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Dennis jumped in between them. "Would you stop this? My wife is trapped in that car. That's all that matters!"

Sentz pursed his lips, obviously angry. "You can't initiate an emergency rescue operation without the authorization of a senior officer or-"

"She's dying!"

That's my Dennis. Always a fighter. To the bitter end. Give him what for, Dennis!

Sentz took a deep breath. "Mr. Thomas, it might be best if you waited beyond the perimeter."

"I will not!"

"You will do as instructed, or I will regretfully-"

"I'm not moving an inch until my wife is out of that car."

"You are interfering with a police operation, leaving me no choice but-"

"Why are you doing this?" Dennis screamed, blocking his path. "Do you know how long she's been trapped in there? She's dying, and you're bellowing about regulations and-"

The detective moved so quickly Dennis did not know what had happened until it was over. Detective Sentz lifted him off his feet and threw him sideways. He fell face-first onto the ground.

Dennis screamed, clutching his face, bloodied on the right side. "Why are you doing this?"

Sentz ignored him. "I want to talk to the operations officer. These things have to be handled carefully. One false move could kill the person you're trying to rescue."

Are you still there? Is it over already? This isn't a very satisfying ending, Dennis. But, it's too late. I know that. I can feel it inside. I can feel the transformation coming, the passage. And I'm ready. But I would like to talk to you, Dennis. One last time. I have a message…

"We got her!"

Dennis rushed forward, still holding the right side of his face. "How is she?"

"Not good," Torres replied, "but she's alive. Barely." He led Dennis past the barricade back toward the car, where attendants were lifting Joslyn's broken body onto a stretcher. "Medics say she has broken bones, a severely lacerated and infected leg. She's dehydrated, malnourished. Judging from her skin color, she's got liver damage, with the resultant buildup of toxins."

"Will she be okay?"

"They just don't know. We've got to get her to a hospital…"

Dennis rushed forward, grabbing the gurney. "Joslyn! Can you hear me? Can you hear me?"

Her eyelashes fluttered briefly, barely signaling a trace of life still residing inside.

"Joslyn, I'm sorry I took so long. I'm sorry! But we're going to get you well. You're going to be fine, honey. I promise. You'll be just like new. Back to your patients in no time."

One of the medics stepped forward. "I'm sorry, sir, but we have to get her to the hospital."

"Of course. I understand. Just-"

Joslyn's right hand suddenly wrapped itself around Dennis's arm.

"I'm here, honey," Dennis said, eyes bulging. "I'm here. I'll stay with you."

Slowly her lips pressed together. He could see she was trying to say something, but she barely had the strength to make it happen.

"What is it, Fizz? What?"

He leaned forward until his head was barely an inch from her lips. Her voice was more breath than sound.

"Out… wit…"

"Outwit? Is that what you're saying?"

"… stars…"

He felt the grip on his wrist loosen, then felt her hand fall away altogether.

"What's happening? What's happening to her?"

The chief EMT rushed forward. "Get me an oxygen mask, now. And the defibrillator."

"They're in the ambulance. Up on the road."

"Then hurry!"

The paramedic in charge gave her an injection. "Something's wrong."

"What is it?" Dennis asked desperately. "What's happening?"

"How can I know? I haven't had a chance to examine her properly. She's been trapped in her car for seven days. Most people wouldn't have lasted this long."

"There must be something you can do!"

The attendant pounded on her chest. "I assure you… I'm doing… everything I know… how to do…"


Across the gurney, Dennis saw the paramedic in charge step away, shaking his head. "She's gone."

"What?" Dennis's eyes went wild. "She can't be gone. She's alive. I'm telling you, she's alive!"

Dennis felt a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, sir, you need to move away and-"

"She can't be dead. She can't be!" He turned and saw Detective Sentz peering across at him.

"It's a tragedy." Sentz cleared his throat. "We did everything we could."

"Everything? You didn't do anything!"

"I know this is hard, but-"

"You killed her, you son of a bitch! You killed my wife!"

A second later, Dennis's fist clipped Sentz across the jaw. Sentz took a step backward, then recovered himself, rubbing the sore spot on his face. "Officers, restrain him."

Officer Torres and another grabbed Dennis by the arms, holding him in place. Dennis strained against his captors, trying to get free, trying to get to Sentz. "This is your fault! You killed her!"

"It's an unfortunate incident, but there's only so much you can do when someone goes off a country road like this. I wonder if she'd been drinking…"

"You killed her, you son of a bitch! You killed Joslyn! You'll pay for this!"

Sentz sighed. "Mr. Thomas, I'm afraid I'm going to have to press charges. You threatened and committed battery against a police officer. Those are felony charges."

"You're going to lock me up? Someone should lock you up!"

Sentz turned away. "Take him downtown and book him, officers. I'll finish up here."

The two officers dragged Dennis away, but he fought them, struggling, screaming back at the departing detective. "This isn't over. You're not done with me. There will be a reckoning, do you hear me? Your time will come. There will be a reckoning!"


Ben Kincaid thumbed through the case file, wondering what he had gotten himself into this time. As if he were not busy enough already. Just back from Washington, a much-delayed honeymoon waiting in the wings, a senatorial campaign to plan. And yet here he was, tackling a small-time criminal case. Was this really how he wanted to spend the two months the Senate was in recess? But when Marty from Legal Services called, he found himself unable to say no. As usual. He knew there were people who couldn't afford attorneys who seriously needed them, and he had often spoken of the importance of lawyers finding time in their busy schedules to help others. Time to put your money where your mouth is, right, Senator?

He stared through the acrylic separator at his new client, one Anson Thorpe III. He was a lean man, mid-twenties, scruffy beard and moustache. He did not look great, but the orange coveralls of the Tulsa County Jail rarely improved anyone's appearance.

"So, um, if I understand this correctly," Ben said, "the only things you stole were dolls?"

"Not dolls. Action figures."


"Do you have any idea how much these action figures are worth?"

"I understand some are collector's items."

"And some are beyond collector's items. This was the classic run of Mego Super-Friends figures. Still the standard-bearer for the entire field."

"So… they're particularly attractive action figures?"

"Actually, they make the entire Justice League look like trolls. But they were the first."

"And they're valuable?"

"If they're in good condition."

Ben tapped his pencil against his lips. "So I'm going to assume the ones you, um, borrowed-"


"Rescued from the store…" He checked his file. "Starbase 21, right? They must've been in very good condition."

Anson's eyes widened. "They were still in their original packaging. That makes them most desirable. So few understand."

Ben's brow creased. "What's the point of having a doll if you don't take it out of the packaging?"

"It is not a doll!"