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Therefore a success of publicly declared political mission of Barack Obama, as a savor of the USA from historically real globalization, [success] is explained not by Obama as a person, but by the support from the owners of financial ‘know-how’, which he will include in his team, and by adequacy of those ‘know-how’ towards goals declared, including economic ones.

Without such support Obama will find himself in the same position as Gorbachev and Yeltsin, when they had nominal state power, but despite their good intentions were manipulated.

The same works for his second, global, mission – to build a worldwide socially-oriented, environmentally-friendly “capitalistic socialism with human interface”, which should make the States a wheel of progress.

Being managerially-incompetent in above mentioned sense and ruling the country on the foundations of the Bible and Constitution, the good-intentioned part of American ‘elite’ and Obama do not perceive the Bible as a source of the concept of ruling and doesn’t think whether or not this concept is a manifestation of Good or Evil. While the concept of ruling of historically real globalization is actually written in the Bible and is:

Firstly, a doctrine of buying the whole world with all its inhabitants and their property by international Jewish usury mafia (fourth tier priority of universal instruments of ruling/weapons) and building a system of financial usury based slavery (or if you wish – usury feudalism) of humanity and destruction of those who is opposed to this project or unable to abide.

Secondly, a faith and system of brainwashing (third tier priority) with the fact that this global political doctrine is a manifestation of Gods Will.

Without asking himself a question about differences between a human in his fullness of dignity and a highly civilized human-like, and not answering it, Obama doesn’t realize the subject of crowd-elitarism in general, in which foundation lies purposeful imposition of anti-dialectic worldview and thinking, and also – perversion of individuality by people’s religion (inc. atheism).

On the subject of religion Obama writes:

“For my mother, organized religion too often dressed up closed-mindedness in the guard of piety, cruelty and oppression in the cloak or righteousness.

This isn’t to say that she provided me with no religious instruction. In her mind, a working knowledge of the world’s great religions was a necessary part of any well-rounded education. In our household the Bible, the Koran, and the Bhagavad Gita sat on the shelf alongside books of Greek and Norse and African mythology. On Easter or Christmas Day my mother might drag me to church, just as she dragged me to the Buddhist temple, the Chinese New Year celebration, the Shinto shrine, and ancient Hawaiian burial sites. But I was made to understand that such religious samplings required no sustained commitment on my part – no introspective exertion or self-flagellation. Religion was an expression of human culture, she would explain, not is well-spring, just one of the many ways – and not necessarily the best way that man attempted to control the unknowable and understand the deeper truths about our lives.” (p. 203-204)

Having such a library of religious and cultural sort Obama was ought to notice that all scripts, pretending to be from one source, are contradicting on the same issues of both religion and society. However Obama somehow passed this by. Eventually in his religious quest Obama chose one of the evangelical churches, which leaders of freemasons have appreciated as a pass of another test of loyalty to the biblical project.

And consequently Obama doesn’t understand the specifics of American crowd-elitarism and the fullness of spectrum of its problems, provided by biblical doctrine of enslaving humanity on behalf of God, although Obama writes quite adequately about many other issues. But in this – he is a captive of the Bible and variations of historical myth of USA, and he doesn’t doubt that myth in general (second tier priority). For examples he mentions a false statement:

“ Woodrow Wilson instituted the Federal Reserve Bank, to manage the money supply and curb periodic panics in the financial markets.” (p.152)

Whereas in reality, with establishment of Federal Reserve System American statehood lost control over its financial system, delegating to private hands of representatives of trans-governmental “financial aristocracy”, by which they robbed the U.S. of a chance for more independent development, and let it sink into situation when whole population is held hostage by usury and financial speculations.

Although Barack Obama write something somewhat adequate concerning priority of universal instruments of ruling, he still does not possess dialectic as a method of cognition and creativity to the extent that would let him out of captivity of inadequate historical myth, under which reign lives the USA ( as well as other countries where Bible is a foundation of culture) and biblical project of in-slavering humanity on behalf of God.

2.5. Prospective relationship between USA and Russia

Undoubtedly, policy of statehood in the USA and in Russia (both domestic and foreign) – are not two free flows. Both have mass-elitarism, in both it is modified based on the biblical project of Mafioso-corporate political activity of various ‘elite’ groups, whose ambitions in many cases concern global policy – the policy that encompasses goals of whole humanity. But at the same time, obviously there is some deception. Then, in his book, Obama often and ironically uses expression “ten points plan”. Also as you might know Medvedev’s “Address to the Federal Assembly of the RF” was made public on November 5 2008 – the day when the election results were finally announced and the world found out that Barack Obama would be the next president of the United States. Medvedev’s Address to the Federal Assembly has exactly ten points. Since “The Audacity of Hope” was published before Russian president’ address, his copywriters should have added or removed at least one point in order to avoid Obama’s irony. But since it was left as ten – then it is a hint to the political ‘elite’ of Russia: “those who started Obama projects do not take view them as serious opponents”.

Also mass media focused its attention on the fact that D.A. Medvedev’s congratulating speech to Obama was left unanswered, mentioning at the same time, that he thanked leaders of Australia, UK, Germany and other countries.

What does Barack Obama say about Russia in his book? – he mentions his visit in 2005. The aim of it was control over execution of the Nann-Lugar program for protection of nuclear arsenals in on post-soviet territory (financed from the U.S. funds).

“It was my first trip to Russia and Ukraine (…) we visited the nuclear facilities of Saratov, where Russian generals pointed with pride to the new fencing and security systems that had been recently completed; afterward, they served us a lunch of borscht, vodka, potato stew, and a deeply troubling fish Jell-O mold.” (p.312)

And further: “There were moments during our travels when we were reminded of the old Cold War days. At the airport in Perm, for example, a border officer in his early twenties detained us for three hours because we wouldn’t let him search our plane, leading our staffs to fire off telephone calls to the U.S. embassy and Russia’s foreign affairs ministry in Moscow. And yet most of what we heard and saw – the CK store and Maserati show-room in Red Square Mall, the motorcade of SUV’s that pulled up in from of a restaurant, driven by burly men with ill-fitting suits who once might have rushed to open the door for Kremlin officials but were now on the security detal of one of Russia’s billionaire oligarchs; the throngs of sullen teenagers in T-shirts and low-riding jeans, sharing cigarettes and the music on their iPods as they wandered Kiev’s graceful boulevards – underscored the seemingly irreversible prices of economic, if not political, integration between East and West.