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Stan shook his head. "Don't you think you're being a little foolish under the circumstances? Why don't you face the truth, Vern? Maria was nice but it's over. Ellen's always been right for you. She always has been. Who are you going to take to that social affair at Montague. Not me. How about Ellen?"

Vern shook his head. "I just might have to, but I don't want to think about it right now." Vern stared up at his partner, and for' an instant he thought that he might cry. He knew then that he'd been kidding himself about getting even with Maria. "I can't get Maria out of my head, Stan," he said evenly. "I mean, being with Ellen would be just too much of a bringdown. Christ, Maria is a stunning, captivating, gorgeous angel who can handle herself like a princess at social affairs. She's got Reardon and Hendricks right by the gonads. By comparison, Ellen is a-a dumpy, plump scrubwoman, for Christ's sake!"

Stan eyed his boss thoughtfully for a moment. "You're exaggerating and you know it," he said. "True, Maria is one of the most beautiful females I ever laid eyes on, but Ellen has more important qualities. She's warm, she's giving and, hell, she's lost weight, hasn't she?"

Vern nodded. There was something he could not even tell his partner, who was perhaps his closest friend. The truth was, even at the peak of his affair with Maria, he had known that his sexual compatibility with plain-looking Ellen was far better than with stunning Maria. There was a puzzle all right. Why? And, more important, why could he not admit this to Stan? He did not know. If only Ellen were more stylish, more of a showpiece, he would have the best of all worlds…then he would have perfection in bed along with perfection in the other aspects of his life. Well, he could not begin to explain his feelings to Stan, or did not want to at any rate. Besides, he had exhausted himself long ago in trying to resolve the problem in his mind. That was why he had engaged

Dream-Date's top girl, Maria Reese. But what had that yielded? Now everything had backfired. Maria was gone, he was having trouble with his clients, and there remained only Ellen-loyal, devoted Ellen. Worst of all, Vern knew that his beating of Roscoe Snyder, and the proposed beating of Lance Gregory tonight, represented an all-time low in his life. Had he degenerated into some gangster, some hoodlum of the streets? Apparently he had…

"Why. don't you give her a break?" Stan asked. "Take Ellen to the affair at Montague, Vern."

"Yeah, I guess I will," Vern said, resigned now. "I guess I'll give her a call tomorrow. I don't have much choice. I certainly can't rely on finding some beautiful, new stranger. Okay, yeah."

Stan seemed overwhelmed with joy. "You really like Ellen, don't you?" Vern asked. "Why?"

"Because I'm your friend, Vern, and I happen to know she's best for you-in every way. You see, I happen to like you, too, Chief, so naturally I want only the best for you."

"Cut it out before you make me cry," Vern said. He reached up and patted his partner's shoulder. "You're just a long-time married man, buddy, and you want everyone else in your same rut."

"Maybe," Stan said, grinning, and left the room.

In his own office, Stan Kettering closed the door behind him and dialed the school where Ellen Lanning taught. There was a long pause while someone fetched her from the classroom, and then she finally answered the phone.

"Listen, Ellen," Stan said, "I'm sorry to bother you this way, but this is super-important. Vern is going to ask you to a very important social affair this Friday night. You'll go, won't your"

"Yes, of course!" Ellen said happily.

"Good, but I want to see you here at Vern's office tonight. I have an idea that is going to help you two out tremendously, honey. You know how I feel about you two…will you come?"

"Sure," Ellen said. "What time?"

"Make it at five-thirty. Vern will be gone then. Don't let me down, huh?"

"I won't Five-thirty sharp. Bye-bye."

Stan placed the phone down and stared over at the folders on Lloyd Hendricks, Randolph Reardon, old man Wyatt. There was a mountain of personal data on these men, and their wives, too. In the hands of an intelligent woman, the information could prove to be a very valuable weapon, he thought. Yes, indeed…

Ellen Lanning arrived five minutes early. At 5:25, by Stan's wristwatch, he let her in and they sat down in his office. Stan was thunderstruck at her appearance. Not only had she lost fifteen pounds, but she wore a clinging knit dress and she had changed her hairstyle and makeup! He had always found her lovely, because of her inner beauty, but this exterior change was incredible to behold.

"My God!" Stan said, feasting his eyes hungrily on Ellen. "You're gorgeous!"

"Yes, I have made a few changes in my appearance," Ellen said, running her tongue over her lips. "Do you think Vernon will be pleased?"

"I'll sayl Who wouldn't?" Stan had to control himself. He tried valiantly to keep his eyes from her large, firm up-thrust breasts, her bare knees. "Uh-I asked you here to discuss finalizing your relationship with Vern."


"Yes, I think you'll agree that you two have dillydallied long enough. I think you two should be together permanently, don't you?"

"Why yes," Ellen said, frowning. "What do you have in mind?"

"This." Stan opened the folder on his desk. "I told you that Vern is going to ask you to a social affair. Well, you should know something about the people there, Ellen. I have everything from the people's birth signs to their innermost secrets right here. As you know, Vern has always wanted a woman who could help him with the business. It's a hang-up of his, right?"

Ellen nodded, pursing her full lips. "Correct," she said.

Stan's heart beat faster. "Well, this information will enable you to hit them right where they five!"

Stan then explained, straightforwardly, the situation. He spared nothing, not even the details of Vern's relationship with Maria Reese. When he had finished his briefing, he said, "Well, my dear, do you feel up to it? Can you meet the challenge? Hell, you're lovely, Ellen-truly beautiful. With this information, I should think you'd be unstoppable-that is, if you think Vern is worth all the effort?"

She smiled, stood up, walked over and planted a huge lass on Stan's mouth. "You're a darling man, Stan Kettering. I've always liked you, and now you've given me this-this perfect way of convincing Vern I'm really worthy of him."

"You've always been worthy of him, dear, we've both known that, but this is a way you can convince that stubborn bastard of the truth."

Ellen ran her hands over, her hips. "Yes, that stubborn bastard is worth it," she said. "I don't know why, but he is. He must be. Looking the way I do wasn't easy to achieve, you know," Ellen said. "Dieting, exercise, beauty consultation…"

To Stan's amazement, Ellen then ran her fingers through his hair. "You know, if it weren't for Vern, I could go for you, Stan," she said. "I mean that. You're a prince of a man. I don't know how I can ever repay you for this, Stan. I'll memorize those dossiers, you can be sure. No, I don't think I can ever repay you-"

She broke then, leaned down and gave Stan a long, lingering kiss. Stan was breathing very hard now. "M-Maybe I do know how to repay you. Would you think I was terrible if we-if we…"

Stan felt his loyalty and will power fading. The scent of this woman's cologne filled his nostrils, her smooth hands Were on his face, her full lips were nibbling now at his ear. It had been so long since he had really been with a woman. Barbara had been in the wheelchair for over five years-five years of torture. Still, he could not bring himself to cheat on his wife, despite her infirmity, and he could not make love to his boss's woman. It was unthinkable…unthinkable…but…

"Stan," Ellen was cooing, "I-I know how difficult it must have been for you these past years-Barbara the way she is, I mean. Please let me give myself to you-just this once? Nobody need ever know. It would be just a very personal thing between two friends-a secret. Please, won't you let me do this?