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Grandview Cemetery in Fort Collins, Colorado is as depicted, and yes, deer nestle in the cemetery all year long. On my first visit, my son spotted several deer that had sought out the warm, dry ground beneath a large blue spruce tree where the February snowfall couldn't reach. During a separate visit, the mountains to the west of Fort Collins were under siege by raging wild fires. At night, if you looked to the west, you could see the amber glow of the flames as they consumed the forests. It was sad to see this devastation in such a beautiful part of our country.

We've all heard of lost Nazi treasures. Hitler's Third Reich plundered banks and museums stealing anything they thought of value. Several priceless art pieces remain missing today, several of which were believed destroyed by the Nazis. Along with art, the Nazis stole large amounts of gold and silver. Some of these treasures were stored in salt mines. When it became evident the Third Reich was about to fall, many Nazi commanders fled Germany with their caches. Some of these officers even stored treasures in chests and sunk them to the bottom of some of Germany and Austria's mountain lakes with intentions of later returning to recover their cache. Others tried moving their hoards to Italy only to be captured in Austria. Much of this stolen Nazi treasure remains unaccounted for today.