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"Yes, you know… different positions, different techniques."

"Well, we do have a few marriage manuals in our adult section. Those shelves aren't open to everyone, but I can get a key and let you into the room."

"Would you, please?" Mrs. Carver asked eagerly. "And one other thing… is there a young woman working around here who has blue eyes and long black hair?"

Letha chilled and shook her head. "N-no. No one like that."

"She has a very pretty face, much like yours," Mrs. Carver persisted.

"I-I don't know anyone who looks even a little like me."

"What a pity! I wanted to invite her to the country club. Some stuffy friends of mine would do well to meet her."

"I'm afraid I can't help you… except with sex books, of course. Right this way, ma'am."

In the small, windowless room where books on adult subjects were kept locked beyond reach of curious young hands, Ellen Carver turned and eyed the helpful young assistant librarian again. There might be a sinuous, lithe body beneath that bulky tweed suit, she thought, and the dishwater-blonde hair in a prim little bun could have been covered by a long black wig. And the glittering blue eyes she remembered they might have been an illusion created by silvery moonlight.

"Do you by chance have silky black cunt hair, soft as mink?" Mrs. Carver asked bluntly.

"Ooooh! Er, no, I don't."

"I want to see. I know I've seen that wry little smile before!" Ellen turned on the cowering librarian, "I just know you have cunt hair black and silky as mink, and sexual instincts to match."

By then, Ellen Carver had pulled Letha's prim white panties down. Her cupped hand felt her bald pussy mound.

She cried, "Oooh, my God! You don't have any cunt hair at all!"

Letha's mind raced to improvise. "My favorite man likes to pretend that I'm a very young girl. He calls me Baby Cunt, so I keep my pussy shaved for his pleasure."

Ellen's face blushed red. She gulped, then fingered the bald pussy again.

"What a sweet thing for a young woman to do! I've just learned how important it is for a woman to please her man."

Ellen worked a finger into Letha's shaved pussy slit, making it squirm with tremors of desire.

"I've also learned that two women can pleasure each other," Ellen said. "I can feel your baby cunt seething and squirming. Would you like me to lick and suck it to a climax for you?"

"Ooooh, Christ… no! I get sharp looks and a scolding from the head librarian if I even smile too much when I'm checking out books."

"Don't let the old bitch bother you. I'm president of the library board of trustees. I'll have her out of here on her ass if she so much as raises her voice. I want to suck your cunt! There's something wildly exciting about a baby-bald pussy!"

"Ooooh!" Ellen's finger was sinking in deeper and Letha was afraid the woman would recognize the cunt she'd been forced to eat the night before.

"At least let me lock the door," the librarian said.

"No, there isn't time. I'm hungry for cunt because I've just learned how delicious it can be."

Mrs. Carver forced Letha to her knees with hands amazingly strong. The librarian gave in with a sigh, arching her back over a pile of books that had fallen to the floor. Ellen Carver, once a frigid wife and still president of the library board of trustees, bent over her, soft lips smirking with a wolfish grin.

"Last night my husband and I were visited by a beautiful Phantom dressed all in black," she said. "At first I thought it might have been you in clever disguise. But no, you're much too timid. You don't want me to eat your cunt, do you?"

"No, I could lose my job!"

"Not with me as your loving patron. I could have you made head librarian just by snapping my fingers… as easy as licking your cunt!"

"Ooooh!" Letha could not help responding when the woman's sinewy tongue wiggled into her cunt. It plunged deep and then curled back to circle around her bulging clit.

Letha screamed. "My pussy is coming and my ass is on the line!"

Ellen's whipping and plunging tongue fired a climax of intense grinding contractions that made Letha forget the library's strict rule about talking in hushed tones.

She bucked her hips off the pile of books and screamed. "Eat me! Suck my cunt and make me cum!"

Mrs. Carver burrowed her head into the smooth pussy.

"Cum!" she said through lips glossed with seeping fuck honey. "Cum with me, you timid little bitch!"

"Ooooh! I can't help it!" Letha's deep writhing contractions of pleasure had begun.

It was then that the door to their private sex chamber burst open.

"What in God's good name is going on here?" the head librarian's frosty voice demanded.

Letha's face paled, despite the hammering pulse of her orgasmic contractions.

"Sex education?" she suggested.

"You're fired!" shrilled Prudence Stark as her assistant sprawled on the floor, bucking her cunt into the mouth of a dark-haired woman with a mouth like a suction pump.

Ellen Carver reared her head up, lips curved maliciously, dripping with honey fresh from Letha's cunt. "She isn't going to be fired, but you might be if you don't get your ass out of here! I've found this library has a piss-poor selection of books on sexual pleasure, so I've launched my own research project. If you know what's good for you, you'll get back to the main desk and order some books that will help horny people!"

"Yes, of course. Right away. There are many titles available that I didn't think fitting, even for adult minds. But now that I know your wishes…"

Prudence Stark recognized the president of the library board of trustees, even though she never expected to see Mrs. Carver in such a compromising position. Nervous and blushing, she hurried out of the room and locked the door behind her.

Miss Stark sat at her desk, anxiously wringing her hands with more on her mind than ordering sex books to please her employer. Prudence was a confirmed lesbian who took pains to hide the fact because of her position. She never mixed library business with personal pleasure, but she'd seen Letha Gerard's baby bald pussy and thinking about it made the tall, silver-haired dyke's clit tingle. She wanted to clit-fuck her young assistant in the worst way.

Getting tongue-fucked to three great climaxes in the library's adult section did nothing to increase Letha's powers of concentration. It made her widowed pussy more anxious for cock than ever.

Letha also felt a subtle change in her usually strained relationship with Miss Stark. The older woman was almost too friendly. Twice she made round-about inquiries. Was Letha lonely in widowhood? And then just before closing time, Miss Stark asked Letha if she would like to have dinner with her that night.

Letha had to assume it was because of her obviously close relationship with Mrs. Carver. She never would have dreamed the frosty old bitch had the mad galloping hots for her smooth pussy. It wouldn't have, mattered if she'd known. What Letha needed was a cock. The bigger the better.

Just two minutes before the library was due to close, an anxious-looking young man hurried in. Letha was straightening up the check-out desk, getting ready to leave, when he approached.

He was nineteen, she knew, by glancing at the library card he presented. His name was Richard Sims. Six feet four inches tall, weight two hundred and thirty-five pounds. A strapping big hunk with a ruggedly handsome young face.

"I know it's late, but I just got off work," he whispered urgently. "And this is real important to me."

"I'll be happy to help you," Letha said with a warm smile.

"Do-do you have any books about s-s-sex?" the young man asked in a low voice.

"Not right now there was a woman in earlier who checked out all we have on that subject." Letha grinned.

"Damn!" Richard Sims said dejectedly.

"I know the head librarian has ordered more," Letha told him. "They'll be in next week."