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Lewin, Major T.H. A Manual of Tibetan. Being a Guide to the Colloquial Speech of Tibet, in a Series of Progressive Exercises. (Calcutta)

Oldenberg, Hermann. The Dipavamsa. An Ancient Buddhist Historical Record. (Ed. and trans.) (London and Edinburgh)

Oldenberg, Hermann. Vinaya Pitakam. 5 vols. (1879-83) vol. 1: Mahavagga.


Bendall, Cecil.''The Megha-Sutra.''

Bushell, Stephen W. ''The Early History of Tibet from Chinese Sources.''

Davids, T.W. Rhys. Buddhist Birth Stories, or Jataka Tales. Jatakatthavannana. (London) (from the Pali)

**Edkins, Reverend Joseph. Chinese Buddhism. A volume of sketches, historical, descriptive, and critical. (London)

Leclere, Adhemard. Les livres sacres du Cambodge. Pt. I: La vie du Bouddha.-La vie de Devadatta. (RHR1880-1922)

Muller, Friedrich Max. ''Chinese Translations of Sanskrit Texts.'' (The Academy; IA)

Muller, Friedrich Max. ''Division of the Buddhist Scriptures.''

Muller, Friedrich Max. ''Sanskrit Texts Discovered in Japan.''

Oldenberg, Hermann. The Vinaya Pitakam, vol 2. The Cullavagga. (London and Edinburgh)

Pischel, Richard. The Assalayanasuttam. (London)

Schiefner, Anton von. ''Uber das Bonpo-Sutra, 'Das weisse Naga-Hundert-Tausend.'' (St. Petersburg)

Tawney, C.H. Katha Sarit Sagara, or Ocean of the Streams of Story. (Calcutta, 1880-4)

Trenckner, V. The Milindapanho. (London)


Beal, Reverend Samuel. ''The Chong-Lun or Pranyamula-Sastra-Tika of Nagarjuna.''

Davids, T.W. Rhys. Buddhist Suttas. [various] (Translated from the Pali)

Davids, T.W. Rhys. Vinaya Texts (1881-5) (From the Pali)

Fauboll, Michael Viggo. The Sutta-Nipata. (From Pali) (SBE X:2)

Gray, James. The Dhammapada. (from Pali)

Muller, Friedrich Max. Buddhist Texts from Japan. I. Vajracchedika. (Oxford)

Muller, Friedrich Max. The Dhammapada. (From the Pali)

Muller, Friedrich Max. ''Sanskrit MSS. in Corea.''

Yamata. O-mi-to-king, ou Soukhavati-vyouha-soutra. D'apres la version chinoise de Koumarajiva, tr. du chinois. (AMG)


Beal, Reverend Samuel. ''The Buddhist Councils held at Rajagriha and Vesali.'' (From Chinese)

Cowell, E.B. The Sarva-darshana-samgraha, or Review of the Different Systems of Hindu Philosophy, by Madhava Acharya.

Jacobi, Hermann. The Araramga Sutta of the Gvetambara Jains. (London) (PTS)

Morris, Rev. Richard. The Buddhavamsa and the Cariya-Pitaka. (London)

Schiefner, Anton von. Tibetan Tales derived from Indian Sources. Tr. from the Tibetan of the Kah-gyur… (From German) (London)

Senart, Emile. Le Mahavastu. Texte sanscrit publ. pour la premiere fois… (Paris)


Feer, Henri Leon. Les Trente-deux Recits du Trone (Batris-sinhasan) ou les merveilleux exploits de Vikramaditya. Tr. du Bengali. (Paris) [The 32 accounts of the Throne…]

Feer, Henri Leon. Fragments extraits du Kanjour. Tr. du Tibetain.

Fuhrer, Alois Anton. ''Manusaradhammasattham, the Only One Existing Buddhist Law Book, compared with the Brahmanical Manavadharmasastram.'' (JBBRAS)

Morris, Rev. Richard. The Puggala-Pannatti. (London)

Muller (-Hess), Eduard. ''Khudda-Sikkha and Mula-Sikkha.'' (JPTS)

Muller, Friedrich Max, and Bunyiu Nanjio, eds. Sukhavati-vyuha.

*Rockhill, William Woodville. Udanavarga. A collection of verses from the Buddhist canon. (From Tibetan) (London)


Apte, Vaman Shivram. The Student's English-Sanskrit Dictionary.

