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Jana and her daughter both crouched on their knees, arms crossed behind them, cruelly knotted to their ankles. Tense, grim little smiles curled their lips. They could both still feel the blazing red welts left by the lash of braided leather. And both still felt the humiliation of being whipped and forced to satisfy – at least partially – Alice's lewd desires.

"I can hardly wait to see what they do with her!" Jana whispered to her daughter in a low voice tight with excitement.

"I know…" Janey's voice had a wistful ring.

The fierce competition with her mother was over – at least for now – and nothing had really been decided. They'd both been pushed aside, helpless, except to watch and enjoy how Alice kicked and howled in the grip of torment.

Her ass flailed, still clawing for Doolie's face behind her head. As Judd stepped near, slowly stroking the thick long shaft of his cock, Alice turned her attention to him. She balled both hands into fists and swung wildly.

Judd dodged back just out of reach, taunting her with a wicked grin. In his free hand he held a sixfoot length of stout nylon rope. It trailed behind him on the floor, dragging across the coiled whip Alice had dropped in the heat of her excitement.

Her eyes hung on the bobbing knob of his big cock. It seemed to be leering up at her like a bulging, bloodshot eye.

"Hhhmmmm," Judd said each time his hand came forward, bunching a web of loose skin around the gleaming bright knob of his cock.


He stroked back toward his loins, stretching the skin of his cock tight along his throbbing prickshaft.

"Nnnnoooo," Alice said in a voice strained with fear. The thought of having two giant cocks in her at once was almost more than her mind could bear. "Get away from me!"

Judd just laughed.

"Beast… lecher!" Alice snapped, biting off the words. Then she shot out her right hand, jabbing for the point of Judd's chin.

"Ha!" The drumming on his cock flicked up and brushed the blow aside, then he caught her wrist and twisted it.

"Eeeeyyy!" Alice whined, startled by his quickness, numbed by the crushing force of his grip.

His hand, locked around her wrist, still radiated the heat absorbed from stroking his massive prick.

"Hhhuuungh!" she groaned, straining uselessly against his superior strength.

Judd bent her right arm and twisted it across her chest. "Bring her other arm up behind her back. We'll keep this little pussy from using her claws!"

"Hhuunngh…" Doolie grabbed her left arm and bent it like a green twig, lifting and twisting until she could almost touch the blade of her right shoulder.

"Aaaaggghhhh! You're breaking my arm!" she cried.

Judd looped and knotted the rope around her right wrist, then dropped the coil over her left shoulder and let the rope trail down her back like her shining hair.

"Take a couple of turns around her pretty neck," Judd said. "Then tie her other arm up tight behind her back."

"Oooooh, NO!" Alice could feel the sleek cold rope circle her throat.

Her arm was bent almost to the breaking point behind her. And all the while, Doolie's cock kept thrusting into her ass, never missing a beat or slowing its fucking rhythm.

"Hungh-unnngh-graahhhh!" Alice moaned.

Judd stepped back for a better look, grinning and stroking his cock again. Alice had brought her legs down, but even with her toes pointed, she could hardly touch the floor, and each time Doolie fucked her ass with a deep moan of brutal delight, her hips bucked and jerked toward Judd's searching gaze.

He could see the damp gleam of heated cunt oil in her dense thatch of cunt hair. And when her hips lurched forward, her legs flew apart, exposing the pink-lipped source of her dripping desire.

"Hhhhmmmm!" Judd said. "Looks like soft, sweet wet cunt to me!"

"Bastard!" Alice writhed uncontrolled, trying in vain to clamp her cunt lips tightly shut.

Each time Doolie slammed into her ass, she felt her cunt lips ripped and spread by the brutal fucking force from behind. The result was a pulsing motion that soon caught Judd's narrowed, lust-filled eyes.

Alice's bound arm angled up between her heaving tits. Her right tit bulged, squeezed in the crook of her elbow. Her other red-tipped tit swayed violently in time with Doolie's joyous cock thrusts.

Janey screamed: "Whip her like she whipped us!" And Judd smiled down on her, obviously liking the idea.

"Why not? Maybe it'll make her cunt hotter still!" He bent down and scooped up the discarded whip.

"Ooooh, God!" Alice shivered, tugging at the rope and its biting knots.

The memory of what Stan had done to her with the electric cord blazed fresh in her mind. Alice tugged hysterically at the rope binding her wrists, frantic in restraint, fearful of the searing lash.

"Noooo!" she whined, but Judd's powerful arm was already arched above his head and blurring down. "AAAYYYY!"

Doolie had thrust into her ass with his cock, lifting her to meet the snapping whip. Alice felt a double burst of pain, like twin rockets exploding in her mind.

"Ooooh…" She slumped, limp and trembling.

"Again!" Janey cried. "Hhhhoooo!"

The sexy young blonde squirmed excitedly on her knees, trying to work one hand around so she could wiggle a finger up her ass and feel at least part of what Alice was getting from Doolie's monster cock.

Jana strained, twisting her right arm until she reached the knot binding her left wrist. Watching the long, sleek leather braid leave its flaming mark on Alice's creamy white skin excited her wildly. She had to get loose and join in the fun!

"Hhhuuungh!" she groaned, pulling at the tightly knotted strands.

"Eeeyyyaaah!" Alice convulsed, jerking up her legs as the whip struck across her chest, stinging and smarting the tit that bulged out in the crook of her arm.

"Hhheeee!" Janey gasped at the same time, sinking her finger deep in her seething shithole. She began to rock, fucking her ass into a joyous frenzy.

Doolie timed his grinding hip motions so that his cock sank to its hairy root an instant before the whip hissed and popped on Alice's silky smooth skin. Each biting slash of the whip set off frantic spasms in the depths of the woman's ass, and hot, clinging waves stampeded up and down the shaft of his cock.

"Hhhhaaaa," Doolie gasped, raking the base of his cock around in a slow and tightening spiral of delight. "This is the best ass I ever fucked!"

Judd's cock bulged long and hard like the stiff handle of the whip. Alice kept gazing at it with tear-streaked eyes, horribly fearful of what his prick would feel like inside her cunt. Dread of a second huge cock sent chilling tingles up her spine, signals that clashed in her mind with the burning pain from the whip and the brutal cock spiked deep in her ass.

"Oooooh," Alice moaned.

She could feel control of her senses slipping away. The chafing of the rope coiled tightly around her wrists and neck, the stabbing pain of Doolie's throbbing cock almost ripping the walls of her asshole apart and the brutal, burning welts that criss-crossed her heaving chest… it all swirled around until she felt dizzy and weak.

"I'm going to faint," she moaned.

She trembled an her head tolled as though her neck had een broken. Then she stiffened and screamed: "Oh, Christ… no! I'm going to COME!"

Feeling faint was just a brief lapse before the heated burst of passion that came with a welcome climax.

"Me – UNNNGH! – too!" Doolie stabbed one final time with his cock, bending backward to sink his prickshaft as deep in her ass as he could.

Alice felt the stiff, searing shock of the whip and a hot, molten rush of creamy jism at the same time. The lash burned on her flesh and left its blazing scar across her chest. The jism steamed unseen in her deepest, darkest place. She felt Doolie's cum spray and splash off her ass walls, wetting the huge head of his cock.