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“God, I’m sorry.” I’d forgotten he could be funny. My life would be a lot easier if I’d have just been able to fall in love with him.

“It’s fine, but now that we’re friends, I’m calling you out on that shit.”

“Excellent,” he said, slapping his hand on the table. “Like my dating coach. Making me better for the next one, whoever that might be.” He tried to hold my stare, but I looked away. It was my own fault if he made a pass at me. I’d agreed to go out with him again, after all. Even if we’d been clear we were just friends.

I laughed to break the tension. “Maybe. Now pour me some more wine.”

“If you start snoring in the theater, I’m going to pretend I’m not with you.”

“I can live with that. Besides, I’m not concerned. Bradley Cooper can normally hold my attention.” I gave him a smile and picked up my menu.

Two weeks later, I shuffled back and forth on my barstool, then hopped off and started fiddling with it.

“You can’t adjust the height. Here, drink this, you’ll feel better,” Haven said, setting a full glass in front of me on the breakfast bar.

I retook my seat and gulped down half my wine. My heart pulsed in my chest, and I kept rubbing my hands up and down my jeans to wipe the sheen of sweat from them. I’d never been nervous about seeing Luke before. What if he looked at me and anything he’d felt for me had fallen away? What if he saw me and realized he didn’t find me attractive? I mean, he’d spent years not wanting me—it would be easy for him to shut those feelings off, wouldn’t it?

Beth was peeling mushrooms, and Jake was carrying a decanter in one hand and seemed to be aimlessly wandering around with it. I couldn’t concentrate on anything in the room right now.

A bang in the hallway sent my heart crashing out of my ribcage. It was him.

“Hey,” he said, panting as he walked in. He bent forward, resting his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. He had a small backpack on and was dressed in running gear. The tips of his hair were damp with sweat, and his beautiful golden skin glowed. Had he run here?

“You look disgusting,” Haven said.

He looked anything but. At that moment, I’d be quite happy to lick him clean.

“Cheers. I’ve been exercising. What’s your excuse?” he asked as he stood up straight and grinned at his sister. I let myself giggle. I might want to trail my tongue over his entire body, but he was still the man I’d been friends with my whole life. Someone who could make me laugh within seconds of arrival.

I couldn’t tear my eyes off him. Apparently, the après exercise look suited him. His shirt clung to him, the outline of his six-pack clearly visible as he began to stretch out his quads. Seriously? Snapshots of him naked and over me, his eyes closed as he pushed into me, filtered into my brain. I turned away from him and took another gulp of wine, concentrating on the stem of the glass as I put it down.

Out of the corner of my eye, Luke hovered in the doorway. “I’m going to take a shower, okay?” He slipped the backpack off and headed down the corridor.

“I should hope so, Sweaty Betty,” Jake said, unscrewing a bottle of red wine.

Had he deliberately arrived, full of testosterone, looking invincible and physically perfect? Damn him. It was all I could do not to touch the back of my hand to my forehead and full-on swoon. If he’d been trying to show me what I’d been missing, he’d done an excellent job.


Pleased to have an excuse to leave the kitchen, I steadied myself on the bathroom sink. I should have prepared mentally for seeing Ashleigh. She’d looked so relaxed, perched on the barstool as if it were just another Sunday dinner. Maybe it was for her. But I felt an enormous pull toward her, a keen desire to touch her, kiss her, hold her. Even though I’d not stood close to her, I could see the flush of her first glass of wine across her cheeks. My dick stirred at the image scorched across my mind. She was wearing her favorite jeans and a top I hadn’t seen before. Jesus, her ass. I turned the dial of the shower to cold—I needed to get my thoughts back into the box marked appropriate, but I wasn’t sure there was a setting for arctic.

I showered quickly, pulled on some clothes, roughly towel-dried my hair, and went to join everyone back in the kitchen.

Beth stood with her back to me, and I placed a hand on her arm. She turned and I kissed her on the cheek. “Hi,” I said as I accepted a beer from Jake. Ash was next. I had to greet her with a hug as I always did, but my limbs felt heavy, my joints sticky.

“Hey you,” I said, moving toward her. She slipped off the stool and the thought of being about to touch her was almost too much. I had to suck in a breath.

“Hey,” she replied as her hands smoothed over my shoulders and mine slid up her back. Her sweet, sexy scent surrounded me. It reminded me of home, of being happy, of summers spent beneath the magnolia trees in my parents’ gardens. I pressed my hands against her back briefly and then released her. Our bodies parted, but I felt a pull toward her when I was close to her. I wanted to keep touching her.

Ignoring my instinct to pull her back into my arms, I strode across to Haven and placed a kiss on her cheek.

“Did you bring the wine?” she asked.

“Oh, yes. Here.” I grabbed the wine off the console table in the hallway.

Get it together, Luke. You’ve know this girl your whole life. Act normal.

“So what’s been going on?” I handed the bottle to Haven.

“You’re the one that arrived in need of a shower. What’s going on with you?” Beth asked.

I took a swig of my beer. “I’m training for a triathlon.”

“What the fuck?” Jake’s exclamation was loud and clear, but I was too busy not looking at Ashleigh to hear Beth and Haven. Ashleigh stayed quiet. Normally she’d be teasing me relentlessly about an early midlife crisis or something.

I sat on one of the barstools, leaving an empty seat between Ashleigh and me.

“So when’s the competition?” Jake asked.

“Not sure yet. Fiona thinks that I shouldn’t commit to a specific race until I’m a few weeks into training.”

Haven held me with her stare. “Who’s Fiona?” she asked.

“A girl at work who does triathlons. She’s helping me with my training as she’s really into this stuff. She’s looking at my plan.” Things had happened quickly now I had someone to give me an idea of what I should be doing. “We went running earlier in the week. She’s fucking fast. Small but deadly.” I grinned. “I need to get some new kit though. I’ll obviously need one of those suits. Whatever Fiona recommends. She really knows her stuff.”

“Good for you, dude. I’ll come for the odd run if you like.” Jake offered.

I nodded. “Sounds good. Fiona said that I needed to commit to training four times a week, but that’s going to go up as my fitness improves.” When I’d broken it down, I’d realized it was going to be quite a fair chunk of my free time, so I was going to have to fit it in where I could, which led to me running over to Sunday dinner.

“Sounds like Fiona is taking a keen interest in your well-being,” Haven said.

I shrugged and glanced at Ashleigh, who was staring into her wineglass as if she weren’t included in the conversation. Was she pleased that I was trying new things? Living my life? I wanted to interrogate her about her two weeks without me. Ask her if finding a place to live and starting to train for a triathlon was what she wanted. Was she happy? Had she been thinking about me?

“What about everyone else? Saved the world yet, Jake?” I asked.

Do you miss me like I miss you, Ashleigh?

“That’s on the agenda for next week,” Jake replied.