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An invisible barrier kept the outside world at bay while Philippe Laroque acted out his ultimate plan of revenge.

Tobias plowed into the energy blockade, sending a ripple through the air. Bo shifted back to his mortal form and looked at Jade, who stood staring wide eyed at her father.

Solaris grabbed Julianna and Bridget’s hands, racing over to Nicolette’s grave. Emerald stood at the front of the crowd, staring at Tobias as he recovered from his impact with the magickal shield Laroque had constructed.

The three women began to chant, calling on the spirit of Nicolette Strigoi.

“Spirit gone beyond the veil, aid us now, we must not fail.

Break this magick wall of ire, in perfect love, we all conspire.

Let love break this evil spell, and save your child, we must compel.”

The chanting grew in intensity. The townspeople joined, aiding in the spell’s power.

Mick stood beside Jade as they all watched in horror as Laroque drained Raven of her blood.

“Spirit gone beyond the veil, aid us now, we must not fail.

Break this magick wall of ire, in perfect love, we all conspire.

Let love break this evil spell, and save your child, we must compel.”

Again, they pleaded to Nicolette.

Emerald quickly made her way over to where Solaris and the others stood watching the drama unfold.

No!” Bo cried, racing to the perimeter of the impenetrable circle. He clawed at it in desperation, determined to break through. His soul was shattered. He looked down at his blood soaked shirt, which gave him the appearance of truly dying of a broken heart.

“Raven! Mitawa!”

Laroque nicked the skin on his wrist and placed it to Raven’s mouth. His eyes met Tobias’s as he gave him a bloody smile. It seemed to say, I win.

Like a hungry babe, she drank.

Jade stormed over to where progenitor and progeny stood, her eyes glazed. The shield dissolved.

Mick rushed to her side.

“Stop,” Jade said, only it was Nicolette’s voice. “Philippe, you must stop this madness. Tobias is not to blame.”

It was too late.

Laroque stared at his daughter, “Nicki…” he whispered.

“It was Frank Dubois. He killed me, not Tobias. I tried to tell you, but your anger kept you from hearing me-from hearing the truth.”

Bo crawled to Raven and took her into his arms. “Oh, my love…I’m so sorry.” He sobbed as he held her, her body limp, blood dripping from her lips.

“Tobias!” Nicolette called from Jade’s mouth.

Bo watched as Tobias loomed inches away from Laroque, his sights locked on Jade. His fangs were fully extended and ready to sink into the man’s neck to avenge his daughter’s attack. His eyes were now red with the call of death. His body appeared rigid.

Nicolette’s spirit lamented. “This hatred has to end. Don’t, my love-don’t take Jade’s father from her, please.”

His anger was palpable. “What of your other daughter?”

She whispered only for him. “Do you trust me, love?”

Tobias pleaded for an answer. “H-how did this happen? I don’t understand.”

“I love you, Tobias. I’ll always love you.”

Meu dragoste…”

Before collapsing into Mick’s arms, Jade struggled to speak. “Get Raven to the hospital.”

Philippe Laroque rode the mists off the island, followed by Henri.

“Emerald, go with them. I’ll meet you all there,” Tobias ordered before he disappeared.

“She’s still with us,” Bo murmured, carrying Raven to his car. “I feel her heart beating.”

They piled into the car left by Jade’s father. The keys were still in the ignition. Mick drove while Bo held Raven’s nearly lifeless body in the backseat, whispering words of his never-ending love for her, pleading for her not to leave him, promising he would follow wherever she went. Even to death’s door.

Chapter Twenty-seven

Tobias traveled the mists, following the blood scent of Henri Rioux. It brought the three of them to Hannah’s Vineyard, to Laroque’s home. Henri held his hand on the spot where Bo had ripped a chunk of flesh. It was healing quickly. Laroque opened the sliding glass doors and walked in to face Tobias.

With fisted hands, he declared, “If my daughter dies, you die. I don’t care what Nicki asked of me. Do you understand, Philippe?” His voice echoed through the house.

Henri came at Tobias from the side, his fangs exposed. The ancient one simply flicked his hand as if swatting a fly. Henri flew across the room and crashed into the wall.

Laroque stood there, his whole body slumped in despair.

Tobias seethed with untamable ferocity. “I see your friend here changed you so you could have the pleasure of killing my daughter-who, by the way, saved your miserable ass,” he raged.

Laroque’s voice was low. “She saved my ass for Jade’s sake. She knew what she’d done to Jade and had to make it up to her somehow.” He paused a moment. “I simply was the one to benefit from her guilt.”

Tobias’s chest heaved with angry breaths. “You better pray she doesn’t die.”

Laroque nodded. “I do.”

“Lucky for you, your daughter takes after her mother.”

Laroque was silent for a moment. Tobias attempted to quiet the madness screaming inside his head for revenge.

“Tobias, is it true that Frank killed Nicki?”

“Yes.” Tobias ran his hand through his hair. “He was in love with her since they were both young, but he managed to hide that fact-and his talents as a sorcerer-from everyone.”

“How do you know?” Laroque asked.

Tobias’s voice was hollow. “Because I killed him, with your daughter’s help-Jade found out and confronted him. We both saw Nicolette’s murder through the blood memory of Frank Dubois-what really transpired. She and I both killed him. Now I know the truth, and so do you.”

Laroque was still. He embraced his fate. “Kill me, then, if you must. I am suddenly very tired of this existence.”

Tobias narrowed his gaze at the bokur. “I’d like nothing more than to oblige you.”

“Then do it.”

“Sorry to have to inform you of this, but you’ll probably be around for a long time now that you’re Lamai. That is, as long as Raven stays alive,” Tobias threatened. “Perhaps that’s punishment enough.”

The ER attendants wheeled Raven into a private room and hooked her up immediately to heart monitors, as well as a pulse oximeter, sphygmomanometer and IVs. It was a whirlwind of activity. Bo never left her side.

Her heartbeat remained regular-for a Lamai, anyway.

Tracy entered the room with tears flowing down her face.

“What the hell happened?” she cried.

“Laroque,” Bo said with a sigh as he clutched Raven’s hand.

“Dr. Odin will be here in a minute. He wants a full blood work-up done on Raven.” Tracy checked her pulse. Bianca and Gary Davis soon joined them. “Get her some O negative.”

“I can’t believe this is happening. She’s still alive, though, so that’s good news,” Bianca said, full of hope.

Davis ’s face was pasty white. “Yeah, I thought… W-well…I’d heard that if she was t-turned-sh-she’d…”

Bo was lost in thoughts of Raven. He caressed Raven’s arm and brushed his fingertips across the porcelain planes of her face. The color had drained from her cheeks, and she appeared as Bo had always known her.

Raven moaned and fidgeted in the bed where she lay. Ian Odin came storming through the doors with Maureen, the on-duty nurse, at his side. He was a white cloud of fury as he snarled out orders.

“I want the works. A full blood panel-full-soup to nuts,” the white-haired doctor demanded.