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The real miracle was that the case was hustled before the court, and Garvey hired an excellent lawyer from McGuire Woods. The Peavey family, all now in the Midwest, did not press charges.

The judge allowed that as so much time had passed, it was an accident, and Garvey had been an upstanding citizen all these decades, no jail time would be forthcoming. He did assign Garvey community service, which was right up his alley: Garvey was to mentor kids in the high school junior business program.

After it was all settled, Harry and Inez chatted in the barn, both thinking the judges ruling was the only correct one.

In the loft, Mrs. Murphy and Pewter filled Simon in on all of it.

No animal was run over with Ralston, was it?

No, Simon, just Ralston.

Oh, Im so glad. Im still upset over Pharaohs horses. I wish youd never told me that story.

Ill be sure not to tell any more Bible stories.

Mrs. Murphy rubbed against the possum.

Murphy, I dont know why you trouble him with that, anyway. You know the Great Spirit is a cat. A gray cat,

Pewter announced with authority.


was all Mrs. Murphy could manage.

How I Came To Love William Woods University

Saddlebred shows, most of them taking place in the summer, bring together crowds of friendly people. I bring this up because it is not true of some of the other horse disciplines. Mercifully, I shall not name them and can only hope they repent their snottiness.

Mother knew her Thoroughbreds, Standardbreds, and some Saddlebreds (we saw the great Wing Commander together, when I was five, at his second show). Ive sustained her interest in my life, which is how I met Gayle Lampe in 1984. I cant remember if it was at the Mercer County Fair or Shelbyville, two wonderful Kentucky shows. I remember it was hot and thunderstorms came up at night. They always do.

Gayle was and remains unforgettable. She mentioned William Woods University. I asked Larry Hodge and Joan Hamilton about the school. Larry and Joan own Kalarama Farm, which I explain to people is like old Calumet Farm was to Thoroughbreds, when Mrs. Gene Markey was at the helm. Kalaramas great rival, Callaway Hills Stable, was in the very county that is home to this university. I knew the late Mrs. Weldon in passing, for she lived in Charlottesville briefly. She, too, confirmed what Joan and Larry said, which is that WWUs graduates fill the Saddlebred world. They couldnt comment on dressage, hunt seat, or Western seat, which are also taught at WWU, as those are not their disciplines.

The next year I was at Shelbyville, a show I try to attend on the odd years; the even years I head to Saratoga, if I can. Sometimes the money is tight or theres too much to do on the farm. If youve never been to either Shelbyville or Saratoga, go.

Anyway, Joan and I were sitting in the bleachers at the warm-up

ring, the night lights blazing, moths flying in squadrons, when from the west, heading toward us from the Ohio River, we heard thunder. Joan pointed out all those in the ring, the trainers, the assistant trainers, and many of the riders who had graduated from William Woods. Not only was the number impressive, but so was the skill.

Gayle and I would run into each other and exchange letters, and Joan and Larry would report on Gayles progress and vice versa. You might say I was on the outermost ring of William Woodss Saturn.

Then out of the blue in the mid-nineties I received a letter inviting me to be the commencement speaker. I really adore giving commencement speeches, but this one was to stay with me forever, not because of anything I said but because of the magic of this community. First off, no one fussed over me in a sickening sweet way. Those whom I met were just who they are. How delightful.

The campus is pretty and I liked all the ducks who appear to have quite a high opinion of themselves whether walking down the middle of the road or swimming about.

Staying at Fairchild Alumni House felt like visiting your aunt. Gayle, knowing of my addiction, stocked the fridge with Classic Coke in cans, high test.

The faculty that I met were down-to-earth, yet very accomplished. The conversations, if only I could have chatted forever, were truly stimulating. My God, people who thought for themselves! Well, I was in the middle of Missouri; I should have expected that. Its not called the Show Me state for nothing.

Having dinner at the presidents house, I felt as if I had known these people before Id met them. EddieJahnaes husbandplayed football for Ole Miss, and its easy to see why they are together. The other guestsincluding a sophisticated couple from Indiamade this an evening I so often remember, realizing how lucky I was to be there. Then there was the standard poodle, who completed the gathering.

Before dinner the horses had welcomed me, too. I met the Saddlebreds, some Thoroughbreds, quarter horses, and I think some TB/QH crosses. So many of these horses were beautiful that I couldnt believe they had been donated. All of the horses coats gleamed, all were

happy. You can tell when a horse is not if you know horses. The barns were clean and smelled clean, too. And this was late spring.

Gayle indulged me while I checked feedIm always curious about thatand picked up a hoof here and there. A few William Woods horses evidenced a convivial streak so we got to know one another.

The graduation ceremony itself was dignified without being stiff. A moment I carry, a moment that seemed to me to distill this unusual institution, was when Melissa Smith and her Seeing Eye dog, Brinkley, came forward to receive her diploma. President Barnett gave Brinkley one, too, for he had attended all Miss Smiths classes. He carried his diploma off the stage.

And so I came to love this place far more than my own alma mater, Washington Square College at New York University. Its a great school and I studied under the incomparable Bluma Trell, who tried to teach me Greek. When she died on June 10, 1997, at age ninety-four,

The Economist

ran a full-page obituary on June 28, 1997.

But great as NYU is, its no William Woods University. Apart from Professor Trell, I could have sunk like a stone. No one would have noticed or cared. Here in central Missouri exists an institution that puts the student first. Im not saying they coddle the students nor do not demand intellectual rigor, but they actually care and the faculty knows those students. The president knows the students.

Lacking funds, most of my money goes toward abandoned animals, and my wardrobe proves it. I find the only gift I can give William Woods University is to introduce this institution to you. Perhaps you or one of your children will someday attend.

And there you have it, maybe more than you ever wanted to know. The cat will take credit for all of it but really setting this mystery in Fulton, Missouri, was my idea.

The one thing I can say though is I look older yet Dr. Barnett looks just like she did when I first met her. This is desperately unfair.

The Truth

She didnt think Id read that. Thought shed slide it right under my nose. It was my idea to set this mystery at William Woods University. All the horses, ducks, some dogs, and barn cats made me want to highlight a place where the animals mean as much to the community as the people.

Dont listen to her. Shes an old windbag.