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And then Lance Gregory felt a gnawing sensation in the pit of his stomach. "Goddamit!" he cursed aloud. He had allowed Maria Reese to get to him. He had permitted one of Dream-Date's girls to do to him what he had sworn would never happen! Yes, he felt certain he was in love with Maria-trite, syrupy, saccharine 'love."

Angrily, Lance Gregory slammed his fist down on the desk top. It infuriated him that the girl he would award his love to could cheat on him, could secretly meet with a client and assist him without charging him the customary fee. For weeks now, Maria and Judy Thor had been servicing Ralph Reardon and Randolph Hendricks and even that old man, Wyatt-of Wyatt Enterprises. He had slapped Maria around, secured her promise to break off with Vernon Shipley, and still she chose to rendezvous with him. Christ, could Shipley be a better lay than he was?

This thought frightened Lance Gregory. It seemed incomprehensible to him that the girl he had tutored so carefully in sex acts designed to appeal to her innermost nature could enjoy sex more with another man. Well, he decided, he would wait and see what effect Roscoe's little visit to Vern Shipley would yield before he took more drastic punitive action.

But he would not wait much longer while Maria continued allowing her body to be Vern Shipley's-for free! No, if Roscoe Synder's beating did not put an end to their affair, Maria Reese would meet with an abrupt and permanent end. Permanent and painful…

It was late in the afternoon when Lance Gregory's secretary informed him that Judy Thor had come in. "She's gone back to the waiting room," the secretary informed her boss.

The waiting room was a lavishly furnished suite with a sauna bath, Jacuzzi, stereo, color TV, everything. It was the place where the girls relaxed while waiting for interviews or new assignments. Lance Gregory entered the waiting room and found Judy Thor lying on the slant board, relaxing.

"Hi, Lance," she said, "Anything up? I just came from my luncheon date with Max Brawith. Went fine. I dazzled his clients."

"Good," Gregory said. "Say, kid, I'd like you to take a little drive with me, okay?"

Judy got off the slant board and looked at her boss quizzically. "Sure," she replied, looking surprised. "To what do I owe the special treatment?"

"Oh, you'll find out," Gregory said. "Come on, dear."

Outside, the two of them got into Gregory's Rolls Royce, drove down Wilshire, and then they swung off and started up Benedict Canyon.

"You live on Benedict Canyon, don't you?" Judy asked.

"Ummm-hmmm," Gregory said, not taking his eyes from the road as they rounded the mountainous curves.

"Are we going by your place?" Judy asked.

"Yes, I want to stop off there for a moment," he said noncommittally. "You don't mind, do you?"

Judy forced a laugh. "No, not at all. I've never seen your place from the inside." She giggled. "One of the other girls and I drove by once, though," she admitted. "I can hardly wait to see it. I hear it's really something-almost like the Playboy mansion."

Gregory laughed. "Well, that's a bit of an exaggeration," he said. "But it is nice. You'll see."

A huge metal gate flanked by two tall flagstone edifices guarded the entrance to the driveway of Lance Gregory's Canyon home. Gregory hit a switch on the dashboard and the metal gates parted. The car rounded several curves then came to a halt in front of what resembled, to Judy Thor, an English castle.

"Wow!" she said, then whistled. Suddenly she cringed. "But I-I don't understand," she said. "Maria's never been here. W-Why me?"

Gregory smiled mysteriously, then opened the door for her. "Come on, my love," he said. "I'll take you for a tour."

Inside, the house resembled homes Judy had seen only in the Home Section of the Sunday newspaper. There was everything luxurious imaginable-two enormous fireplaces in the living room, a huge bar, expensive oil paintings on the walls, chandeliers and exquisite sculpture-statues everywhere.

"All this from Dream-Date?" Judy asked.

"That and other enterprises," Gregory said, smiling his enigmatic smile. "Drink?"

"yes, I'd love one. Scotch, please."

Gregory fixed the drinks and then, ice cubes tinkling in their glasses, they continued their tour of the house. Finally, Gregory led her downstairs into a basement. When he closed the door behind her, Judy froze, terrified. "God, what is this?" Her voice echoed in the huge concrete room. "It's not a-a torture chamber, is it?" She forced a laugh.

"Of course not," Gregory replied. "But many of my friends do get their 'kicks' here when I throw my parties."

"Funny," Judy said. "It looks sort of like a-a torture chamber.

"That's just decor," he said, surveying the manacles on the walls-a few medieval pieces left over from the Spanish Inquisition. "It's never been used before."

They passed then into another, smaller room that was comfortable-looking. There were couches, chairs, pads on the floor. But there were what appeared to be wrist clamps alongside the pads. Judy began back-stepping. "I-I want to leave, Lance. I don't like this."

And then Lance Gregory's voice grew ominous. "That's true," he said. "You might not like it at all. We'll see. Judy, I've brought you here for justice."


"Ummm-hmmm. I've brought you here to impress upon you the fact that you must never, never again be disloyal to your employer."

"I-I don't understand," Judy stammered.

"Don't you? Then why have you and Maria continued to work for Vernon Shipley-screwing those prospective clients of his-after I asked you to stop."

"We did stop, Lance. Honest," Judy said.

Lance slapped her hard with the back of his hand. "Liar! All right, bitch. Now we're going to give you a slight treatment that should cause you to break off with this fee-free after hours activity."

"Please Lance… No! Judy screamed then, but it was to no avail. Lance Gregory quickly tore nor clothing from her and tossed her down on one of the thin pads. He clamped her hands in the restraints.

"Usually, my guests can take their pleasure leisurely here with one another-sexually-but today that pretty little body of yours is going to get a workout you'll not soon forget."

"Lance, noooooo," Judy wailed. "Please, I'll never fool around again. Let me go, Lance. This is insane!"

Now Lance Gregory had her wrists and ankles locked firmly into the manacles. He let her twist frantically while he fetched from a drawer the longest, penis-like vibrator she had ever seen. And then as he drew closer, Judy saw that he held several vibrators and a jar of what appeared to be thick lubricant. Yes, she saw that it was vaseline, or something like vaseline.

"You may never be the same again after this," Gregory said sadistically as he began applying the lubricant to her rectum and vagina. "Try to relax, my dear. Who knows? You may even love this. Yes, you'd be surprised how many women do."

Judy let out a long scream.

"It will do no good," Lance said. "I assure you nobody can hear you. As a matter-of-fact, I rather like the screams. It enhances the pleasure. First I'm going to sit on top of your chest and make you suck my cock. Perhaps if you do a good job I shall spare you a little of the other-"

"Please, Lance…No. Oh please..

"Will you suck my prick as you've never sucked a prick before then?"