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After several minutes passed, Billy eased his cock gently from her cunt Janice felt hot streaks of juice dribbling down her inner thighs. She was soaked, frothing with hot fuck oil. It was a weird feeling, one she never had before this. Even during the first time she fucked with Billy, she hadn't turned on quite this mouth.

"I'm gonna try something… something real kinky," Billy said, pulling his cock all the way put.

Janice moaned, collapsing completely on the rug and writhing against the stiff material. It was awful, that terrible feeling of emptiness in her pussy. Her cuntal muscles relaxed, opening her hole, then snapping it shut in frustration with an accompanying woosh of air. She moved her thighs sensuously over the carpeting, wanting Billy inside her, wanting his dick trenching out her soft, swampy fuck hole, wanting to feel his hairy balls slapping against her buttocks.

"What… where are you going?" she asked weakly.

Janice pushed herself partially up from the floor and looked around. Billy was crouched down, searching the floor and various overturned boxes for something.

"Gotta have some of it around here. Can't be empty," he muttered.

Janice soon found out what he was looking for. In one box the young man found several pieces of quarter-inch line. He was going to tie her up! The thought of being held captive by the young man excited Janice even more. Her nostrils flared as she saw the heavy-cocked youth coming toward her with those pieces of rope hanging from one hand.

"Oh, are you going to… tie me up?" she asked, breathing hard.

"Think you're gonna dig it," he whispered, flicking his tongue in one ear.

Janice had read about such things in books she'd found in her mother's house just before she left. At times the girl wondered if her mother had practiced some of those strange positions she'd seen in the pictures.

They looked so awfully odd all those ropes, gags, leather devices that appeared to hurt the model. But yet they were all having such a good time or so it seemed. Pleasure and pain. The girl hadn't given much thought to it since she'd come to live with her maiden aunt. But now, watching Billy working away with those ropes, Janice thought back to those photos and books in the old house and wondered how much fun and pleasure she was going to derive from this new act.

"Give me your hands…"

Billy rolled her over, taking both hands and wrapping one piece of rope around bet wrists, tying a bowline knot and slipping it tightly against her hands.


"Too tight?" he asked, searching her face.

"No, no," Janice whimpered, feeling so strange as the rough hemp chafed her flesh. It hurt, and yet at the same time sent a shiver of goodness all through her body.

Billy finished with the knots, then reached back and picked up a longer piece of rope. He had her on her right side now, helpless as baby as he bent her knees all the way back.

"Oh, yes, yes…"

Janice felt so odd, so strangely old now. How quickly she'd become used to fucking, wanting it so desperately, willing to go this far as long as Billy brought satisfaction to her pussy! Only yesterday she was a virgin, protecting her precious cherry, afraid the sky would fall in if she were to lose it before marriage. And now she was stark naked, bawling like a cat in heat, hunching into the air, wanting this stranger to fuck her, letting him tie her up so he could do what he wanted to her. The thought drove her near mad with ecstasy.

Billy muttered something, pulling her wrists and ankles together. First he bound her ankles to one another with two figure eights. Then quickly he took the final piece of line and hitched two square knots that held her wrists tightly to her ankles.

Janice felt completely peeled open, totally exposed to the young man. It was exciting. She couldn't possibly close her knees or roll away. Billy stood back, admiring his handiwork, then moved forward again, edging between her opened thighs. Janice fluttered her eyelids, feeling a rush of intensely hot sensations burning her clit. Juice seeped down into her butt crack, burning into her asshole. Yes, it was deliciously wonderful to be tied up like this, bound helpless while a man did what he wanted.

"Oh, this feels so… so crazy. I… I've never been tied up before," Janice said, almost laughing at her words. Of course she'd never been tied up before! How could she have indulged in something this kinky before when Billy had just popped her cherry this afternoon? But she had to say something, do something while her pussy throbbed achingly.

Billy smiled, then dropped his head and kissed one knee, slowly licking the tip of his tongue down her inner thigh toward her pussy. Janice sucked in a deep breath and held it, feeling his lips and tongue sliding down toward her pussy. Qh, if he would only touch it with his mouth, drive his tongue into her hole. She closed her eyes and felt her chest tighten even more while she imagined what that sensation would be like.

But the young man was enjoying his toying with her. Just before his hips touched her cunt, Billy moved his head back up and started tonguing the other knee and thigh. Janice was going, wild. He was purposely avoiding her pussy, making her struggle uselessly against the ropes as she tried to work something against her pussy. Oh, she needed friction, the feel of a hard object against her cunt and pussy walls!

"Huhhhrrr… Huhhhrrrrr!" the young woman growled like a frenzied animal. She sucked in a ragged breath. Billy stopped for a moment, then fell between her legs and pushed the underside of his dick into her slit.

Janice thought she'd died and gone to heaven. Her juices soaked his dick and balls. The girl twisted and bucked, her muscles cramping from the spread-back position. But the girl loved the hurt. Billy moved again, letting his heavy-hanging balls drop back against her buttocks.

The blonde teen whimpered with lust, straining hard against the ropes. They cut deliriously into her flesh, a tingly thrill building up in her quickly. She loved being helpless, bound like an animal. Oh, how every inch of her body longed to be touched, to be licked, to be pinched by this handsome young stud!


Janice arched her back, trying to shove a tit between Billy's lips. The young man laughed and moved back until her mouth fell open with wild lust and she thrashed crazily. Billy watched for a second, then opened his mouth wide and covered one nipple with his mouth. Janice screamed, snapping her body from left to right while wallowing up against the biting/sucking sensation. She felt the hot spit trickling down her side. She heard Billy smacking hungrily, sucking with a kind of frenzy she thought was possible only in wet dreams.

Now his dick slid back, sliding toward the fat dickhead. Linda bit blood from her lower lip, whining like a puppy through her flare nostrils.

"Fuck, fuck!" she cried, closing her eyes again and drinking in the wild sensations raving through her snatch. The way she was bound made it hard to move her ass very much. But those restricted movements were as exciting as the ones made when she was free to do as she pleased. Janice found that by tensing her large ass muscles, the rub of his fat dick was amplified. It felt like a crazy, gouging animal that was burrowing away in her velvety cunt.

"Ohhhhh noooo!"

Billy had the other tit in his mouth now. As he roughed the tender nipple, the girl felt her body respond quickly to the friction and biting. Her cunt was pulled down each time he fucked into her cunt. And then, as her belly filled with cockmeat, the young man bit teasingly around her nipple.

Janice babbled and jerked her wrists and ankles until the pain made her excitement rush along every nerve ending in her body. She groaned out Billy's name as he worked his hips with a building fucklng tempo. The small garret echoed with their cries and the sound of their wet, fucking bodies.