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“Tell me more.” Grandpa Carmichael said.

“Big Ira’s father and yours were partners in the Army back in the days. On a mission against a group of rebels, they found that chest of gold. Big Ira’s father was about to steal it to provide his family a better life, but your father stopped him. They fought until Great Carmichael killed Big Ira’s father. That was the time when your father retired from the Army while Big Ira and his family left with nothing. Then he hated the government, the police, the Army, everyone especially members of your family.” Carter told the story that he heard from his father and Big Ira’s conversation.

“How can we know you’re telling the truth?” Colonel Eaton inquired because it seemed that Grandpa Carmichael lost his mind.

“I know that.” Carter pointed at the blinking chip on the bedside table.

“They used it to hear other people’s conversation, or plant it on a bomb where only them can stop.” Carted added.

“Why did you spill those information?” Colonel Eaton asked then tears fell on Carter.

“Please help my family. I don’t want to kill other people anymore. Please help us.” The boy cried and fell on his knees as he begged.

“Boy, we trust you for now. But do you know those hostages aside from your dad that’s valuable to capture Big Ira?” Colonel Eaton questioned.

“Big Ira’s sister,” Carter replied then wiped his tears.

After the interrogation, Colonel Eaton returned Carter in the barn and thanked him for telling the truth, but for the meantime, they have to put them there to protect the farm. Colonel Eaton promised Carter to help his family then Steve treated Carter’s father and fed all the hostages. The Militia members guarded the hostages while Finley, Colonel Eaton, Walter, Steve and Grandpa Carmichael held a meeting.

Colonel Eaton, Tony, and Grandpa Carmichael personally went to Sheriff Katcher to ask for his help while Steve dropped off at the hospital to inform Joseph and Captain Ellis about their plan in putting an end to the war. Nobody wanted to get help from the Government because they don’t know who to trust, so they claimed that it’s a battle of survival between the people at Carmichael’s farm and Big Ira’s troops. On the other hand, Finley went to Carter’s farm to spy on the place from afar, and build a better offense. Carter’s farm was quiet. There were armed men scattered around the perimeter, but there were fewer because a lot have died, and Big Ira sent out most of his men to save his sister. It has the same structure with Carmichael’s farm, walls with barb wires, but only fences at the front yard. They are that confident that no one will attack their place. The two-story house was on the right side, and another group of armed men was standing around. Finley thought that the hostages were in one of the rooms upstairs then he immediately left the area after surveying.

Later in the afternoon, they decided to use the radios and send false news to one another to provoke Big Ira.

“We captured Big Ira’s sister. What should we do? Over.” Finley said through the radio.

“Kill her.” Captain Ellis responded, and they smiled at one another.

Sheriff Katcher with his twenty deputies arrived at the farm then Joseph, Captain Ellis, and his Army followed. Everyone was preparing to fight except for Grandma Carmichael and Joseph’s youngest son. Joseph wanted them to stay inside the house while Sheriff’s deputies protect the farm together with Tony, Maxine, Victoria, Rashida, Nurse Janette, Bobby, Ross, Vicky, and Denise. Everyone said they goodbyes to their families and closest friends. They kissed and hugged without knowing if it would be the last time they would see one another.

The eight-man Army boarded the truck while the ten-militia rode their motorcycles including Finley. Colonel Eaton hopped on the vehicle they stole from the base camp together with Grandpa Carmichael, Sheriff Katcher, and Erwin. Steve started the engine of his car with Joseph on the passenger’s seat. The vehicles headed north. There was only one main road going to Carter’s farm, so they stopped midway and saw two trucks were coming from the other direction. Finley and four other militia immediately turned right and went inside the forest. Steve’s car followed, all of them ran at full speed. They circled the woods until they reached the road again, and turned left. Finley celebrated because his plan worked.

On the other hand, the two Army trucks and the rest of the Militia positioned themselves behind bullet shields. The Marauders started to shoot, so the Army and Militia did the same. They exchanged shots for minutes when Colonel Eaton saw Finley’s bike.

“They’re here!” Colonel Eaton announced.

Finley positioned the remaining RPG then Steve and Tony pulled their horns. They caught Marauders’ attention, so the Army and Militia immediately get on their vehicles then reversed. When the Marauder fighters looked behind them, a rocket was already coming then their two trucks exploded. The army trucks riders immediately went inside the forest and followed Finley’s group while the militia riders stayed to make sure that all of the intruders were dead.

They continued their journey to Carter’s farm as the sky was getting dark. Finley and the other militia riders led the way then the Army trucks, and Steve’s vehicle. Everybody slowed down as they were near the farm. They surveyed the area, and it seemed that the situation was what they expected. Big Ira was still unaware of Joseph’s group. The militia riders turned towards the farm then threw grenades on the fences and inside the farm. After the explosions, the Army trucks dashed the posts then Steve’s vehicle headed at the back of the house. Steve and Joseph searched on the barn to look for Carter’s mother and sister. As they opened the barn, they inhaled the rotten smell, and got horrified to see bones, skulls, and dead bodies.

“Oh, my God,” Joseph muttered as they covered their nose.

“So it was true, they’ve been eating human meat. I heard it from Mrs. Daniels before.” Steve replied. They tried to search for anyone alive, but none of the corpses were breathing.

The Army and the Militia formed a circle line with their bullet shields to make sure that they’d kill the Marauders in every point. The armed men outside the house got killed because they were less in number. They all went inside the house, and there were only a few Marauders. Finley, Captain Ellis, Sheriff Katcher, Grandpa Carmichael and Colonel Eaton went upstairs to check the rooms while the rest of the Army and militia protected the ground.

On the last room, Finley and Captain Ellis needed to push the door using their bodies because it was locked. As they opened it, Big Ira was sitting on a club chair beside a bed, and they immediately pointed their guns at him.

“Where are your hostages?” Grandpa Carmichael asked as he looked around the room.

“Hi there, Mr. Carmichael. I assume you’ve heard about our fathers’ story?” Big Ira answered.

“Surrender now!” Colonel Eaton shouted, but Big Ira only laughed.

“To who? You? You’ve also betrayed your government, Colonel. Tell me, where’s your loyalty now?” Big Ira replied then grabbed a remote control beside him and quickly pushed a button then the ground started to shake.

“What’s happening?” Finley asked.

“I’ve made a device to collapse this house and planted bombs beneath the ground because I knew this day would come. Now, we’ll all die!” Big Ira shouted and grinned.

“No, only you will die. Go to hell with your father.” Grandpa Carmichael said and shot Big Ira several times on the head and body.

“Let’s go!” Captain Ellis said as the walls started to crash.

Everybody hurried back to the vehicles. The militia and the army were already waiting on the ground.

“Hurry!” Erwin shouted when he saw Grandpa, Colonel, Sheriff, Captain Ellis, and Finley went out of the crashing house.