Beal, Reverend Samuel. Si-yu-ki. Buddhist Records of the Western World. (From Chinese of Hiuen-Tsiang)

Coppleston, Reginald Stephen (Bishop of Colombo). Translation from the Pali of Jatakas 41-50.

Davids, T.W. Rhys. ''Abhidhammattha-Sangaha.''

Davids, T.W. Rhys. ''The Dhata Vamsa.''

Feer, Henri Leon. ''Pancagati-dipanam.'' (JPTS)

Feer, Henri Leon. The Samyutta-Nikaya of the Sutta-Pitaka. (London) 1884-98.

Foucaux, P.E. Le Lalita Vistara. Developpement des Jeux, contenant l'histoire de Bouddha Cakya-Mouni; depuis sa naissance jusq'a sa predication. (From Sanskrit) (Paris)

Francis, Henry Thomas. ''The Vedabbha Jataka''. Tr. from the Pali and compared with 'The Pardoner's Tale'.

Goonaratne, Edmund Rowland. ''The Telekatahagatha.'' (JPTS)

Jacobi, Hermann. Jaina Sutras. (Oxford) (from Prakrit)

Kern, Jan Hendrik Caspar. The Saddharmapundarika, or The Lotus of the True Law. (Oxford)

Milloue, Leon de. ''Le Dathavanca, ou Histoire de la dent-relique du Buddha Gotama. Poeme epique Pali de Dhammakitti.'' (AMG)

Muller, Friedrich Max. The Ancient Palm-Leaves. Containing the Prajna-Paramita-Hridaya-Sutra and the Ushnisha-Vijaya-Dharani. Palmas, J. The Vedabbha Jataka. (From Pali) (Cambridge)

*Rockhill, William Woodville. The Life of the Buddha and the Early History of his Order. Derived from Tibetan works in the bKah-hgyur and bsTan-hgyur [with] the early history of Tibet and Khotan. (London)

*Rockhill, William Woodville. ''Pratimoksha Sutra, ou le traite d'emancipation selon la version tibetaine avec notes et extraits du Dulva (Vinaya).'' (RHR)

*Rockhill, William Woodville. ''The Tibetan 'Hundred Thousand Songs' of Milaraspa, a Buddhist Missionary of the Eleventh Century.'' (JAOS)

Wijesinha, Louis Corneille. ''Episodes from the Mahavansa.''


Beal, Reverend Samuel. ''On the Age and Writings of Nagarjuna Bodhisattva.'' (From Chinese)

*Das, Sarat Chandra. Narrative of travels in Tibet. (Calcutta)

Davids, T.W. Rhys. ''King Wagani's Dhammasattha.''

Feer, Henri Leon. ''Tirthikas et Bouddhistes. Polemique entre Nigantha et Gautama.''

Forchhammer, Emile. King Wagani's Dhammasattha. (Rangoon)

Hardy, Edmund and Rev. Richard Morris. The Anguttara-Nikaya. (1885-1910) (London)

*Huc, Evariste-Regis and Joseph Gabet. Wanderungen durch die Mongolei nach Tibet zur Hauptstadt des Tale Lama.

Kawawara, Kenjiu. The Dharma-Samgraha. An ancient collection of Buddhist technical terms.(Oxford)

Levi, Sylvain. ''La Brihatkathamanjari de Kshemendra.'' (JA)

Minayeff, Ivan Pavlovitch. ''The Cha-Kesa-Dhatu-Vamsa.'' (JPTS)

Minayeff, Ivan Pavlovitch. ''The Sandesa-Katha.'' (JPTS)

Muller (-Hess), Eduard. The Dhammasangani. (London)

Panabokke, T.B. ''Translation of the Jatakas Ekanipata-Asimsavagga.''

*Rockhill, William Woodville. ''Translation of Two Brief Buddhist Sutras from the Tibetan.'' (JAOS)

*Rockhill, William Woodville. ''The Tale-lamas.'' (JNCB)

Silva, Lewis da. ''Le bonheur du Nirvana. Extrait du Milindapprashnaya, ou, Miroir des doctrines sacrees, tr. du Pali.'' (RHR)

Steinthal, Paul. Udanam. (London) (PTS)


Carpenter, J.E. ''The Most Virtuous King. A Buddhist Birth Story.''

Cowell, E.B. The Divyavadana. (From Hodgson's. Nepalese MSS.)