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Dinner was a high energy event, despite the lateness of the hour.

For some reason, everybody was in good spirits and the two bottles of wine we enjoyed with our meal contributed to the feelings of well being. Richard and Ellen lived only a few blocks from the restaurant and Ann and I walked with them back to their apartment. We were invited up for a nightcap, but we decided to call it a night. It was only after we bade our guests goodnight that I began to wonder how my evening with Ann would end. I was not kept in suspense long. In the taxi over to Ann's, Ann told me that I did not have to see her upstairs, that her doorman would see that she was safe inside. I protested that it was no problem, but Ann was insistent that, since it was late, I should get home as quickly as possible. We pulled up in front of Ann's apartment and the doorman opened the door for her. As she was getting out of the car, Ann turned back and asked "who were those girls you were talking to?" I felt a bit peeved by Ann's brusque goodnight and I did not answer.


The enigma of my now week old relationship with Ann was a bit frustrating and was a matter of preoccupation for me as I walked to work on Friday. Ann arrived at the lobby of our office building just as I was and we rode up the elevator together.

After the other passengers got off on a lower floor. Ann looked at me and said "I'm sorry Bob, I handled that badly."I didn't say anything.

We walked in silence to my office. As soon as we were in Ann repeated her apology. "Bob, I shouldn't have let such a lovely evening end like that, but I was a bit upset about what I heard."

"What are you talking about?"

"You know those girls I asked you about. After they were talking to you they passed by me and I heard the older one say that she was going away this weekend with you."

I was a little obtuse: "So?"

"You're right that shouldn't have mattered."

Ann's comment reminded me that I needed to make reservations for the country excursion I had promised Saundra. I spent the next half hour on the phone calling friends for recommendations and then making reservations at a bed and breakfast inn in Litchfield County, Connecticut. Just as things seemed all set, Ann came in to say that a Miss Davis was on the line. I thanked Ann, waited for her to leave and then picked up the phone.


"Hi. I was glad to bump into you last night…"

"Me too. I have the scoop on the weekend."

"That's why I'm calling. I have to work on that presentation I was telling you about this weekend."

"What's going on?"

"My boss wants to have an all-hands brainstorming session on Saturday and then the whole group is supposed to go to dinner and then meet again on Sunday to finish things up."


"Yeah, it was just decided and there's no way I can beg off."

"Well that's too bad."

"I'll call you on Monday. Oh Bob, I'm so disappointed."

"Me too. There will be other times. Take care.



I was disappointed.

I didn't feel like working too much and I decided to take a walk.

I had no particular destination in mind.

"Where are you going?" Ann asked as I walked past her on my way out.

"I am taking a walk. I'll be back." I snapped.

I walked out of the building and headed over toward Fifth Avenue and found myself at Bergdorf's. I thumbed my way through some sale ties and wound up buying a shirt. I saw that it was a few minutes before twelve and I headed back to my office. Ann said that there was only one message. The inn in Litchfield had called to find out if I wanted a reservation for Sunday brunch which, Ann said, they said, sells out.

I told Ann to call them back and cancel the reservation. She looked puzzled. I explained that Saundra-"that's the girl you saw me with"-had called earlier to advise that she had to work this weekend. "Oh I'm sorry" Ann said. Then she brightened. "I'll take care of it-I'll take care of everything."

I returned to my office, leaving the door opened and watched Ann at her desk. Ann knew that I was watching her. Today Ann had come to work wearing a tight navy skirt hemmed above her knee. She was wearing a cream colored blouse buttoned to the neck. As Ann was on the phone, I saw that she was absently tweaking the nipple on her right breast with her left hand. As her nipple stiffened, I experienced a sympathetic reaction.

After making a series of calls, Ann came in to my office about a half hour later and sat in the couch along the far wall. Her skirt and decorum were no match for the deep couch. She first sat with her legs crossed and her skirt rode well up her thighs. As we talked, she uncrossed her legs and her bare sex was plainly visible.

We disposed of some business. Ann told me that she was set to interview a cook for me and that she thought that a housekeeper/laundress would be what I needed to round out my domestic staff.

"Bob," Ann continued. "I know that you are disappointed about your change of plans for tomorrow. Why don't you come over to my place in the afternoon. We can have lunch and play it by ear after that."

It was happening again. There Ann was, seated on the couch across from me in the most extreme position. Her full breasts were clearly outlined against the thin fabric of her blouse and her legs were set apart giving the most tantalizing view. I was of two minds. On the one hand I remained unclear where this was all leading and was frustrated that the rules or even the conventions of our relationship remained, at best, opaque. On the other hand, Ann was sufficiently engrossing that I did not view myself as having any real choice.

"I don't know Ann," I heard myself say. "Maybe I'll just come in to the office or find something else to do."

"Well do as you want, but I do think I have to make it up to you and if you like paella at least I know you'll enjoy lunch."

"All right, what time should I be there?"

"Figure 1:30."

The rest of Friday was rather straightforward. I left the office around 6:00, went home, read some mail and magazines that had been piling up, ordered a pizza and sat down in front of the TV to watch the Mets games and drink a few Heinekins. Saturday

Saturday was a boldly glorious day, weather-wise. The sky was a flawless blue, the temperature started out in the high 60's but by midday it was about 10 degrees higher. There was a gentle breeze and no detectible humidity. I sensed all this as I walked over to Ann's. I figured that of all days, this was not one to spend indoors, and I thought I'd find some outdoor activity for Ann and I to pursue.

Ann greeted me at her door with a light kiss on the cheek. She was wearing khaki shorts and a bright yellow pullover blouse. My first surprise (there were to be several that day) came as I noticed that Ann had place settings for three laid out on her table. Ann noticed my gaze and said absently, "I didn't tell you that she'd be here too?"

"Come on Ann, you know you didn't" I said a little put off by this latest turn.

Just then, as of on cue, Ann's intercom buzzed and Ann, speaking into the handset, said "send her up, please."

"Can I get you something to drink?" she asked me, evidently determined not to fill me in on who "she" was.

"Club soda" I answered deciding to play along for the moment.

Ann was in her kitchen when the doorbell rang. "Bob, would you get that, please" Ann asked.

What the hell I thought and opened the door. "Hi Bob" was Ellen's greeting. She seemed not the least surprised that I was there. Ellen was carrying a small soft case in addition to her handbag. She came in to the apartment and looked around admiring the views and the furnishings. Ann called out a greeting and asked me to give her a hand in the kitchen.

Ann hastily explained. "When I saw what a glorious day it was I knew Ellen would want to come here and use my terrace if she was otherwise free so I called and invited her-we sort of had made up to meet for lunch the other night-and I told her you'd be here too."