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After he lost his mind and found it once more, he withdrew, then left her to hurry to the bathroom. He returned in moments to clean her up, loving the fact that each and every time with Joy their scents entwined and grew stronger, deeper. A commitment of love and affection that nothing would change. His cat purred along with hers, and after cleaning himself up as well, he joined her in bed.

“I’d say you’re feeling much better,” she growled in a sexy voice and fingered his belly.

“Yeah. This is exactly what the doctor ordered.” He sighed and hugged her close. “I fucking love you, baby. So much.”

“Nice mouth,” she chastised.

“Didn’t hear you complaining when I licked that orgasm right out of you.” He grinned at her blush. “That’s so sexy. I like when you get all pink. Like when you come and get me all slick, that flush on your breasts makes me want to eat you up.”

“Stop it.” She rubbed her pelvis against his. “Oh my God. You aren’t getting hard again?”

“Hey, it’s your fault. Remember? Joy is great… At taking it up the ass.” He snickered when she smacked him. “Man, I’ve been dying to use that one. But I have to admit, you’re good either way. Ass, pussy, that mouth. I really love your mouth.”

“Flatterer.” She kissed his chest, right over his heart—which clearly belonged to her. “So we’re good now. We’re happy. You and Miles are girlfriends again—”


“And after we get married, we’re going to try for some cubs of our own.”

He froze. “Really?”

“Well, maybe not right after. I want to play with you for a while, just you and me. But I’d love to have a tiny black kitten with your eyes. I love your eyes. But my temperament and intelligence. I am a Bermin after all.”

“Not for much longer. Then you’ll be a Castille,” he said, the satisfaction in that statement impossible to miss. “Oh, we’ll have to call my mom. Zoe too. She always liked you.”

“I love your mom and sister.” Obviously remembering some of the stunts she’d pulled with Zoe in her teens, she grinned. “Zoe’s a trip.”

Quince leaned down for a kiss, which changed from exploratory and lazy to deeper, more passionate.

And then his cell phone rang.

“Do you have to get that?” Joy asked between kisses.

“Probably.” He sighed and rolled over her to grab his phone.

“Well, hurry up. My pussy is hungry.”

“I love when you talk dirty.” He tensed when she gripped his semi-hard cock then stroked him. “Oh, man. I’m going to make you pay for that.”

“Can’t wait.”

“Hello?” he said into his cell, breathless. He wouldn’t have answered, except everyone knew not to bother him, only in case of an emergency. Miles’s and Joy’s orders.

“Hey big bro! Congrats. I heard you’ve taken over the pride.”

“Zoe?” He sat straighter and swallowed hard when Joy ran her hands down his shaft to cup his balls. “I was just talking about you.”

“All good, right?” She laughed. “Well, I’m coming home. And don’t worry about running the pride anymore. I’m ready to take over.”

“Take over?” He was losing his train of thought as Joy slithered down between his legs and followed her hands with her tongue.

“Yeah. I’ve learned all I needed. I’m prepared to run the pride now, just like Michael said I’d be.”

“Huh?” He silently groaned when Joy engulfed him. Definitely not time to be talking to anyone right now, let alone his sister. “Can’t talk.”

“Cat got your tongue, eh?” She chuckled. “Tell the guys I said hi. Can’t wait to see everyone again. I’ll be there in a few weeks. Mama too. Love you.”

She disconnected, but Quince couldn’t focus past the need to bury himself in his mate once more. “Oh my God. If I haven’t said it enough, I’ll say it again.” He groaned and ran his fingers through her hair as she laved him with her tongue. “Joy is great.”

Zoe, Esmeralda Castille’s pride and joy, turned to her and nodded. “Yep. Past time we went back. You were right. Big brother needs me, Mama. All that crap with Michael passing and then that asshole Lex must have worn him thin. He didn’t sound right on the phone.”

“He’s a protector, you know that.” Esmie adjusted the strap on her deep-green bikini and lazed next to her daughter, conscious of the male attention focused on them. Rio was by far the most beautiful beach they’d visited, but as she’d known for a while now, it was time to go home. Time to visit her boy’s new mate. Time for the future to come to pass.

Esmie knew things. The way her mother and grandmother had. Like Quince, her daughter had a destiny just waiting for her. In Zoe’s case, a big, blond-haired destiny with an attitude and a need for the right woman to fix him but good. She smiled at her daughter, proud and a touch arrogant that she’d had a part in creating such a beautiful feline with such style. Such power.

Problem was the girl had too much energy for most men to handle. But not him—the one Esmie had been dreaming about for months. She’d known their time neared. Now she just had to get the two of them together and watch the fireworks explode. Time for a few grandchildren. She might look thirty, but truth to tell, Esmie was beginning to feel all of her fifty-three years.

“Honey, there’s something I need to tell you.” She would miss this time with her daughter, but Zoe had the training and knowhow to do what needed to be done. With the encroaching raptors flying close to Miami’s shores, the pride would need a strong leader. Someone different than those who’d come before, to lead them in a fight that would either end the pride or make them twice as strong.

“Yes?” Zoe rolled to her back, and Esmie noticed another man not too far away nod to his friend before pointing at Zoe. Not a bad looking human. But still, he wasn’t Ac-taw.

Esmie sighed. “Nothing. Enjoy yourself while you can. I have a feeling that when we get back home and settle down where we belong, you’re going to have your work cut out for you. You know they won’t easily accept a woman taking charge.”

Typical, Zoe shrugged away her mother’s worries and eased into her lounger, basking in the sun. “Too bad. I’m not taking no for an answer. It’s my destiny, Mama. You know that.”

Esmie shielded her eyes against the glare of the water and grinned. “And so is he.”


“Nothing. Enjoy the sun, chica. And let your mama dream about fireworks.”

“Whatever makes you happy,” Zoe mumbled and dozed while Esmie watched the men watching her daughter and thought about the dream she’d had of Zoe’s blond-haired babies in Miles Bermin’s strong arms.

About the Author

Marie Harte is an avid reader who loves all things sci-fi, fantasy and paranormal. Reading romances since she was twelve, she fell in love with books and knew writing was her calling. Twenty-plus years later, the Marine Corps, a foray through Information Technology, and children, and her dream has finally come true. Marie lives in Oregon with her family and loves hearing from readers.

You can contact her at marie_harte@yahoo.com.

To read more about Marie, visit www.marieharte.com.

When a cat tries to outsmart a sexy fox, only love can save him.


© 2012 Marie Harte

A Cougar Falls Story

Grady Chastell, Shifter extraordinaire, wants to take a mate—the delectable Gabby Easton. She’s sexy, kind, and has the extraordinary ability to shift into two animal spirits, cat and fox. There’s just one problem.