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As he prepared her rear hole for penetration, he roughly groped at her nipples and bit the back of her neck hard.

"Ohhhhh," she groaned, "that big cockhead probing at my ass is heaven, Vern. Hurry up and stick it all the way up inside me, but-but you'll have to be just a little gentle. D-don't hurt mama, please?"

For some reason, Vern suddenly bit so hard into her neck that Ellen squealed loudly in pain. He had never sought to inflict pain before-at least not like this-but tonight he wanted to hurt. Was it because he had seen-actually seen-Maria with men who would be touching her body? He did not know, but he began forcing a premature entry into Ellen's ass hole. She shrieked with pain, begging him to "go easy," but he rammed his pulsing shaft in hard, driving it home with a fury. "Argh, Ahhh, Oouu," he heard himself saying over Ellen's pleas for mercy. "Take that…and that…and that!"

But he guessed that Ellen was enjoying this game just as much as he was. She could break away from him anytime she chose, of course, so he knew that he wasn't truly hurting her or damaging her. He loved the tightness of her ass, and he suspected she was clenching her muscles to make herself even tighter. Her anus had never seemed so firm, so unsullied, so virginal in its rigidity. Ellen was not a masochist, but she loved to give of herself totally.

"Ohhhh, Gawd!" she wailed now, drawing the words out, and sounding as if his savage thrusts were bringing her indescribable pleasure. "Fuck my ass, honey. Yes, shove it up all the way! Give me all of it…give me all of that great, big, beau-teeefulll puh-rick!"

Vern released his hold on her hips and, with one hand, clenched her big, hanging tits while he began massaging her clitoris. As always, his contact with her love nub brought forth instant squeals of joy, or despair, he couldn't tell which.

Suddenly Vern decided to try something he'd never done before. He decided to turn her over on her back, in the same position they assumed when he fucked her cunt, only this time he planned to fuck her anus. The position would certainly produce pressure-very intense pressure-in different areas.

He rolled her over and she babbled something about letting him do anything he pleased whenever he wanted to do it. "Use me! Use me!" she screamed. "Hurt me, love me, anything!"

Her legs were draped over his shoulders now. She lay flat on her back and he was fucking her ass in that position! He was correct in assuming the pressure against his prick would be intense. She was so tight he could barely get his prick lodged in her in that position. But it was in-all the way in-and plunging, driving, thrusting mercilessly as she wailed and shuddered.

Staring down, Vern watched his entry and exit into the very tight aperture. When he felt himself ready to shoot his load, he began rubbing Ellen's clit frantically. And then Ellen neared the heights, too. "It's one of-of the b-best c-comes I-I ever haddddddP she yelled. "Now, Veml Now! Now! Ohhhhh, Nowwwwww, Babbeeeee!"

Vern felt his scalding sperm swirling up the length of his throbbing shaft, and they both finished together. Usually, he finished just slightly ahead of Ellen, but tonight they went off simultaneously.

Vern collapsed in a heap on top of Ellen, and they both lay there murmuring and fighting for breath. Finally, without even leaving the bedroom to wash, Vern rolled over, exhausted, and they both fell into a deep and satisfying slumber.

Chapter 1

Maria Reese and Judy Thor stood primping before the mirror in the ladies' room of the Mediterranean Restaurant.

"God, kid," said Judy, "aren't we ever going to get out of here? Randy Reardon is the 'feel up' artist of the century. I'm getting embarrassed. I've had enough to drink. Let's go, huh? Let's just tell them goodbye and get the hell out of here." Maria put her lipstick back in her slim purse and nodded, staring appraisingly at her roommate, Judy, who was blonde, petite and big-bosomed. "I know it's dragging on a bit," she said. "But this means an awful lot to Vern. Won't you just finish out the evening with me?"

Judy grinned, despite her exhaustion. "You do have a thing about this Vern Shipley," she said. "I just hope Lance doesn't find out about it." She sighed. "Well, okay. It's not "that I mind screwing the guy-I just wish we'd get it on and stop playing feelsies here in the restaurant! I feel like some kind of cheap whore, you know?"

"I understand, hon," Maria said. "Just give me a few more minutes. I'll get us all out of here, and we'll get their rocks off and call;t a night. Let's do a little under-the-table work ourselves."

Judy stifled a yawn. "Okay…but let's do it! I wanna get some sleep."

The girls left the ladies' room and returned to the dining room, where Randolph Reardon and Lloyd Hendricks were drinking after-dinner brandies. They were both slightly intoxicated and didn't bother to stand as the girls arrived and sat down. Immediately, Maria and Judy assumed their lady-like poses and began their Dream-Date sophisticated brand of conversation. As they did so, they both began stimulating the men with under-the-table caresses. '

"Shall we leave, Lloyd?" Maria whispered in Lloyd Hendricks' ear. "Isn't there somewhere nice and private where the four of us can take all our clothes off and-and have a party?"

Lloyd Hendricks immediately whispered in Randolph Reardon's ear, then said, "I gotta make a telephone call. Be right back, gang."

Both Hendricks' and Reardon's voices were slurred from too many drinks. "Don't be long, sugar," Maria said as Hendricks left.

In a few minutes, Hendricks returned and announced to the group that they were all departing-that he had made a reservation for adjoining rooms at a nearby plush motel. "It's a play-pen," he said, giggling. "A play-pen where four people can sprawl out and have a ball. Want to call your wife, Randy?" he asked. "I called mine."

"Nah," Reardon said. "I got my wife trained. No problem. Let's go and get it on…Yeah!"

Judy cast a relieved glance at Maria, and the four of them left the restaurant, the men staggering slightly.

The room in the multistory motel on Sunset Boulevard was elegant-an enormous suite with two king-size beds. The instant they stepped inside, Hendricks stripped off his clothes and told the group to do the same. Maria and Judy quickly undressed and stood naked and waiting for their orders.

Hendricks began fondling both girls' breasts and waving his large, limp organ back and forth. "Come on, Randy," he said. "Whatsa matter, man? Git out of those clothes. These li'l fillies are hot to trot. Can't you see?"

Randolph Reardon had stripped down to his shorts but seemed reluctant to undress any further. "I-I don't know, Lloyd," he said. "I mean, can we really trust these girls?"

"You're too rich for your own good, boy," Hendricks chided. "Hell, this here's Shipley's fianc'e! How safe can it be?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Reardon said. "Still-"

"Oh, bullshit!" snapped Hendricks, and pulled down Reardon's shorts.

The entire group stood hushed, staring at Reardon's genitals. Maria glanced at Judy, then back at Reardon's crotch. It was all she could do to keep from shaking her head and uttering something encouraging-for Randolph Reardon possessed one of the tiniest peckers she had ever seen! He was uncircumcised and his shriveled-looking little wanger was mounted on what appeared to be testicles the size of small acorns! Yes, his prick resembled a peanut, still in the shell, atop two acorns.

Oddly, Maria found herself extremely aroused! Quite possibly she had experienced every possible sexual experience with a male, but she had never sucked or fucked a man with such a teensy prick. She felt her throat constricting and literally hungered to place the tiny organ in her mouth and nurse it to completion.

Boldly, she left Hendricks' side, strode across the room and palmed Reardon's little cock. "Ummm, this is going to be interesting," she cooed. "Yummy, yummy." She knew her move was psychologically sound; she did not want Randy to be self-conscious. She knew if she made him feel male, virile, desirable, he would be hers forever, which of course meant she could manipulate him to Shipley Research's advantage for Vern.