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and 1950 report to GAC, 106–108

his account of meeting with Ulam, 21

and April 1951 report, 156

Bethe’s link to, 88

and boosting, 118

character of, 3

competitive spirit of, 89

and compression, 7

effect of “Joe 1” on, 30

his faith in the young, 155–156

as Family Committee chair, 114

at June 1951 meeting, 152

and LAMS 1225, 1

and “layer cake,” 10

learning of Spitzer idea, 127

and lithium deuteride, 11

and Los Angeles APS meeting, 124

and Mark, 22

meeting in Chicago, 144

“observation” of Mike test, 182

optimism of, 105, 108, 148

his participation in 1946

conference, 91

his plan to “observe” Mike test, 176

as recruiter of Rosenbluth, 168n

recruitment efforts by, 119

recruitment of author, 34–35

recruitment of Wheeler, 30, 31

relation to Oppenheimer, 107

relation to Ulam, 104–105

and selection of continental test site, 112

and selection of Savannah River site, 113

and six-day work week, 83

his support of Matterhorn, 121

in T Division, 87

and “telephone book” report, 107

and Ulam, 2, 4, 8, 13

his view of Truman statement, 43

and von Neumann-Fuchs invention, 91

and wartime work on fusion, 97–98

and Wheeler, 4

his wish to head T Division, 97

Teller, Mici, 4, 96, 120, 125, 161

Teller, Wendy, 5n

Teller-Ulam idea, 1–12 (Chapter 1), 67, 68, 142, 153, 182

compared with von Neumann-Fuchs invention, 101

later accounts of, 13–23 (Chapter 2)

reactions to at the time, 4

and related ideas at the time, 5

temperature of radiation, 68

testing weapons, 112–114

Theoretical Division. See T Division

Theoretical Megaton Group, 155

thermal energy, 65

thermonuclear burning

calculations, 145

“third idea,” 10, 11–12

Tinker Bell, 70

Toll, John, 33, 78, 79, 85, 102, 120, 141, 148, 161

administrative skills of, 141

as co-author of PM-B-37, 173

his decision to join project, 34

first days at Matterhorn, 140, 141, 169

in France, 27, 32

and interests in world affairs, 80

and Los Angeles APS meeting, 20, 123

and “Princeton physics,” 86

programming by, 149, 165

returning from Los Alamos, 131

as roommate, 77, 79

shared optimism of, 148

and “telephone book” report, 107

and thermonuclear burning, 143

welcoming Spitzer, 127

ton (of energy), 1n

transmutation, 46

Trinity test, 112


from Los Alamos, 131

to Los Alamos, 73–77

tritium, 6, 98, 104

Truman, Harry

briefing on Mike, 181n

December 1950 declaration of emergency by, 122

and Du Pont, 104

January 31, 1950 statement by, 31, 32, 41n, 42, 83, 101, 102, 122

receiving GAC report, 40

Tucson, Arizona, 161

TX-5, 174, 175

U. S. Navy, 71–72

“U. S. Nuclear Physics Reserve,” 173

UK. See Great Britain in nuclear club

Ulam, Claire, 77

Ulam, Francoise, 18, 120

her account of discovery, 18–19

Ulam, Stanislaw (Stan), 2

his account of discovery, 15–17

and calculations with tritium, 110–111

and Carson Mark, 113

character of, 2

and early Super calculations, 103, 104, 105, 106

and equilibrium, 7

and Fermi’s early Super calculations, 84–85

friendship with von Neumann, 90

and Glenn Seaborg, 15–16

and LAMS 1225, 1

meeting with Teller, 21

participation in 1946 conference, 91

and Super calculations, 84–85

in T Division, 87

and Teller, 2, 4, 13

Ulams, Stan and Francoise, 77, 187n

unified model, 28n

UNIVAC, 170, 173

University of California, 81–82

as an inertial block, 121

University of Chicago, 87, 102

Met Lab, 123

University of Massachusetts, 83n

University of Michigan, 72

University of Minnesota, 132

University of Washington, 82, 83

uranium-235, 110

“Uranium Club,” 58n

USSR, 12

50-megaton blast, 183

August 1953 thermonuclear explosion, 183

first atomic explosion, 29

thermonuclear work in, 10

and weapons tests, 11

Utt, James, 186

V-12 program, 71–72

Van Vleck, John, 93n

Vienna, 156

Vietnam War, 185, 187

Villard, Paul, 46

von Neumann, John (Johnny), 19, 89

early death of, 90

friendship with Ulam, 90

at June 1951 meeting, 152

as Los Alamos consultant, 87, 88, 119

and MANIAC, 165

and Teller, 20

and work on ENIAC, 103

See also von Neumann-Fuchs invention

von Neumann, Klari, 103

von Neumann-Fuchs invention, 90–91, 99–101, 111, 115, 116, 117

Walton, Ernest, 50

Washington, D.C., 186

weapons testing, 112–114

Weizsäcker, Friedrich von, 54

Weizsäcker mass formula, 54

Wellerstein, Alex, 189

Wellesley College, 72

Wells, H. G., 50, 59

Wheeler, Alison, 121

Wheeler, Janette, 85

in France, 31, 32

and Mici Teller, 4

moving to Los Alamos, 77

reaction to Los Alamos, 78, 120

trip to Los Angeles, 125, 161

Wheeler, John, 26, 72, 141

1949-50 in France, 27–28

1950 vacation with Janette, 32

1950 visit to Princeton, 34

autobiography of, 83

Bethe’s link to, 88

Bohm, disappointment in, 134

Bohm, recruitment of, 133

and Bohr, 28–29

concern about underestimated yield, 183

creating Matterhorn, 126

in crowded office, 85

decision to join project, 32

early days at Matterhorn, 140, 141, 169

and early Super calculations, 103

effect of “Joe 1” on, 30

joining Los Alamos, 102, 119

at June 1951 meeting, 152–153

and Los Angeles APS meeting, 20, 123, 124

as Matterhorn leader, 165

and Matterhorn recruitment, 128

as a mentor, 35

and naming Stellarator, 129–130

and nuclear deformation, 27–28

optimism of, 105, 108, 148

and “Princeton physics,” 87

as principal author of PM-B- 37, 168, 173

reaction to Mike test, 181

recruitment efforts by, 119

seeking Princeton approval, 121

and six-day work week, 83–84

and Spitzer idea, 127

and Task Force 132.1, 179

as a teacher, 25–26, 27

and “telephone book” report, 107

and Teller, 4

and thermonuclear burning, 143

and Ulam, 4

witnessing Mike test, 176, 178

and “Yule log,” 5

and the Zia Company, 86

Wheeler children

in France, 27, 29, 31, 32

in Los Alamos, 77, 78

and Los Alamos schools, 120–121

Whitworth, Fletcher, 189

Wilets, Lawrence (Larry), 25, 141, 173

Williams, Frederic C., 165n

Williams tubes, 165, 166

Winnipeg, Ontario, 162