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We didn’t care.  We ignored that rule completely.  We were each other’s only friends, and I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

  We spent a good amount of time over at his gram’s house.  Her huge mansion of a place was a five-minute walk up the hill from my grandma’s trailer, a walk I hadn’t known I was welcome to take before, but now, like magic, I was.  She’d told me I could come over any time I wanted, and since my grandma was gone a lot, I took her up on the offer almost every day.  And Dante, who lived on a huge property between, almost always met me on the way and went over with me.

Now I didn’t have to be alone so much.  It was the best thing that had ever happened to me.

Things were so much better, in fact, that I wasn’t as angry anymore.  Wasn’t fighting every kid over every insult they sent my way, and, miracle of miracles, there even seemed to be less insults these days.

No one was much intimidated by a little skinny girl like me, even a vicious one, but plenty of the kids had learned to be wary of Dante.

He fought like a demon, and word had spread that he’d pound anyone that messed with me.

It was wonderful.

But it was not absolute.  Today was a case in point.

This time it’d been a boy I’d been fighting with.  I’d decked the asshole right in the chin, and when he’d decked me back, I’d kicked him so hard in the balls that he’d fallen to the ground and cried like a baby.

The rest of our class had watched the whole thing with varying degrees of disgust, exasperation, and horror, but of course none of them had tried to step in or help.

I was used to all of it.

I’d always been the indisputable outcast.  Other kids were very comfortable uniting against me.

Flu going around?  Trashcan girl.

Lice outbreak?  Trashcan girl.

Even though neither of those had been pinned on me for sure.

Lucy Hargrove, who had four brothers and two sisters and lived in a dump of a house no better than mine had started at least one of them.

Still, Lucy was sweet.  Lucy had friends.  Lucy didn’t make a good target because other kids liked her.

So Scarlett it was.

And today it was:  Does something smell bad?  Trashcan girl.

That one was maybe true in the past, but since Gram had taken me under her wing, I’d learned how important it was to bathe and how to do it properly.  I didn’t smell bad now, I was sure of it, but it didn’t matter.  I’d never live down the stink of the dumpster I’d been left in.

And even though the dynamic had changed and things had shifted a bit in my favor, I was still the butt of many jokes, and I still took strong exception to it.  It was just that usually now kids had the sense to make the jokes behind my back.

Not today, apparently.

I’d been minding my own business, which was actually what I usually tried to do, when Tommy Mann had started in on me.

The teacher was out of the room and we were supposed to be working on an assignment.

I was not a good student by any stretch of the imagination but I had been trying to stay on task.

And here came asshole Tommy with his, “Does something smell bad?” right into my ear.

I gritted my teeth and still tried to ignore him.  It hadn’t been a big enough insult to be worth dealing with my grandma if I made her angry again.

“Does anyone else in here smell something bad?” Tommy asked loudly.  “Something that reminds them of garbage?”

There were some loud snickers around the room, but no one outright answered him.

Like a coward I wished, for at least the thousandth time, that Dante and I had been placed in the same class.  We never were.  He was across the hallway, but at moments like these, it may as well have been a world away.

“Shut up,” I muttered at him darkly.

I didn’t even see it coming.  He was behind me, and though I heard some rustling, some movement, I had no idea what he was doing until the classroom’s full trashcan was being dumped over my head.

It didn’t have much other than paper in it, but it didn’t matter.  It was more than enough to bring my temper out to play.

I threw the trashcan off my head, shook away all of the papers, and went after him.

I only stopped when he was a crying ball on the floor.

And of course that was when the teacher walked back into the room.

And now there I was, waiting for the vice principal to call me in.

Tommy was still in class.  He hadn’t even been reprimanded.

I hated this part.  It wasn’t even that I cared what they punished me with.  Getting kicked out of school was a gleeful fantasy of mine on days like this.

I just didn’t want to deal with how my grandma would react.

Also, I hated verbal confrontations.  I fought exclusively with my fists for one very important reason.

My voice was a coward.

Ms. Colby made me wait a good hour before she called me in.  I’d known she would.

It wasn’t an exaggeration on my part to say she didn’t like me.  More so than any kid in this school, I did nothing but make her job harder, but it felt to me like it went beyond that.  She almost seemed to get a strange kick out of putting me in my place.

She was a thin, middle-aged woman with steel gray hair that she kept so short that a lot of the kids had taken to calling her Mr. Colby.  At least that’s why I thought they called her that.  I wasn’t friendly enough with most of the other kids to ask if that was the reason for it, so I just assumed.

“As usual, your grandmother couldn’t be reached,” she began with.  “And knowing her, it doesn’t matter.  She hasn’t shown her face here once, no matter what you’ve been up to.  So your punishment for this is, clearly, going to be at my discretion.  Before I begin, do you have anything to say for yourself?”

"I-I-I—, h-h-he—" was all I could get out.  I never got much farther, especially with Ms. Colby.  My stutter was particularly vicious with me when it came to her.  The injustice of it, the fact that I could never voice my side of things out loud, only seemed to make the problem worse.

“There’s nothing you can say that will excuse what you’ve done.  You can save your pathetic, stuttering breath today, Scarlett.”

My shoulders hunched up, eyes pointed at the ground.  The pathetic comment really got to me, but it was more or less in line with the things she usually said to me after I’d gotten into trouble.

I resigned to just stand there and take it.  It usually lasted awhile.  She’d basically find several interesting ways to tell me I was troublesome, worthless, and a nuisance to the school.

And with any luck, she’d kick me out.

But something happened.  Something pretty amazing.  Before she could get any further, a furious Dante came storming into the office.

He went off on her and it was a glorious thing.  He was foul-mouthed and surly when provoked, and he was plenty provoked just then.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Dante raged at her.  “A boy attacks her, she defends herself, and she’s the one that ends up in your office getting reamed out?  Are you even kidding me?”

He was the opposite of me.  I stuttered hopelessly, and he seemed to have a talent for saying what would make everyone around him shut up and wait in stunned silence until he was finished.

Ms. Colby seemed to be no exception.  She was just staring at him.  I didn’t think she could believe what she was hearing.  Kids did not talk to her this way.

“He threw a trashcan on her head!”  Dante screamed.  “He’s twice as big as her and he punched her in the face!  What the hell is wrong with this school that she’s the one in trouble for that?”