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"What about Richard?" I asked.

"His name never came up."

By then Ellen had joined us in the kitchen. She told Ann how much she admired her apartment. Ann invited us to sit down and said lunch would be served shortly.

Ann was 100% correct when she said if I enjoyed paella lunch would be a success. I do and it was. She had also prepared and chilled fresh sangria and we all shared a pitcher.

I gathered from the course of our lunch-time discussions that Ellen had been invited over by Ann for lunch and to get some sun on Ann's terrace. After the dishes were cleared, Ellen excused herself to change into a bathing suit. After Ellen went in to Ann's bedroom with the bag she had brought with her, I told Ann that if I knew that was to be the afternoon's activities I would have brought along a pair of shorts too.

"Don't be silly. We have privacy, you can sit in your underwear or less for that matter."

We went out on Ann's terrace. The sun was strong and there were three chaises lounges arranged side bby side. Ellen came out in a two piece bikini and lay down on the right side. I took off my shirt, left my slacks on and sat on the left. Ann excused herself for a moment and returned having changed. She brought with her a portable spritzer and some sun tanning oil. Ann's suit was something else. Two straps were fastened behind her neck and broadened out only slightly as they carried forward over her breasts and then met at her lower belly where they formed a minimal patch that covered her sex. I admired the architect who designed that bit of coverage. Ann flipped a switch that piped some music out to the terrace and lay on her back in the middle between Ellen and me.

It didn't take long for me to realize that my slacks had to go. Reading my mind, Ann said that I should take a bath towel if I wanted and improvise something. Following that suggestion, I went to the bathroom removed my slacks and the boxer shorts I was wearing and wrapped a towel around my waist and rejoined Ann and Ellen.

Ann had unfastened the straps from around her neck and was reclining topless with her large breasts splayed from side to side. For her part, Ellen had flipped over to her stomach and unclasped the back of her bikini top. Ellen, I am sure nurtured her deep tan with many hours in the sun. Ann on the other hand was much fairer. After about twenty minutes or so, the combined effect of the Sangria and lunch started to have their effect and I thought I'd take a nap. Ellen evidently had long since entered the realm of the sandman and seemed to be breathing deeply and regularly. I looked over at Ann to tell her my intentions and was distracted by the sight of her massaging her suntan oil across her very ample breasts. Without saying anything I adjusted the towel and closed my eyes.

I had fallen asleep and thought for an instant I was having the most delicious dream when I realized what was going on. I opened my eyes with a start and saw Ann purse her lips in a "Shh!" She had slipped her hand under my towel and was cradling me with that hand. She had turned over on to her stomach and raised herself slightly so that she was supporting her weight on her left arm and her right was cupping my balls. In this interim Ellen had also turned over and appeared to be sleeping. Her top was arranged loosely and unfastened on her chest and had slipped down a bit revealing the upper part of one of her breasts, exposing most of her left nipple. Ann then turned about three-quarters in my direction and began to slide her hand up and down my cock. Her hand seemed to lubricated with what I assumed to be some of the tanning oil. The accumulated stimulation of my week with Ann certainly made me a willing participant. Ann varied the rhythm of her touch and I was well on my way to a vigorous reaction. I glanced over Ann's shoulder to see that Ellen was now awake and looking at m e with an indulgent grin. I saw that Ellen was not unaffected by what was going on, and I saw her hand dip inside the waistband of her bikini bottoms-her bikini top was nowhere to be seen. Ann's movements were more vigorous and the towel gave up the ghost and no longer made a pretense of concealing her ministrations. Finally I shuddered and experienced a powerful orgasm. As my buttocks clenched I did my old faithful imitation and a small geyser of white come shot up in the air and fell back (mostly) on my stomach.

I noticed a pearly drop sitting proudly on Ann's right nipple. She followed my gaze and picked that drop up with her forefinger which she then put to her lips. I motioned to her to look over in Ellen's direction. Ellen was in a world of her own with her hand busily clawing away at her bottom as she tossed her head to and fro. Ann dipped a finger in some of my come and turned and fed a sleek fingertip to Ellen. Ellen's reaction encouraged Ann to keep her finger in Ellen's mouth while Ellen continued to bury her fingers under her bikini bottoms.

At this point Ann grasped the waistband of Ellen's bottom and eased it over her hips. Ellen's bottom had a glistening mat of the same type of hair that was on her head. Ellen returned the favor to Ann and soon enough both girls were nude. Ann pushed Ellen's hand away from its nest and substituted her own as the source of Ellen's stimulation. Ellen reached over to Ann, and soon the two of them were twisting their fingers in each other, with Ellen also tonguing Ann's nipples, one after the other. In short order, both girls acheived orgasm.

Ann was quick to bring me a washcloth to tidy up. Ellen flushed when Ann handed her one as well. We all lay there in the sun enjoying its warmth for an additional hour or so. I made no move to cover up and Ann and Ellen also soaked in the sun totally nude. I felt extraordinarily relaxed and enjoyed the sensation of the sun all over me. I also knew that a boundary had been crossed.

As the sun's shadows lengthened, Ellen broke the silence and announced that she had to be getting home. She sat up and fastened her top in place and tugged on her bottoms. I felt her eyes examine me. "This is between the three of us" she stated and asked. I nodded in agreement and Ann said to Ellen that as far as Richard is concerned, she simply spent the afternoon with Ann, that Bob had nothing to do it.

Ellen said goodbye and left.

Ann and I continued to lie next to each other in the setting sun, both of us naked and not talking. At one point, I turned on my side and faced Ann. I reached out to her and started, lightly, to explore her body with my hands. I wanted to start to learn more about her, to sense the heft of her breasts, to feel the muscles under her belly, to explore the soft hairlessness of her sex. Ann did not turn me away, but I didn't sense much responsiveness from her either. Shortly thereafter Ann announced that she was going in to shower. I asked her if she wanted to join me that evening for a movie. The mood of the moment had clearly passed.

That evening we went to the movies and afterwards we went out for hamburgers. Although we both knew that something significant had passed between us that day, that our relationship had entered a new dimension, we really did not talk about what had happened. For my part, the mystery of Ann had deepened.

A Routine Established – October 1977

In the space of four months time Ann had totally transformed the routines of my life. For one thing Ann had completed the hiring and staffing of our office. She had also set me up with a personal staff at home. We had located new office space which was being renovated to our specifications and Ann had several real estate brokers calling with leads on a new apartment. Ann also seemed determined to indulge my voyeuristic bent and to create a stimulating environment which also supported my business ventures. Our personal relationship, however, had not developed. We had no experiences to repeat what occurred that day in June on Ann's terrace.

In my office I presided over a staff of four. Ann of course was the second in command. Allie was our receptionist and directed incoming phone calls. She also handled clerical jobs as assigned by Ann.

Jodi was our bookkeeper/controller. Jodi was responsible for managing the flow of funds, handling the banking relationships as well as making sure that stock trades were verified and cleared. Jodi was about twenty-six with more than shoulder length golden brown hair and blue-green eyes. She had a great pair of long legs. She was in excellent shape and had medium size breasts.