds and rosy tips and then moved his big exploring hand down over her small waist and full-blown hips.

"Aaaaahhhh," she whispered mindlessly and repeatedly into his moistly suctioning mouth which clung to hers as if to keep her prisoner as he awakened in her young body the desire to remain his prisoner, but she would not give in. She kept telling herself that she would not give in… not really. The sighs and moans she couldn't seem to help. The alcohol had fogged her brain somewhat, but not so much that she had to lose control of her desires.

But the experienced captain, feeling her desire growing, pushed her back supine on the fancy silk couch cushions, raising above her as he unbuckled his belt. With a swift, practiced movement, he pushed his neatly pressed fatigues and undershorts to below his knees. As he did, his lust-heated black cock sprang up like a demon out of the earth or a serpent out of the river, hard and full, and frightening to the poor astounded ambassador's new wife!

"Oh, no," she gasped, aghast at the massive black nakedness of her captor's huge cock. Suddenly, through the haze of alcohol, she realized that this whole experience was for real, that it was actually happening, that she had been kidnapped and was now being raped. She put her hands up in self-protection, and he could see that she was just getting ready to scream her head off.

"Your husband would be very angry if you endangered his life for a little modesty," the big man smiled as kindly as he could white still getting his point across. "If you want to push me into being cruel, you can do that!"

"Oh, no!" the girl answered to that, too. God, it was terrifying to be alone in a room with a man who had taken her prisoner and was now hovering half-nakedly exposed over her on a couch, his big black cock hanging out and threatening her like a billy-club. Yet, it could be much more terrifying than this, she knew. She wasn't quite ready for such treatment, but how does one get ready to be kidnapped? But she wasn't ready for a big thick cock like this, either… a huge, blood-stiffened cock that she was sure he wanted to stuff in between her trembling, slightly tingling thighs, even though… even though… she felt a trace of hunger! How unbelievable! She was just married to Douglas! How could she possibly feel any hunger for another man, never mind a kidnapper! It had to be the effect of the scotch! Oh, how she wished she had not drunk it! Yet, what else could she have done? Surely her behavior was entirely understandable! And this man fascinated her. It would be very wise of her, very valuable to her country, to get to know him…

Yet it was all happening too fast for her no matter what she thought. She tried to get up, but Captain Happy anticipated her and lunged down on top of her, kissing her passionately on her tender, open mouth. And then, rationalizing incoherently to herself, Prudence collapsed under his sensuously arousing kisses and gave in completely as he crooned into her golden fleecy hair: "Oh, Prudence, baby, you're so gooooodddd!"

She could feel his lust-swollen cock stirring impatiently against her still covered belly, and his big insistent fingers were rapidly undressing her. Of what was she prisoner, she wondered groggily, still looking for excuses for her growing desires. She could not believe she wanted this man in any way! It was the strangest phenomenon! She had felt stirrings for men before she was married, and she always wanted Doug when he wanted her, but what excuse was there to want this big black kidnapper to touch her? Especially in those places! Was she a prisoner of alcohol? Of a wanton personality? Or was her body simply a prisoner of her own unconscious wisdom? This man had the power to hurt her, to hurt Doug, to kill… kill both of them!

While the Head of State kissed her deeply and urgently, his hands tugged expertly at her blouse and with it off at last, opened the snaps of her dainty little brassiere. Then moving around again to her front, he sank his fingers into the warm swelling white mounds of her tender tits, kneading the rosy tips between his fingers and sensing maddening strikes of electricity surging from her naked tits down to her aching loins. On Mt. Kilimanjaro was snow no whiter than these!

The shocked young prisoner, so sadly deficient in her knowledge of the flesh, wanted to scream with a rapture of which she was deeply ashamed! Her hotly seeping cunt was pulsing with desire and she lifted up her ass in an unconscious invitation for him to slip off her pantyhose and the little lace panties that Douglas had given her as his first gift as her husband. She had accepted the panties so modestly and blushingly from her husband and was accepting the advances of this stranger without fighting him off! But she couldn't fight him, she rationalized. He would surely harm Doug!

As he removed the last vestiges of her clothing, she thought of the door and the possibility that someone might bring Douglas in. God, it would kill him, she thought, thinking how she would feel if she was marched in while some woman was taking advantage of him!

"The… the door!" she managed to blurt out between the big man's urgent kisses.

"Don't worry," he assured her. "No one walks in on the Head of State!" And his hands encompassed the firm white mounds of her snowy tits, taunting the rosy tips with his thumb and forefinger, taking the softly throbbing nipples and rolling them with slow deliberation.

"Ooooohhhhhh," the young blond moaned, feeling herself melting under the good-looking captor's intimate manipulations. She saw how pale she was in his black hands and a strange thrill spun like a run-away top inexplicably up her spine. How naughty she felt and shivered! The triangle of gold, fleecy, curling pubic hair between her open legs was moist already and longing for the massive black cock which dug throbbingly into the soft white flesh of her young stomach. There was a growing fire in her loins which needed to be assuaged, and she reached for the man's blood-swollen prick in order to guide it to her hungering cuntal hole just as she would instinctively guide her swollen nipple into the mouth of a crying, hungry babe!