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"How did things go today? Did you see Billy?" Linda asked, her eyes narrowing accusingly.

Janice's face was flushed as she sashayed past her aunt and plopped down on the bed, resting back on her elbows. Janice knew her nonchalance during times like this maddened her aunt. She didn't know, exactly why she enjoyed bothering Linda like that. The teenager only knew she loved watching her aunt get red and excited, trying to hide her mounting anger as she lectured her niece on propriety.

"Yeah, we were in his jacuzzi for a while," Janice said, moving her thighs over the bed suggestively.

Linda blushed. "Well, I hope his parents were home," Linda said, staring at her niece.

This was going too far. Janice almost felt like telling her aunt the whole story. But then, what would happen to her? She actually feared her aunt in part. Certainly, she didn't totally disregard her aunt's threat about throwing her out of the house should she be caught fucking around with men.

"Yeah, they were there… all around the tub talking their heads off," Janice said, dropping her eyes and shuffling her feet against the rug.

Linda tilted her head to one side, unsure of the truth of Janice's statement. It sounded true – the tone of Janice's voice suggested disappointment, as if she hoped Billy's folks had not been there. Still…

"Janice, when you go out on a date… I mean, what do you do?" Linda blurted out, wanting to get to the bottom of her niece's activities. She felt driven to find out. She had to know if Janice was traveling the same path she was.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't want to pry. I'm just concerned about your well-being." God, it sounded so stiff, so self-righteous. Still, Linda didn't know quite how to go about this. "I just see that you're very attractive, and men… men might take advantage of you."

"You want to know if I've been to bed with a guy yet?" Janice asked, staring steadily at her aunt while swinging her legs back and forth.

Linda swallowed hard. She wanted so much to be friends with her niece. She wanted to tell Janice about life, about the wonderful things she'd experienced, even about the wild times she'd had with Max. But her sense of responsibility swept over her again. No, that was something her niece might not be able to handle. She was too young, too inexperienced to understand her particular quirk.


Janice affected a bored expression.

"No, your… your private affairs are your business," Linda said, feeling as if she needed a drink. "I'd better go and make dinner," she muttered, turning and walking out of the bedroom.

Linda felt as if she'd just finished with a third degree drilling by the police. How her niece looked at her with those accusing eyes, eyes that made her think Janice knew what had happened in the house minutes ago.

What was with her? Janice wondered as she flopped back on the bed and ran her fingers up and down her bare legs. Qh, how good that felt, it would have been a much better feeling if those fingers belonged to Billy. She'd weakened in the shower stall as they showered, telling him she'd meet him later that night behind her house. She was acting like a hot little whore. She knew that. But she couldn't help herself. Her pussy had been awakened to the mysteries of sex, and now the girl felt she had to have more.

Making it behind the house would have its problems. But there was a small room over the garage. Linda would be asleep in the big house. Her aunt usually knocked off several drinks before going to bed. At times she could hear Linda stumbling up to bed around eleven o'clock, quickly dropping into unconsciousness. Billy's parents would be busy entertaining as they usually did. It was perfect!

All through dinner Janice yammered about school, about how classes would be too hard and too long.

Linda looked at her niece suspiciously, wondering what was up. Janice was suddenly friendly, open, something she hadn't been since she was nine. Nine! Had she had her that long? Janice's mother hadn't bothered about her all those years, visiting only occasionally. Of course, the support checks came in like clockwork and they were more than generous. Still, Linda began to feel the pull and drag of raising a child. And now with Max, the drag might be too much. A chill flashed over her spine.

"I'm going upstairs for a while to study," Janice said, pushing her chair away and drinking the last of her milk.

A tiny white moustache appeared on her upper lip, making Linda realize how like a child her niece was. Time had flown by, and now Janice was a young woman, facing all those problems young women face. If only she could shield her from some of them!

"But it's vacation," Linda called after her niece, but Janice was ahead of her, taking the stops two at a time, unable to sit still in the kitchen and talk any longer. It was seven o'clock, five hours to go before Billy would meet her. She slammed the door behind her and threw herself down on the bed. The seconds ticked by like hours as she stared blankly out the window, wondering what would happen this evening. How could she do something like this right under her aunt's roof?

Janice closed her eyes and pictured Billy naked, the way his washboard chest and belly looked, how his strong, hard thick cock jerked and twitched as he approached her. How silly she'd been to be afraid of fucking. It was so wonderful! She felt dreamy and warm. Her fingers strayed to a portion just under the elastic waistband of her bikini bottom. She could smell the young heat of her body, that musky smell coming up from her moist, warm cuntal mound.

Already she was aroused, hot to fuck just thinking about Billy! Groaning, Janice moved her legs apart, feeling her cunt lips stickily peel back while her hand slipped over her pussy mound. She peeled her outer labes back, working some pussy oil into the steamy crack. Her knees jerked up, then flopped back down to the bed. There was a squishy, wet sound as her fingers worked around, flicking at her stiffening clit. Janice licked her lips, half shutting her eyes. The room started to swim around her while her breathing became shallow and uneven. Her nostrils flared. Beads of sweat broke out on her forehead. Her bathing suit clung uncomfortably to her body. Oh, if only she could have that male cock spreading her cunt lips apart now, pushing apart her pussy walls. His cockhead cooked in her boiling cuntal oil! A flash of preorgasmic thrill heated up her cunt even more. Janice groaned louder than before, checking herself. Her aunt might hear her and open the door. Those damned rooms! None of them had any locks on the doors.

Quickly Janice drew her hand out from under her bikini bottom, folding her legs together and rubbing them back and forth. No, she wouldn't bring herself off just yet. She'd wait those long hours for Billy.

And long they were. Janice skimmed some magazines, cracked open one of her textbooks. But her mind couldn't focus on anything except the midnight tryst scheduled behind the house.

The sound of her aunt moving down the hall, cracking open her bedroom door then closing it softly behind her, made Janice's heart jump. Glancing at the clock, she saw it was eleven-thirty!

Stealthily Janice opened the door, creeping down the hall some fifteen minutes after her aunt had disappeared into the bedroom. Her heart was beating so fast while her chest tightened and her mouth went dry. She could hardly keep from giggling as she stole down the stairs and moved like a ghost through the living room.

The kitchen floor creaked several times, making Janice freeze. No, of course it would be impossible for her aunt to hear those tiny sounds all the way in her bedroom. Unlocking the door, Janice slipped out into the backyard. A full moon silvered the broad lawn and spreading elms bordering the garden. It was a warm, quiet evening, the kind that made her pussy shiver with excitement.

The garage loomed ahead of her. Quickly she moved through the garden, nervously glancing up at her aunt's darkened bedroom windows was she awake, staring out at the beautiful warm fall night? No, Linda wasn't that kind of woman. Janice stopped by the rotten, wood stairs to the side of the garage that led to the second floor. A movement to one side made her freeze. But on closer inspection she saw it was Billy creeping along the hedge row.