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“You are always welcome here, you know?” Grandpa Carmichael said.

“O my God, are they your sons, Max? They are both grown-ups! Time flies.” Maxine nodded while her two kids tried to give a forced smile. She didn’t want to mention to her brother about the hijacking incident, so Maxine quickly greeted Tony’s wife.

“Hi, Ross and Vicky. How are you both?” Grandpa Carmichael asked his other two children.

“Fine,” Ross said blankly as if he wasn’t interested for a talk.

Bobby was surprised with the lack of enthusiasm, and he looked at Ross.

“Ross, what’s happening to you? Don’t be rude.” Tony said irritably.

“It’s alright, Tony. They must’ve been tired. For sure it was a very long drive. Let’s all come in. I’ve prepared some snacks.” Grandma Carmichael said calmly even she noticed that Tony’s kids are somehow spoiled and undisciplined. The exact opposite of Maxine’s children.

The farm is at five miles from the central town of Humvees. The off-the-highway strategic location is excellent if rioters start to widespread. It has been privately-owned by the Carmichael Family for over a hundred years. When Maxine’s Great Grandfather passed away because of kidney complications, her father started taking care of the farm until he got out of the Army.

Carmichael Family are eating their first traditional family supper after a very long time. Grandma is a great cook, and it was like a feast on their table. They have Classic Roasted Turkey, Potato Salad, Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Cornbreads, Fried Honey Buttered Chicken, some Brownies and a Perfect Apple Pie. Everyone was enjoying their food, but Maxine is still worried about Bobby. Her youngest son seemed to be fine after seeing his cousins. They haven’t talk or played yet, but she thinks that it helped him meet other children. Bobby, on the other hand, ate just a little. He’s still quiet, and indisposed.

Rashida and Maxine helped Grandma Carmichael clean the dishes after their sumptuous dinner, while the boys went out to check the animals. Maxine feels relieved that Bobby joined. He likes Grandpa Carmichael so much, and feeding animals make him feel relaxed. When the boys came back, Bobby looked a little less intense.

“Are you going to sleep?” Maxine asked, but Bobby nod.

“Alright. Goodnight, Bob. Mommy loves you.” Maxine hugged her son and kissed him on the forehead.

“Goodnight, Mom. I know you are worried, but I am okay. Dad is right. I feel safe in here. I love you, too.” Bobby casually said and went to their room. Maxine covered her mouth to her amusement. Tears of joy fell on her cheeks.

“I told you. Time heals, Max. Time heals, be patient.” Grandpa Carmichael said from behind.

“Did you spoke to him?”

“A little, but we play a lot. Seems like he loves animals and plants, too. Like you.” Grandpa Carmichael winked at her daughter, and they laugh.

Bobby looked at the photo that his father gave before they left. A lot of things has happened, but he knows that it’s just the start. He thought about his father’s safety, and he wanted to hear his voice. Bobby reminisced the scenes of hijacking. What bothers him a lot is the fact that he killed a man. The intruder is evil, but he wasn’t sure of what to feel. Bobby feels vexed about his cousin Ross. What else he can’t do to him if he ever acted a spoiled child again?


The next morning, Maxine feels relieved to hear see his two sons talking again. Not as enthusiastically as before, but she believes with what her father said last night. Maxine still hasn’t heard from Joseph yet since their latest conversation. She decided to put an end to her agony, and get her phone to her room. She didn’t care if he’s in the middle of an operation, because Maxine needs to know that Joseph is safe. However, Joseph’s mobile is off, and the hospital telephone lines weren’t ringing.

Maxine was so disappointed that she threw her phone to her bed. She burst into tears because she’s worried that something might happen to her husband. Maxine tried calling some of her workmates in the news industry who stayed in Southcrest to cover stories. However, all of their phones are now out of the coverage area. She was almost out of control when she remembered a solution to her panic. Maxine immediately went downstairs to open the TV, but her parents were already watching the news. However, she only heard reports about the Marauders demands, the President’s condition, and non-stop violence because of the riots.

“How’s Joseph?” Grandpa Carmichael said.

“Still haven’t heard from him, yet,” Maxine said dryly.

“I heard there was a blackout in Southcrest. Don’t you think the hospital where Joseph works got affected?” Tony said.

“Really? Where did you hear it?” Maxine was worried.

“A friend of mine. He called earlier today to inform me that they are moving out of Southcrest because they have no energy supply and that the rioters are getting near.” Tony said. Maxine was speechless and didn’t know what to feel.

“I know Joseph can take care of himself. He’s one of the toughest I have known.” Grandpa Carmichael assured Maxine.

“The riot is now widely spread, and it’s possible that they arrive here soon. Isn’t it wise that we prepare ourselves and the farm?” He continued.

“Dad, I think you are overreacting. We are in a very far place.” Tony argued.

“With a situation like this, and people fighting for survival everything is possible. I’ve seen it several times when I was in Army. People will move to hunt for food and shelter.” Grandpa Carmichael answered Tony.

“Whether rioters might come or not, we have to fill in our supplies. We might have blackouts as well.” Grandpa Carmichael now sounded like a General.

Tony didn’t answer back. As much as he disapproves the idea, he has no choice because they are under his parents’ roof. Besides, his father started listing down the supplies that they’ll be needing. Grandpa Carmichael requested the ladies to list their kitchen and personal needs as well. Tony has more than enough on his wallet, but the main reason why he doesn’t like the idea is that he also has to spend his money to buy their stuff.

Grandpa Carmichael, Tony, Bobby and the other boys of the farm went on their way to the town to buy supplies.

“Grandpa, I want to buy those headbands to mom. She looks beautiful when she has headbands. I like it when she wears them especially at work.” Bobby said.

“Of course. We’ll buy it, Bob.” Grandpa Carmichael smiled widely at Bobby.

As they continue on their list, there were a couple of arrogant city boys. One aged eighteen while the other was around nineteen years. Bobby was walking last when he saw one of the boys stole the wallet of the adult man in front of a meat store. Bobby ran towards the city boys immediately.

“Hey! His stealing from you!” Bobby got the victim’s attention.

The boy who stole the wallet ran as fast as he could. One of the farm guys followed the thief. Bobby, on the other hand, tried to follow but the other boy grabbed his hand and pushed him, and fell to the ground.

“Is that what you got? C’mon!” The city boy posed on a fighting stance. He was about to punch Bobby when Tony stopped him from behind.

“Pick your age, young man,” Tony said, and he twisted the city boy’s arm.

“Aaaaahhh!” The city boy shouted in pain.

“That’s enough, Tony. The Deputy Sheriff is here already.” Grandpa Carmichael said.

“Sorry for the inconvenience of these young boys. They’ve been causing troubles for the past few days.” The Sheriff Katcher said.

“Make sure to return the wallet to the owner. I won’t file charges against you young boy. Next time you hurt my Grandson, I’ll make sure you’ll be rotten in jail.” Grandpa Carmichael threatened the city boy.