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The mouth over one breast did just that, pulling and pressing with a firm tongue.

Sensation shot down her spine and she arched her hips upward.

A powerful thigh spread her legs while hands splayed over her waist.

Fingers dipped beneath the waistband of her panties and began the descent into her creamy slit.

Bam! The alarm clock buzzed loudly, waking Anneke from her sleep. “God damn it!” She threw a hand against the alarm, shutting it off. Stretching, she looked down at the sheets to see them tangled around her bare thighs. Her pussy was soaked, the smell of wanton lust filling her nostrils this morning. She looked at the clock. It was barely a quarter after five. She had just enough time to get a shower, eat breakfast and dash off to work.

How she could give her presentation in her current state of mind was beyond her. The erotic dreams she’d had all night had kept her tossing and turning, as evidenced by the tangle of sheets.

Slipping out of bed, she padded into the bathroom, showered quickly, dressed and rushed into the kitchen to pour a glass of orange juice and make a quick breakfast out of yogurt and oats.

Downing her juice and inhaling her breakfast, she grabbed her briefcase and keys then noticed the business card on the table beside her keys.

She picked it up and looked at it, a wicked smile crossing her lips at the thought of calling Troy and Bill later today.

Would they both be agreeable to a threesome?

She sure as hell hoped so. They were oh so ready and willing in last night’s dreams.

It hadn’t even been that long since she’d had sex. Damn, she’d slept with Jones two weeks ago before she’d thought of calling it off with that bastard. Not that sex with him was spectacular or anything. More like dismal.

Hell, she’d had to finish herself.


What a disappointment.

Tucking the card into her briefcase, she walked into the hall. Locking her door behind her, she headed towards her car.

A moment later, she’d pulled onto the highway and sped towards work. She grinned to herself. She had a plan to get herself in some trouble with two hunky men…


After giving her presentation with renewed enthusiasm and a healthy dose of coffee, the rest of the day was uneventful. Revealing figures and facts to the board of directors had been something Anneke didn’t want to do, based on the dismal financial outcome, but the only thing she was truly concerned with at the moment was coming.

Hard and fast.

She strolled out of the boardroom with folders in hand and a sense of accomplishment until she’d spotted an annoyance just down the hall.

“Anneke, baby.” The man strode towards her, snapping his fingers and pointing at her. “Free tonight?” He was dressed impeccably in three-piece, navy blue suit with matching tie. And he reeked of expensive cologne that would surely play hell with her sinuses later if she didn’t vanish now.

Throwing a hand up, she brushed right past the obnoxious troll. “Skip it, Jones. No time, you pompous bastard!” Damn, that felt good! She continued walking towards her office, giddy about the phone call she was about to make.

Shutting the door to her office, she slid on top of the desk and picked up the phone. Retrieving the card from beneath her briefcase, she dialled the number and leaned back comfortably on one hand.

She crossed her legs while the phone rang until a heavenly, deep, male voice picked up.

“Hello, Angus Brothers Farm where our meats are organic and grass fed. This is Troy. What can I do for you?”

The rumble of his voice sent a shiver down her spine. “Hello, Troy. It’s Anneke from last night.” She let the last part drip with innuendo.

“Well, hello there, stranger. Didn’t think you’d call.” He chuckled.

She imagined the rise and fall of his chest beneath whatever shirt he wore and found it incredibly sexy. “I didn’t think you’d give me a bogus number, but a girl has to be sure.” She sounded flirty, blithesome.

“Well hon, I never give a woman the wrong number. She might be the right one.” His voice dropped a note. “What’s up?”

“I was hoping,” she twirled the phone cord around her fingers and shifted her weight, “we could get together sometime.”

He waited a beat. “Are you free tonight, Darlin’?”

“I am, but…” She hesitated. The fantasy of having both men satisfy her burned hot within her, so much that it nagged at her.

“But what?”

“I’d like it if Bill joined. Do you mind?” Anneke made sure to let the wanton lust drip from her voice.

“Mind? If I am right about where this is heading, I think he’ll be more than agreeable, babe. What time should we pick you up?”

The cockiness in his voice amused her. Anneke leaned back, her lips parted for a response.

He interrupted her silence. “How about seven tonight? We’ll pick you up at say…the bar?”

“My but you’re fast.” She let out a light, airy laugh.

“I have to be if I want to snag someone like you. You’re quite a prize.” His smile was evident through the phone. Closing her eyes, Anneke visualised his full lips curved upwards in a bow before his pink tongue darted out to lick his bottom lip.

“Flatterer.” Anneke crossed her legs at the ankles and set a hand down on her desk for balance.

“That’s me. Mr. Charm.”

“Well, Mr. Charm,” she let out a giggle, “Seven it is.”

“Great. I’ll tell Bill, and we’ll both be on time.”

“Fabulous.” Anneke leaned forward, setting a hand on her thigh. She was already aroused from her dreams this morning, but the anticipation would make her antsy. “I’ll see you then.”

She hung up the phone, slid off the desk and walked around to sit in her chair. One glance at the clock told her the day couldn’t pass fast enough.

Several hours later, Anneke found herself sitting in the same bar she’d been in with her friends last night, only they were absent. She was dressed in her killer jeans, a pair of stockings and panties complete with garter. A black skin tight sweater hugged her curves in the same manner as the jeans she wore. Pumps completed the outfit. She’d chosen to wear very little makeup, leaving her hair down to frame her face.

She leaned over the bar, nursing a beer. Deciding to skip the last two hours of work to come home early and change for her dates, she’d made up an excuse about how she needed to be home early for her nonexistent cats.

Her boss had let her go without a word other than to thank her for her presentation that morning. Still, he’d seemed irked that she had priorities other than her job.

She’d giddily slipped out of the office and sped home to change into the sexiest thing she could think of: lingerie.

Black seamless stockings attached to a purple and black garter. A matching strapless bra cupped her breasts, holding them up just enough to give any man a decent view of her cleavage. She topped off the outfit with a black, jeans and fuck-me pumps.

This wasn’t an outfit her mother would let her wear to a bar!

She’d already had two guys come onto her and try to buy her drinks, but she’d refused, saying she was waiting for her boyfriend.

The thought of a boyfriend scared them off while it amused the bartender.

“Another round, ma’am?” He reached for her glass.

Checking her watch, she nodded. “I’m early. I’ve got time for one more.” She hoped the boys weren’t insane or assholes. She couldn’t put up with another one of those after dealing with her stupid ex.

The bartender took her glass and refilled it with more beer.

Lifting the glass to her lips, Anneke took a long sip before the sound of the door opening to her left had her turning her gaze on the entrance.