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This disillusionment and crash of the myth, fundamental for millions of people, jeopardizes continuation of U.S. existence in its current state. And Obama, as the president, will have to deal with it:

In the best case scenario – he will manage to solve it not damaging interests of his country and the rest of the world.

In worst case – America (and possibly the rest of the ‘highly civilized’ liberally-bourgeois Bible-based world) during his president term will face a disaster, which has long been predicted by many analysts, and which American ‘elite’ is preparing to survive in advance. Such possibility is another reason why Obama was pre-chosen for the president in such dangerously close to catastrophe period; if it happens he will be a good scapegoat for white Anglo-Saxon and Jewish ‘elite’…

Obama admits that the USA is not in control of its own destiny, when talking about mass immigration to the U.S. and life of immigrants, who in vast majority, came to the States on their on, and not as a result of an effort from the American government:

«Native-born Americans suspect that it is they, and not immigrants, who are being forced to adapt. In this we, the immigration debates comes to signify not a loss of jobs but a loss of sovereignty, just one more example – like September 11, avian flu, computer viruses, and factories moving to China – that America seems unable to control its own destiny.” (p.264, underline – ours)

The underlined phrase is a confession of conceptual powerless-ness of American ‘elite’ and U.S. society as a whole. But because neither such term nor the theory of conceptual power exist in public politics of the USA, then they do not understand the essence of this confession, and as consequence – they can’t see the source of their captivity and ‘slavery’.

2.4.3. Bible – slave’s shackles

B. Obama Characterizes America:

«… our law is by definition a codification of morality, much of it grounded in Judeo-Christian tradition.” (p.218)

When describing his conversation with Senator Byrd (the oldest member of U.S. Senate and is though to be freemason), Barack Obama quotes him:

“So few people read the Constitution today,” Senator Byrd said, pulling out his copy from this breast pocket. “I’ve always said, this document and the Holy Bible, they’ve been all the guidance I need.” (p.100)

Barack Obama is a professional lawyer, and although he notices massive incompetence in practical solving of concrete problems by many professional lawyers and political scientists, he still doesn’t go into investigation of the reasons for this incompetence, that is programmed by the own character of historically formed legislative and political education.

Many professional lawyers are incapable of understanding the following:

Any legislation is in essence a manifestation of an algorithmic of self-ruling of society and of state operating in the following concept – ruling ALWAYS assumes a conceptual certainty: legislation is written according to a given concept. Legislation’s objectives are: 1) provision of standard ruling according to this concept; 2) resolution of its internal conflicts; 3) it’s self-protection from ruling according to other concepts

Conceptual ambiguity shows in the life of society as a controversy of its legislation, when different laws on the same subject give different solutions; as well as the flaws of law-executing practice, executed by the principle that the law can be used in many different ways based on the different wording and convenient precedent

Besides, conceptual uncertainty (as well as certainty) shows though state symbols. State symbols are a serious business, that should be taken seriously. Has anyone thought: Why in 1991 new regime changed soviet symbols for the symbols of Russian monarchy – two-headed eagle? The fact that change of symbols on its own and its procedure were not impromptu but thoroughly planned at least in Gorbachev’s times, if not earlier, says in the highest levels of soviet political hierarchy there were people powerful enough to sentence UUSR statehood to liquidation, ignoring public opinion (referendum). This group knew very well the history of Rome and Byzantine and must have had an understanding that two-headed eagle, being a symbol of conceptual uncertainty of the ruling, has destroyed not only Empire of Rome but also Roman dynasty of Russian Emperors. Did they lack in creativity and imagination to come up with a new heraldic, or did they knowingly started the algorithm of “kingdom divided in itself” in order to continue collapse of USSR with the fall of Russia? And as it is obvious from the later events, this conceptual uncertainty of symbols has continued in Russian anthem: it has soviet music but words are of liberally—bourgeois-‘patriotic’ mood. Ask any Russian student a question – which part is the strongest: music or lyrics?

Conceptual incompetence of management shows in the fact that strictly following the norms of concept of ruling provokes many problems that cannot be solved in this particular concept of problematics, and resolution of which demands refuse of the prevailing concept and switching to an alternative one.

Obama feels the conceptual incompetence of ruling according concept to prevailing on the West in general, and in the States in particular, because in his book we can read such expression as “incurable soars of capitalistic system, which either lower effectiveness of the market, or irreparably damage the society.” (p.173 of Russian edition). However a algorithmic of the origin of conceptual incompetence of ruling is outside Obama’s understanding.

As it says in one Russian expression “some things we cannot understand not because we have weak notion, but because these things are not included in the list of notions that we have”. In this case the reason for incompetence of some honest politicians, acting on the basis of traditional law or political education is in the resolution of many critical problems of social development – in their managerial and mathematical illiteracy.

Sufficiently universal (meaning can be used in different ways) theory of ruling, including the method of dynamic programming (not as a formal algorithm or solving one or the other problems of optimization of all processes or ruling in general), is not included in the schools syllabus.

And in order to be able to metrologically efficiently talk about financial problems, ways and means of their solution, it is necessary to have at least notion of linearly algebra, probability theory and mathematical statistics.

In regards to the economics of the society the second requirement provides an opportunity to work with balanced models of products and financial exchange in industries and regions, and the first one provided an opportunity to build managerially-coherent balanced models and excludes a leaning towards managerially-incoherent models.

Combination of the first and the second form the necessary basis for implementation of many sincerely good-willed economic scientists’ dream: to combine in one system a planned origin, expressing economic interests of social development in general (not only needs of richest 1% of the society), and macroeconomic mechanism of market self-regulation (providing optimization of manufacturing-consumption activity on the macroeconomic level).

Actually this is one of the components of that knowledge that is objectively necessary to become a public notion in order to guarantee salvation of the USA, as well as other countries, from historically real globalization.

However, having degrees in both law and arts, Barack Obama does not posses such knowledge, primordial for execution of his, publicly announced, political mission. Chapter 5, Opportunities, of his book is a kaleidoscope of possibilities, but not a mosaic of their inter-connections in the concept of ruling, which Obama should have known. We have to point out also the fact that Barack Obama reproaches Bushes administration in the lack of ‘coherent concept of management” (p.160), although he deserves such reproach too, if not a more serious one.