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She bent over to remove the sheets from the bed, wanting to give him fresh, clean sheets. “It’s going to be a tight fit but I think you can squeeze in without too much effort.”

Brawn growled loudly, an animalistic sound that surprised her.

Becca jerked her head around to stare at Brawn, only to find him a few feet behind her with his legs planted apart and his hands fisted at his sides. His gorgeous eyes were fixed on her ass as she bent in front of him. Her last sentence replayed in her head and she laughed, straightening.

“I was talking about you being able walk between the end of the bed and the wall and squeeze through the bathroom door.” She grinned.

Brawn met her gaze. “What else would you have been talking about?” He arched an eyebrow at her and hid his hands behind his back in a relaxed stance that seemed forced.

She laughed. “I didn’t realize you were right behind me when I said that. You growled, which made me aware of how that sounded and looked. I assumed I needed to expand on what I was talking about since otherwise it just sounded like an invitation of a sexual nature.”

His gaze narrowed. “You’re very direct.”

“I am. I appreciate that in people. It cuts down the bullshit.”

“I like directness too. I did take it wrong at first and mentally agreed it would be a tight fit. You’re small. For a second, as I admired your bent form, I forgot why I’d never touch a human female and I growled in appreciation. My kind do that when we’re aroused. You have a nice form.” He glanced at the dresser in the corner. “May I use those to store my clothes?”

“Of course. The closet is empty too. This is your room while you’re here and please feel free to make yourself at home.” She paused. “May I ask you something personal? I am curious.”

His gaze returned to her. “Ask.”

“Why wouldn’t you ever touch a human female?”

“Do you want a polite answer or a direct one?”

“I like direct.”

He hesitated, seeming unsure.

“I won’t take offense.” She reached up to cross her finger over her heart and smiled. “You can’t say something like that without me wanting to know why. I’m a bit nosey and with my father being who he is, there are enough secrets I’m not allowed to know. You don’t have to answer but I’d appreciate it if you would.”

“I’m bigger and stronger than human males. I like rougher sex than human females could handle. I’d end up hurting her without meaning to.”

She let that sink in. “I see. Well, it’s kind of muddled but I think I have the idea. Thanks for answering.”

“What part is muddled?”

“The rough-sex part. There are a lot of ways to take that.”

He nodded. “I do not hit, nor am I into bondage or toys. I’ve seen some of your human pornographic videos. I like to bend my females over and take them from behind. I do not like to be gentle during the sex, the way your males are, but I am not into choking or harming them the way I’ve seen your males do in those films.

“I just like to take a female hard, fast and deep. Species females are bigger and more durable than most human females and I would hurt a human since they are fragile. There is no pleasure for me in that. It would be pointless to have sex with a female like you because I’d end up accidentally bruising her or taking her too rough. As I said, I’m larger and stronger than your males. When I say large, I am not just talking about my height and weight. I’ve seen your males naked and I’m thicker and longer.” He glanced down his body before meeting her gaze again. “Do you understand or do I need to specify the body part I’m referring to?”

Becca was shocked at how blunt the man had been with his answer but she’d asked for it. She let all that information sink in and hid a shiver of fear. Yeah, he could definitely hurt a woman if he didn’t restrain himself at all. All the sexual attraction she felt for him died a quick death on that note. She wasn’t into pain and that put him off the hot list for her.

“Now I totally understand. Thank you for the clarification.”

“You are welcome. Do you need help stripping?”

Becca laughed suddenly. “I thought you said I wasn’t your type?” She wiggled her eyebrows at him, unable not to tease him a bit. “You opened yourself up to that one.”

He sighed. “Stripping the bed.”

“We’re a pair, aren’t we? We keep saying things that just sound wrong.” She laughed again. “I’d love for you to help me strip.”

“What the hell?” her father shouted, his heavy footfalls rushing down the hallway closer to the guestroom. “You’d damn well better not.”

Becca watched her father barrel through the door and come to a screeching halt when his shoulder slammed into the frame. She knew he’d obviously just entered her house and heard the last part of their conversation. “Oh, so you’re going to help me strip? Great, Dad. You go on the other side of the bed and yank out the sheets over there.”

“Sheets? I thought…” He frowned.

Becca arched her eyebrows. “You thought what?” She blinked at him innocently.

“Nothing. Proceed. I just came to check…I mean help you move your things. I’ll go in your room and pull your suitcases out of the closet.” He fled.

Becca winked at Brawn when they were alone. “I love to mess with him. It’s so easy.”


“He is bossy and always treats me like I’m a kid. I have some fun at his expense whenever given the chance. It evens us up a little.”

He nodded but didn’t comment. He helped her strip and redress the bed with white-and-black bedding, the only semi masculine set she had and then she left his room to allow him to unpack.

Her father paced inside her room but paused when she entered. His green eyes narrowed and a frown twisted his features, creating lines around his mouth.

“Close the door.”

She did it and crossed her arms over her chest. “What is your problem now?”

“Were you flirting with him?”

She grabbed her heart. “Me? Flirt? Never.”

“Damn it, Rebecca. This is not a man you want to tease. He’s not anything similar to your husband or any other men you’ve known. Bradley was a pansy. He let you walk all over him and asked for more. The man down the hall would eat you for breakfast and I mean that. He’s half animal and can’t be trusted not to act on ingrained instincts. They look like us but never doubt he’s got a predatory side.”

Rage burned bright, hot and fast. “Don’t you ever,” she ground out, “EVER speak about Bradley that way. Just because he didn’t kiss your ass or join the military right out of high school doesn’t mean he was a pansy. He was kind, gentle and sweet. He was intelligent and soft spoken. He—”

“Was weak.” He spat the words. “And not good enough for my girl. I raised you to be a strong woman and he couldn’t handle that.”

“Get out of my house right now.” She yanked open her bedroom door.

Her father paled. “I didn’t mean that. I’m sorry. I’m just worried, baby. That male down the hall isn’t a house kitten. I think he’s a lion mix or perhaps mixed with panther DNA with his black hair. I know more about them than you ever will and if you tease him, he might not understand that it’s just that. He could attack you.”

“Stop it. The only person in this house in danger of being attacked is you, by me. You always hated my husband because he wasn’t cut from the same cloth as you. I used to be thankful for that every day I had with him. Now get out of my house and if you ever just walk inside it again without my express permission first, I’ll shoot your ass. You taught me how and I still have the gun you bought me. Get out now.”