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"I will," Maria said, and then, just as Ellen had done, Maria made kissing sounds before hanging up.

Vern could not believe how well things were going. He was so excited that Reardon and Hendricks agreements with his firm might be finalized very soon that he decided to take the rest of the day off and drive golf balls.

He left the office, walking with a jaunty gait, drove to the driving range and hit three buckets of balls, hitting them straighter and farther than he could remember. Afterward, he called the office for messages. There were none, so he drove on home and lay down to take a nap before meeting Ellen for dinner. He didn't want to be exhausted with Ellen tonight…not again. He even applied salve to his prick before going to sleep. Surprisingly, his prick felt much better.

It was almost 6:00 when the raucous buzz of his alarm clock sounded. He hastily showered, dressed and drove off for the Mediterranean. He was five minutes late by his wristwatch, but he found Ellen waiting in a booth in the bar area. He kissed her lovingly as he sat down beside her. For some reason, he did not feel that Ellen was a liability when he was in public-alone with her. It was only with other people-friends and groups of friends-that he felt she did not come up to his high standards, as Maria Reese did.

"So how was your day, darling?" he asked as they sipped their martinis after their initial greetings.

"After your telephone call it was marvelous," Ellen purred, smiling and gazing adoringly into his eves. Very discreetly, her fingers slid up the inside of his leg and gave his cock a squeeze. "But it's my night I care about now. I'm with my darling, and soon we'll be home where we can do all those yummy things to each others' bodies."

"Don't give me a hard-on here, love," Vern warned. He surveyed the room, but nobody seemed to be watching them.

"No, I wouldn't want to do that" she said. "Some horny lady is-likely to see my lover's yummy, big prick and want it and I'd be awfully jealous."

Vern loved it when she talked that way. It was pure vanity, he knew, but he ate it all up, even though he knew Ellen was putting him on a bit "Please, dear," he said. "Try to control yourself."

And then, quite suddenly, Vern wanted to hide beneath the table. Directly across the room, Hendricks, Reardon, Maria Reese, and a stunning blonde Vern assumed was Judy Thor, sat down. Good God! he thought. Of all the restaurants in Los Angeles to select, he had picked the same one Maria and his clients had come to! And he could say nothing-absolutely nothing-to Ellen about it.

"Uh-l-let's go on into the dining room area now," he stammered, hoping he could make his escape before Maria's group sighted him. Jesus, if they see me with another woman, it will compound matters hopelessly! he thought. Bad enough that Maria is presumably cheating on me, but U will be apparent that I'm cheating on her! All her leverage loould be lost if they see me. They could decide to hell with such an amoral man, despite the fact that they were being a bit amoral themselves. That's the way people are…hypocrites.

And then his nightmare became a reality. Randolph Reardon spotted Vern and nudged the others. Everyone in the group turned and stared at him and Ellen. Vern had to think fast. Right or wrong, he had to act. He stood up then, grabbed Ellen's hand, changed his mind and released her.

"Stay here," Vern said. "Be right back." He strode smiling over to the table and said: "Well, what a pleasant surprise! Maria told me she was meeting with you gentlemen for dinner, but I had no idea you'd show up at the same restaurant! I-I'm with the-the Assistant Director of the Los Angeles School District. We-uh-we're discussing the efficiency of their cafeteria systems, their enrollment procedures, a whole host of problems. Strictly business, and very dull business, I must confess. "Hello, darling," Vern said to Maria, his back to Ellen. "You gentlemen must admit that my bride-to-be is quite an asset to me."

Reardon and Hendricks coughed, embarrassed. "Yes, certainly," Hendricks muttered. Reardon blinked very rapidly, obviously flustered, too. "Umm-hmm, Miss Reese is indeed an excellent hostess." He paused, trying to think of something to say.

"We'd love to join you," Vern said, "but I must get my client home early. We've been discussing school business all afternoon, you know. Good, night. See you tomorrow, darling."

With that, Vern turned his back to the group, went quickly to Ellen and whispered. "We're leaving, dear. Right now. Don't say a word and let's go."

"But the reservation," she protested.

"Goddamit, don't question me now. Please!" Vern smiled at the group across the room as he and Ellen departed.

Outside, waiting for the attendant to bring their cars, Ellen said: "Don't you think I deserve some explanation? I mean, really…a beautiful evening spoiled by a-a sudden-who were those people, anyway?"

Again, Vern had to think fast. He wanted to say: You'll just have to trust me. Don't ask any questions. But he could not get away with such tactics after last night, he knew.

"They're several important clients of mine-in fact, it was Hendricks and Reardon. And they aren't with their own wives! You see why I had to get out of there? Hell, they could have been so embarrassed they would never want to see me again. I had to let them know I would keep their secret and get the hell out fast to spare them embarrassment. Don't you see?"

Ellen looked suddenly relieved. "Oh, yes. I do see," she said. "I-I hope everything's still all right."

"I think so," Vern said. "But just barely. Tomorrow I'll have to call them and discreetly reassure them I'll never breathe a word to a soul."

Their cars arrived and Vern suggested they dine at Lawry's, which Ellen thought would be just "dreamy." By the time they reached the restaurant, the nervous fluttering in Vern's stomach had finally subsided. It had been a close call, but he had prevailed. In fact, he was proud of himself. In emergencies, he still had what it took to think fast and think right. He felt almost cocky, in fact, during their dinner and, afterwards, he decided to celebrate with three brandies. The president of Shipley Research was a winner!

When Vern and Ellen arrived at Ellen's condominium, Vern jokingly insisted on carrying Ellen over the threshold. They were both feeling slightly tipsy from their drinks, and they quickly stripped off their clothing and sprawled on the bed. After the usual foreplay, Vern told Ellen to get up on all fours. He lay on his back beneath her then, like some garage mechanic peering into the underside of an automobile, and tongued and flip-flopped her hanging tits. As he did this, he massaged her eager cunt with his instep.

Bleary-eyed with lust, Ellen trembled, telling him over and over again how grateful she was to have him back after their "problems" of the previous night. Vern forced her to suck his prick almost sadistically, jabbing his gristle hunk as far back into her throat as it would go. She gagged, but she seemed grateful for his need, his attention.

Finally, Vern had her squat over his face while he gave her pussy the fiercest gobbling she had ever known. He actually bit her cunt lips, trying to make her raw-just as he had been the previous night. And she loved it!

Then it was time to fuck. Vern commanded her to remain in her "doggie" position while he fetched vaseline from the bathroom. When he returned, he greased her rectum thoroughly and prepared her for ass-fucking. Her buttocks fairly glistened with lubricant in the dim fight.

"Now get down on your knees on the floor," he ordered. "Put your elbows up on the mattress."

She obeyed, breathing hard, loving his commands and his domineering, male manner. Vern knew she liked to be ordered about at such times, so he laid it on thick, being gruff, almost cruel. When she was in position, he got down behind her, his own knees on the thick carpet, and began poking at her tight, puckered anal cavity.