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“I’m sorry about all of that, but it was necessary. I needed you out of the way and I didn’t want Washington to send a bunch yahoos out here looking around. Instead of just killing you, I made you disappear. Rather nice of me don’t you think?”

“Absolutely. You’re a considerate kind of guy.”

“Have you met Dr. Gimbel yet? Doctor Gimbel, meet the ghost of Raymond Eller.”

“We’ve met once before,” Gimbel replied.

“Ah, well. Now,” Devin said standing up, “I see we are only one minute from firing. If you don’t mind, start the final sequence Dr. Gimbel.”

“No general. I will not wipe out the entire Pentagon just so you can prove a point. You are crazy. Crazy. You have lost touch with reality.”

“You shouldn’t say things like that after all we have been through. Now I’ll have to do it myself.”

“You can’t. Only I know the code to fire the BlackStar. Anything else entered will cause it to self-destruct,” Gimbel said.

“Poor misguided Dr. Gimbel. Do you really think I would let you be the only person who could fire the BlackStar? I have known your password for months. Yes, I know about the embedded worm you put in to destroy the programming. You scientists think you're so much smarter than everyone else. I had camera surveillance on you constantly. Day and night.

I saw you enter the code, so you are of no real value any longer doctor. The .45 roared and flame shot out the end. Gimbel flew back and landed with a thud on the hard floor, starring into death’s face. The general glanced at the wall clock and walked to the control panel. He pushed in the digits of Gimbel’s code and placed his hand over the fire button. In ten seconds everyone inside the Pentagon would be dead and he would be the only one in the world who knew how. Then he would notify the President that he was in charge and would make the military decisions from this point on.

Five seconds to go. He watched as the sweep hand raced toward the twelve on the clock. Raymond was faint from the arm wound and his adrenalin was used up but he knew he had to reach the gun to stop Devin. The last thing he heard was a shot ringing out. Devin must have shot him, was the thought that flashed across his mind as everything went dark.



Devin’s eyes were fixed on the clock, willing it to go faster. He placed his palm on the button, ready to wipe out all of those bureaucratic bastards. He had waited, stuck out here in the middle of nowhere. Well, he may be gone from the eyes of the Washington elite but all that was about to change. In just seconds he would become the most talked about person in history.

He would be able to wipe out entire countries with just the push of a button. Cesar, Napoleon, Hitler, and all the rest of the pretenders combined, did not possess the power at his command. His name would be written in every history book from now until the end of time.

Singlehandedly he could solve the world's food and oil shortages. Kill a few million people to end the food problem, eradicate a few Arabs that had the oil and the world's energy problems would be resolved.

He was visualizing his picture spread across billions of televisions as he educated them regarding the new era that he was making possible. Some would resist at first. That was to be expected. In the end, though, they would see that he was right. He could make the world safer.

He caught movement out of his peripheral vision. That damned Eller just wouldn’t give up. He would make sure he never interfered again. He spun around and aimed the Colt at Eller’s head. Never have bumbling morons do a job that you want done right.

“I am sick of you Mr. Eller. It is time we parted company,” he said and started to pull the trigger.

The shot rang out and Devin stumbled back. He looked down at his chest. A red stain was starting to spread across his clean, starched shirt. He looked back up with a puzzled expression.

Eller was lying face down. He looked at his chest again, uncomprehending. Something was wrong, but nothing made sense to him. If Eller is dead, why was he bleeding? This couldn’t be happening, not now. He had more to do. This wasn’t right. How could he be robbed of his glory at a time like this?

He shifted his vision and saw the guard holding his Glock out in front of him.

“What the hell did you do that for? I’m General Devin. You are under my command. You can’t shoot me,” he said, trying to raise his gun but it dropped out of his hand.

He turned to press the button and a second shot caught Devin in the knee and he crashed to the floor.

“Wrong,” the guard said, and dropped the gun.


When Raymond woke up he figured he must already be dead. Everything had gone from pitch black to bright white. He tried to move but didn’t have the strength. It was hard to swallow and he could feel something around his nose and mouth. Part of a face suddenly appeared above him. He could see the mouth moving but couldn’t understand the words. Just as suddenly it disappeared.

It was strange. Lights seemed to be passing by overhead and sounds were taking place all around him but they didn’t mean anything him. He closed his eyes and when he opened them a new face was just inches from his. All he could see were two eyes, and part of a nose that was covered with something that was white. It took him a second to realize they were talking to him. He could just make out what they were saying.

“Mr. Eller. I know you can’t talk. You have a tube down your throat. It has been helping you breath. We are going to remove it in just a minute. You will feel a little discomfort but once it’s out you will feel a lot better.”

The face disappeared only to be replaced by a different one.

“Here we go. Just relax,” the voice said.

He could feel something going up the back of his throat and he felt like gagging but just as suddenly, the feeling was gone and he felt much better.

“Don’t try to talk just yet. Your throat will be very dry and will hurt a little. Just rest for a few minutes and then we will get you something to drink.”

He closed his eyes and let his mind go blank. He obviously wasn’t dead so what had happened? He tried to keep thoughts from forming but they kept pushing forward from his subconscious.

What about the guy who had been with him? Was he dead? He saw Gimbel get shot but what about Devin? Did he fire the weapon? Did he get away with it? Where was Lynn? Was she safe? He had so many unanswered questions but before any of them could be answered, he slipped into a deep sleep.


“Raymond, welcome back to the land of the living,” a voice off to his right said. He turned his head and saw the man from the Strike-1 team standing there.

“You made it,” Eller said in a hoarse voice.

“Just like you. Evidently we’re both too ornery to die,” he said.

“Glad to see you. I thought you were a goner,” Raymond said, trying to smile.

“He just got off a lucky shot. I’ll be fine. Besides, I get paid to get shot; you were just along for the fun of it. Anyway, how are you feeling?”

“I’ve been better, and not to hurt your feelings, but I’ve had better times before, believe it or not” he said.

“I have to say, you look like crap.”

“You’re the second person to tell me that lately. I gotta start hanging out with a different crowd.”

“Hopefully one that won’t try to get you killed. By the way, my name is Captain Thomas Miller. Nice to meet you Raymond.”

“Thank you Thomas. You saved my butt. Devin would have killed me.”

“It wasn’t me. The guard shot him.”

“Guard? What guard?” Raymond asked.

“The one lying next to you on the floor with two bullet holes in him. Devin had shot him and he figured it was time to get a little revenge so he returned the favor,” Miller explained.