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River Snake: the huge chaos serpent that stretches underground from one end of the Silver to the other, causing earthquakes if not fed

Riverland, the: a long, narrow strip of land ceded to the Kencyrath at the northern end of the Silver

Roane: Randir, cousin of the Witch of Wilden, killed by Ganth

Rori: one of Gorbel’s ten-command

Rowan: female friend of Torisen, randon and steward of Gothregor

Rue: randon cadet from Min-drear, one of Jame’s ten-command

sargent: a sort of non-commissioned randon officer, almost always Kendar, addressed as “Sar”

Scrollsmen’s College: at Mount Alban across from Valantir; also home to the singers

scythe-arm: a weapon comprised of two blades with one edge and two points, worn on the arm

Sene: an alternating form of Senethar and Senetha

Senetha: dance form of the Senethar

Senethar: unarmed combat divided into four disciplines: water-flowing, earth-moving, fire-leaping, and wind-blowing

Senethari: a master and teacher of the Senethar

Seven Kings of the Central Lands: Bashti and Hathir have devolved into seven minor kingdoms who are always at war with each other, often using Kencyr mercenaries

Shade: also known as Nightshade; a Randir cadet, bound to a golden swamp adder; half-Kendar bastard daughter of Lord Kenan of Randir, granddaughter of the Randir Matriarch Rawneth

shadow assassins: a mysterious cult of assassins who make themselves invisible (and ultimately insane) with tattoos that cover every inch of their bodies

Shadow Rock: the Danior keep

Shanir: sometimes referred to as the Old Blood; some Kencyr have odd powers such as the ability to blood-bind or to bond with animals, aligned to one of the Three Faces of God; to be Shanir, one must have at least some Highborn blood

Sheth Sharp-tongue: Commandant of Tentir, Caineron, Caldane’s war-leader

Simmeclass="underline" Rawneth’s servant

sister-kinship: sometimes Highborn women of different houses form lasting bonds with each other, about which their lords know nothing

Snowthorns: the mountain range through which the Riverland runs

Sonny Boy: one of Chingetai’s sons

soul-images: each Kencyr sees his or her soul in terms of an image such as a house or a puzzle or a garden. A healer works with this image to promote physical and mental health.

soulscape: all soul images overlap at some point, forming an interwoven psychic landscape; the Kencyrath’s collective subconscious

Stav: harvest-master at Gothregor

Storm: Torisen’s black war-horse

Tai-tastigon: a city in the Eastern Lands where Jame and Marc met

Tardy: a river that converges with the Silver

Tarn: a Danior cadet, bound to an old Molocar named Torvo

Telarien: mother of Tieri, grandmother of Jame and Tori

ten-command: the basic squad unit of cadets; its leader is referred to as Ten and the second-in-command as Five

Those Who Returned: Knorth Kendar who were driven back by Ganth when they attempted to go into exile with him; most became yondri-gon

Three People, the: Highborn, Kendar, and Arrin-ken, who together are the Kencyrath

Tieri: a highborn Knorth, Ganth’s sister, mother of Kindrie and first cousin of Torisen, whose life was saved during the Massacre by Aerulan

Tigon: a randon from Jame’s youth

Timmon: a cadet, also, the Ardeth Lordan; son of Peredon (Peri), grandson of Adric

Tieri: Kindrie’s mother

Tigger: one of Gorbel’s ten-command

Tirandys: male darkling changer, Jame’s former Senethari or teacher, deceased

Tishooo: the southern wind, also called the Falling Man

Torisen Black Lord: High Lord of the Kencyrath, son of Ganth Gray Lord, who stopped the Waster Horde at the Cataracts

Torrigion: That-Which-Creates, the first face of the Three-faced God

Trishien: the Jaran Matriarch, a scrollswoman

trocks: rocks with teeth, given to infesting wells, dungeons, and latrines

Tubain: owner of the Res aB’tyrr

Tungit: a Merikit shaman and old friend of Index

Twizzle: Gorbel’s pook

Tyr-ridan: human vessels for the Three-Faced God to manifest itself through in the final battle with Perimal Darkling

Upper Meadows: a field near Hurlen where the battle of Cataracts took place

Urakarn of the Southern Wastes: citadel of the Karnids

Valantir: Jaran fortress north of Tentir

Vant: an officious Knorth cadet

Waster Horde, the: a vast, nomadic, cannibalistic collection of tribes who endlessly circle the Southern Wastes, preying on each other

Weald, the Great: a large forest in the Central Lands, home to the wolvers

weirdingstrom: a magical storm capable of transporting people and things instantaneously anywhere

weird-walking: using the weirding mist to travel deliberately

White Hills, the: south of the Riverland, where Ganth Gray Lord fought a great battle following the Massacre, lost, and was driven into exile

White Knife: suicide knife, an honorable death

White Lady, the: the Whinno-hir Bel-tairi

Wilden: the Randir fortress

Willow: little sister of Marcarn, killed when Kithorn fell

Winter: a Kendar randon, first nurse to Jame, killed by Ganth

Wolver Grimly: shapeshifter, friend of Torison

wolvers: creatures who shift easily between human and lupine forms, expert singers, usually peaceful unless they come from the Deep Weald

Women’s World: the Council of Matriarchs in Gothregor trains young highborn women and initiates them into sister-kinship

wyrm: also called a darkling crawler

yackcarn: a huge, bad tempered beast on whom the Merikit depend for their winter food supply

Yce: an orphan wolver cub from the Deep Weald, rescued by Torisen

Yolindra: Matriarch of the Edirr

yondri, yondri-gon: a Kendar who has lost his or her house and has been offered temporary shelter by another; sometimes called “threshold dwellers”