Calde of the Long Sun

Calde of the Long Sun
Научная фантастика
Язык: английский
Год: 1994
Издатель: Tor Books
ISBN: 0-312-85583-4
Добавил: Admin 7 Июн 19
Проверил: Admin 7 Июн 19
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The Book of the Long Sun (1993–1996) is a series of four science fantasy novels.
A young priest Patera Silk tries to save his manteion (neighborhood church and school) from destruction by a ruthless crime lord. As he learns more about his world, a vast generation ship called the Whorl, he learns to distrust the gods he has worshiped and to revere the supposedly minor god known as The Outsider who has enlightened him. He becomes a revolutionary leader and prophet.
It is a second book of series.

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