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“It’s dirty and hard and cold all right,” I said, being purposely casual. “But that needn’t scare you—”

“You weren’t kidding about the girls who’ve disappeared?” she broke in. “I mean you really are going to try and find them?”

“Sure, but that’s nothing to do with the town. Girls disappear in any town. Why have you suddenly thought about them?”

“I don’t know. Oh, I guess I’m tired. I’ll be all right in the morning.”

While she was speaking the cab drew up outside the hotel. “That’s the idea,” I said, helping her out. “Now you get off to bed.”

I paid the driver and followed her up the steps and across the verandah.

Two dim figures sat in rocking chairs on the verandah. I saw them glance in my direction, but I thought nothing of it. I strolled across the lobby to the desk.

“Good evening,” the clerk said, looking at Marian and then at me. His sallow face showed his disapproval. “Two gentlemen are waiting to see you.”

“Waiting to see me?” I repeated.

He nodded. “They’re out on the verandah.”

“Thanks,” I said, and turned to Marian, who was watching me with a worried look in her eyes. “You go on up and get some sleep,” I said. “It’s been a swell evening.”

“Thanks a lot,” she said. “I enjoyed it too.” She hesitated, then turned to the stairs.

I called “Good night” after her and then turned back to the clerk. “Who are these fellows?” I asked, lighting a cigarette and giving him a hard look.

“One of them is Mr. McArthur,” he returned indifferently. “I didn’t see the other one.”

McArthur! That could only mean one thing. He had thought over what I had said, given his wife the slip and was ready to talk. “Okay,” I said, “I’ll see them,” and I walked out onto the verandah.

McArthur peered at me and got hastily to his feet. “Mr. Spewack?” he said cautiously. “Yes, I see it is. Mr. Spewack, I want to apologize.”

“Forget it,” I said, hooking one of the rocking chairs towards me with my foot. “If you want my help you can have it.”

The other figure stood up and came into the light. He was young, slight and a few inches shorter than me. His suit was well cut but worn carelessly. His necktie had worked round until it was nearly natter-his right ear.

“This is Ted Esslinger,” McArthur said in a low voice. “I’ve talked things user with him and we’ve decided to see you.”

“You Max Esslinger’s son?” I said, looking at him with sudden interest.

“I am,” he said, offering his hand.

I stared at him. He had a fine head. His black wavy hair was taken straight back and his face was pale, sensitive and pleasant.

I shook hands rather blankly and looked at McArthur for a lead.

But it was Ted Esslinger who took charge. “Mr. Spewack,” he said, keeping his voice down, “you can appreciate I’m in an embarrassing position. Is there any place we can go where we can talk without interruption?”

I remembered the man in the room next to mine and shook my head. “Not in my room,” I said. “Suggest some place and I’ll come with you.”

Ted looked at McArthur and then shrugged. “I’ve got my car,” he said. “We can talk as I drive.”

“That suits me,” I said, and followed him down the steps of the hotel.

We crossed the street to where a Pontiac convertible stood in the shadows. Ted opened the door and slid under the steering wheel.

I glanced back over my shoulder at the hotel. The blinds of all the windows were drawn, except one on the third floor. I could see the outline of a man standing looking down into the street. He was framed in the window, and as I looked up at him he jerked back out of sight. I noticed three things. He was looking from a window that was next to mine. He wore a slouch hat and he had very wide shoulders.

I climbed into the Pontiac and slammed the door.

As we drove away from the hotel I felt suddenly spooked. But I kept it to myself.

Outside the city’s limits Ted Esslinger slowed down and pulled over to the shoulder of the road. He parked tinder trees and, relaxing down in his seat, said: “We’re all right here.”

None of us had spoken during the drive out of town.

MacArthur, sitting in the rear seat, leaned forward and began to breathe heavily down the back of my neck. I could tell by his restless movements that he was worried and jumpy.

I lit a cigarette, flipped the match out of the open window and waited. There was a long pause and I shot a side-look at Esslinger. He was staring into the darkness of the trees. In the moonlight he looked young. He couldn’t have been more than twenty-three, and I could see he was also a little jumpy.

“You’re our only hope,” he said suddenly in a low voice. “That’s why we’ve come to you.”

I didn’t say anything.

He looked back over his shoulder at McArthur. “You’re not to tell anyone about this, Mac,” he went on. “Father would be furious if he knew that I...”

McArthur wheezed excitedly. “You go ahead,” he broke in. “I’m not saying anything.”

I let them frighten each other. I wasn’t going to make it easy for them. They had come to me and it was up to them to put their cards on the table.

Ted Esslinger turned his head so he could look at me. “I want you to know I’m not taking sides in this business,” he said, his hands fiddling with the steering wheel. “You may be working for Wolf against my father, but I can’t help that. I’m sure if anyone can find these girls you can, and that’s all I’m interested in.”

“What makes it so important to you?” I asked, looking at him inquiringly.

“Luce was a pal of mine. I went to school with Vera. Joy and I kept a regular date each week. I knew them well and I liked them. They were good kids.” He drew a deep breath, then blurted out: “At the rate we’re going now, they never will be found.”

I grunted. “So they were your pals?” I said, underlying ‘pals’.

His face tightened. “I know what you’re thinking,” he said, half in anger, “but there was nothing like that. They were decent girls. Just ordinary kids who liked a good time. I and the rest of the-boys in Cranville kicked around with them, but nothing else.”

I looked back at McArthur. His skinny, yellow face showed his misery. “He’s right, mister,” he said. “There was nothing wrong with the girls.”

“Okay, okay,” I said, shrugging. “What makes you think they’ll never be found?”

Esslinger’s knuckles showed white as his grip tightened on the steering wheel. “It’s a political set-up.” There was bitterness in his voice. “No one cares a damn what’s happened to them. The police aren’t doing anything. As long as no one finds these kids, Macey’s sitting pretty. The election is in the bag, anyway. Starkey’s planning to strong-arm the voters. His gang will control the polls. It’s easy enough. All they have to do—”

“I know,” I broke in; “don’t let’s waste time. I’m tired. What do you want me to do?”

“But I want you to understand the set-up,” he protested. “You see, if these girls aren’t found, it won’t make any difference to Starkey, but it will to Wolf and my father. They’ve guaranteed to find the girls. It’s in Macey’s interests now for them not to be found.”

“Can you believe people could be so wicked?” McArthur said, punching the back of my seat.

“So the police aren’t working on the case?” I said, jerking my hat lower over my eyes. “How about the investigator your father’s hired?”

Ted made an impatient movement with his hands. “Audrey? I can’t think what father’s doing. He’s crazy to expect Audrey Sheridan to do anything. She’s a good kid. I’ve known her all my life, but against Macey and Starkey she’s helpless. Besides, she’s never had any experience of this kind of thing.”