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Ellen saw two naked tits with hardened nipples and a spread of sheening black cunt hair that seemed to glow in the pale moonlight. The haunting black form pulled back the sheet and blanket that covered Jim Carver. He slept nude, sprawled on his back with one hand curled around the shaft of his flaccid cock.

Letha saw right off that it was a prick of very pleasing proportions. She slipped into bed with Jim and eased his hand away from his cock. Her warm hand closed around it and stroked it with a teasing, slow rhythm. Letha wanted to delay his awakening as long as she could. His cock began to pulse warmly in response. Letha heard him breathe a heavy, dreamy sigh. His wife made muffled sounds of distress.

The black-wigged and masked beauty said, "Shhhh!"

Then she bowed and softly kissed the head of Jim Carver's big cock with her puckered lips.

He moaned in dreamy delight. Letha licked and swirled her tongue over the blue-red knob of cock almost fully hard. She circled her lips and sucked his prick in, gliding down the long prick-shaft to its hairy root. Letha wanted him to awaken with his cock spurting as it would in a wet dream. Her soft lips snugged and sucked while her tongue rippled along the tender underside of his upright cock.

"Aaggghhh!" he roared, shocked from sleep by the surging force of jetting cum. "What the hell?"

The lewd pleasure didn't stop abruptly as it did when he awakened from a wet dream. A woman swarm and yearning lips were still pulling hard on his gushing prick. He could hear her making wet gurgling noises as she happily swallowed his cum.

"Ellen is that you?" His sleepy voice rang with joy. "You're finally sucking my cock like I've begged you to all these years?"

Jim Carver looked up and blinked, gazing first at his wife bound and gagged in her bed on the far side of the room, then at the masked raven-haired woman whose beautiful face was bobbing up and down on his wet prick.

"Ohhhh, baby! I don't know who you are or where you came from, but you're the answer to a horny man's prayer. My frigid wife has never sucked my cock, not once in twenty years of marriage."

"Hhhmnun," Letha cooed, delighted to bring a man such long-awaited pleasure.

She had learned young in life to savor the taste of salt-sweet cum and thrill with the hammering throb of a hot prick lodged deep in her young throat.

Carver cried, "Suck it, sweetheart! Drink my cum and drain me dry! Oooh, God! You've got such a great mouth. I want to cum in you again and again!"

From Ellen came the muted sound of jealous rage. She could hardly believe that a beautiful, raven-haired temptress had broken into their home to perform unthinkably obscene acts with her husband. Nor did she want to believe that he enjoyed it so very much.

It took Letha almost a minute to suck Jim's overloaded balls dry. All the slithering hot come she'd swallowed made her unbearably horny. She hadn't fucked a man for three years, but Carver's throbbing big cock hadn't been sucked at all until that night.

She spread her trembling legs wider apart and worked her head deeper into his hairy crotch. As his sated cock weakened in her throat, she could push down on him farther. Letha strained her mouth wide and sucked his quaking balls into her mouth.

His voice rasped with deep groans of rapture. "You see that, Ellen? This luscious bitch is eating my cock, balls and all!"

Prudish Mrs. Carver snarled and struggled in shock, enraged by the nightmare of depravity she still didn't want to believe.

Letha's cock-hungry throat milked Carver's delighted prick-shaft. Her swirling soft cheeks and wiggling tongue teased his balls with tantalizing strokes.

"Jeezus! She's heating up another load already. I can feel the pressure. God damn! Ellen's frigid cunt could never do that!"

Letha splayed her fingers and slid them up Jim Carver's broad, hairy chest. Then she curled her thumbs around his rigid nipples and twirled them until he bucked and raged with joy.

"Hhhooo! Having my little man-titties whirled is pure raw pleasure! My worthless, cold wife never does that either!" His cock swelled so long and hard in her throat that Letha had to let his balls pop from her mouth as her head was pushed back.

She kept a hand on his chest to tease one taut nipple then the other, swaying back-and-forth. Her other hand came down to cup and tease his wet balls.

"Ooooh, shit! I'm cumming again already. My cock is throbbing and my balls feel turned inside out. God, I love pumping cum into your beautiful face!"

Letha liked it, too, and if her pussy weren't so hot, she'd have gone on sucking after Carver's second orgasm just to see how many times she could tongue him to a gushing climax in one night.

Her slithering, cum-glossed lips kept up their exquisite suction until she'd swallowed his last drop of silvery hot spray and felt the last trembling aftershock of his second orgasm of the night. Then she raised her head up and licked her smiling lips.

"Now you're going to fuck the masked phantom of your dreams," Letha said in a low and sultry voice she'd practiced to disguise her own.

"I'm-I'm not sure I can get it up again. Christ, I'm forty years old and long out of practice because I've got a frigid wife."

"I'll have you hard again in no time," she assured him. Letha straddled his taut-muscled loins and inched forward on her knees. She raised his rubbery cock shaft and pressed the tender underside against the warm soft slit of her mink-furred cunt.

"Ooooh, your pussy is wet and hot as a swamp! I couldn't get that much heat from Ellen if I set her cunt hair on fire!"

His wife huffed and raged, thrusting her tongue and straining her bonds in a frenzied effort to work the stifling gag from her mouth.

Letha saw that Jim was staring at her proud tits and said, "Don't be bashful. Reach up and give them a good feel. I know my tits aren't as big as your wife's, but they're firm and overflowing with warmth."

Carver clamped an eager hand on each proudly peaked cone and twirled her cherry pink nipples hard.

"Ooooh, Jim! Keep it up! That sends fiery little shocks of pleasure all the way down to my cunt!"

He sighed and moaned, thrilled beyond anything in his wildest dream. "Ooooh, my lovely fuck-phantom! You're hotter than my wife ever was!"

Ellen's angry breath hissed louder and she popped the gag out of her mouth.

"The curse of our Lord Jesus is on you now, James Carver! Have all the fun you can now with that lascivious witch because you're going to burn forever in hell's fire, and you'll never touch me again as long as ye shall live!"

"Oh, shit," Jim said in a small strained voice that only Letha could hear. "I hoped my taunting would make her jealous and turn her on. Lord knows I've tried everything else in the book."

Letha grinned wryly and said, "I know… don't worry, I'll take care of her for you when we're through. You'll both be happy and fucking each other to orgasm when I leave."

"That would be a miracle," he said bleakly. "Ellen has never climaxed. Not once in her whole life."

"She will tonight," Letha promised. "I'm going to leave just enough juice in your steamy hot prick to pleasure that poor woman right out of her mind!"

Letha felt horny enough to fuck Jim's big cock until it wouldn't even wobble, but she couldn't be that selfish. After all, the head librarian said it was her duty to assist the reading public every way that she could, and both the Carvers, had valid library cards.


Jim Carver's cock swelled fucking-hard again in less time than either of them had dared hope. Letha purred and cooed. She hadn't lost her touch in three long and lonely years of widowhood.

Ellen looked aghast. She'd never seen her husband's great cock so long and throbbing hard. Sight of its fierce surging strength repulsed her now more than ever before.