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–“Is there anyone else here with us…” she asks after having seen the prince in the palace garden in the moonlight. Eventually she finds the abandoned pelt.

–“You may wish for whatever you want, and it will be yours.” There is no limit to Beauty’s desires, the Beast has only one

–“Love him who loves you” the prince advises

–Soldiers who are RETURNING from war or GOING to war

–She finds the painting of the prince as a human.

–The Beast carves puppets and automatons. He puts on a show for her.

–Birds and monkeys

–Gargoyles and chimney

–The furniture moves.

–Discuss the Beast’s pelt.

–He gives her two magic rings.

–He gives her the entire key chain and warns her never to open the door to one room in particular which is locked every night and in which he leaves his abandoned pelt before going to the garden to speak with the fairy which cast a spell on him

–The specter of War needs to hover in the evil atmosphere of Beauty’s village

–The castle exists in the center of a labyrinth of trees

Del Toro wanted to invent motivational propaganda for the film’s war against alien invaders. Keith Thompson’s poster design, infused with Russian Futurist motifs, followed del Toro’s original direction but was eventually abandoned in favor of a different approach.

MSZ: So this poster [opposite] is an odd blend of monster movies, Russian Futurism, wartime propaganda. What was your thinking here?

GDT: I like Soviet and Eastern European propaganda that is very graphic. And for Pacific Rim, we decided to explore a lot of World War II references since we wanted to convey the nobility of the wartime effort in the film. So we designed bomber nose art, uniforms, and propaganda posters, although we didn’t use this one [above] in the end.




* Who is X… Why do you need to know? Bring us something for himAh, l amBANG.

* Cell phones cause cancer.

* Massacre at the drive-in.

* Gynecologist who has no nose (an accident at work).

* Who’s on first with foam rubber shit.

* Constant fire and smoke in the wind.

* Suicide on a conveyor belt.

* One of the child prisoners: Let me out, I won’t say anything.

* A little girl wanders alone in a daze…

* Ernie does “weightlifting” with a hunk of meat.

* Ernie hides.



* The gynecologist alone with the lids of Campbell’s soup (or sardine) cans.

* Cricket or soccer game with “goals” made of flesh.

* Cthulu “bottled” in a glass jar and “fed” by columns in the RUINS.

* The “birth of Venus” with the shell and all but also with monsters and Bactrian camels.


•• Originally made at 12:44 on 3/3/93.

* Fixed. Baby Ernie M/M (according to IMCINE)

DAY of NON-RIEL and NON-CRONOS commercial

Bertha spoke with Nacho Durán. Discouragement.

* Great Expectations. MAGWITCH: a convict, Miss Havisham (OF SATIS HOUSE), STELLA. PIP whose journey we follow to manhood. The story begins one gray afternoon in a cemetery/ “I will give you a reason to fight” to start a fight.

•• New version 2/5/95 How different!!

Notebook 3, Pages 28A and 28B.

Ernie in the Drainpipe.

** I move and realize that… X

* Ernie causes his enemy to slip.

A drowned man.

2nd version of. First image June 6, 1992 already Enriquito has already left and there was no Sinc.but I started editing.

GDT: Meat Market is a story that is really close to my heart. At one point, it was called Meat Market: A Love Story. It was supposed to be like Phantom of the Opera set in a huge meat processing plant. The super-commercial pitch is: “Hamlet in a meat market, by way of Phantom of the Opera.

Ernie, our star and son of a meat-processing mogul, falls in love with Ofelia. And Ernie’s uncle has killed his father to get the meat processing plant. But Ernie has been blamed for the murder and goes and hides in the sewers full of chunks of rotting meat. Eventually, he comes back to rescue Ofelia.

And I was going to have Ron Perlman play Ernie. So I tried to write it for him. And the idea was that Ernie was this baby who had been dropped and had his face broken on the concrete. They had to put him together the best they could, and he became sort of a mixture of the Phantom of the Opera and the Frankenstein monster. If I had Ron at age thirty-five, I would endeavor to find the money to actually make it.


GDT: Mephisto’s Bridge was based on a novel called Spanky by Christopher Fowler. It was a Faustian tale about a guy who makes a deal with a devil, but the devil doesn’t want his soul, he wants his body. He says, “You have no soul, but I can use your body to live for another hundred years.”

The main character is this guy who thought he deserved everything but did nothing to get it, expecting that because he is a good guy, he should get the girl, the money, the car, the apartment. So this demon comes in and offers to help him get all that, and then he gets it and it’s unsatisfactory because he didn’t earn it. And the demon knows this, and he says, “You didn’t want the car; you wanted the respect. You didn’t want the girl; you wanted the love. You didn’t want the apartment; you wanted the reward for your efforts.”

Spanky, the demon, was this slender, almost beautiful creature that was kind of made of moving pieces when he was out of his host. It’s one of my favorite designs I’ve ever made. I wanted him to be very ornate. Right here [opposite], pre-anything, are the roots of the Faun, and the Hellboy creatures, and Hellboy himself. This is where it all comes from, this basic form.