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"So what do I owe the pleasure of this evening?" Charley asked as she pumped the skin back and forth along the hard shaft of his prick. "I'm sure you didn't lust happen to be in the neighborhood."

"I told you," he answered, thumbing her nipples roughly. "I got horny. I got this hard-on, see? Now what the hell you gong to do with a hard? You're going to find a pussy to stick it in. Right?"

He took a nipple between his lips. His tongue flicked quickly across it, turning it into a shimmering coal of hot passion.

Charley shivered and thrust her tit against his face, rolling both of her tits lushly over his lips while he kissed and sucked them. She went back after his cock, fuming around. She licked and sucked his throbbing pecker.

"Besides," Greg muttered, "you're the main reason I'm in such a hell of a mess. Shit! If you'd kept your damn mouth shut, I'd be balling the hell out of the old man's wife tonight."

Charley pulled back from him and glared at him. He patted her ass and pulled her roughly back toward him. He gave her a long, hard kiss on her pussy, then slapped her ass again.

"Calm down," he laughed. "Hell, I could have fucked the cunt day before yesterday. Roberts sent me by the house with some letters that had come to the studio. Hell, his wife almost pulled my clothes off while I was there. She insisted that I have a cup of coffee. I was stupid enough to agree."

"I can imagine how she gave you her pathetic story," Charlene said. "I can just picture her, letting you know how little she was getting from the old man. I can see her rubbing those tits against you and crying about how much she needed to be loved."

"That's the way it was," the boy admitted. "She let her robe fall open to show me lots of tit while she talked about how much passion she had to give away. Hell, I couldn't keep from getting a hard-on. She's not the ugliest woman I ever saw. She's a hell of a good-looking piece of tail!"

"You fucked her?" Charley asked. "You let her get to you that way?"

"No!" Greg insisted. "I wasn't about to fuck her, not after your warnings. I got out of there as fast as I could. Then today she called me at the studio and offered to meet me out of town. She gave me the name of some motel up this way. I turned her down fast."

Greg went back after Charley's tits. He tongued her nipple and aerola. Finally he began to suck it while he kept pressing it in his hands.

The brunette shivered with pleasure and her hand slipped back to his balls. She fondled his balls and kissed along the leaping shaft of his cock.

"I probably should have met her," Greg mused, bringing Charley to a frozen halt. "It was just after that the old man left with Kathy. Shit! He'd be gone for a week. This would have been the time to screw the cunt and get it over with."

Charlene twisted away from him. Her body tensed. Her eyes blazed in anger. She started up from the bed, disgusted with Greg.

"You also felt that would serve Roberts right!" she hissed. "You'd have been getting even with him for having your precious little blonde! That's what angers you, isn't it? You're still hung up on the blonde! That little slut goes off with him for a week, so you think you ought to get even by fucking his wife!"

"That's as good a reason as any!" Greg laughed.

He lunged across the bed and grabbed Charlene by the arm. He pulled her roughly back onto the bed and fell across her. Charley struggled, livid with anger and disgust. Greg pinned her on the bed and thumbed her tits until he had her pulsing from the play. He reached for her pussy and began to finger her clit.

"Yes," he repeated. "That's a hell of a good reason. That's one hell of a good reason for fucking you, baby! You're what keeps the old man in business! I'm going to make you so dependent on my prick that there's no way he can let me go, whatever I do!"

He finger-fucked her wildly, turning her to soft butter as her pussy and tits all began to throb and pulse in response to his rough stimulation. She had waited too long to get free of him. Now she was prisoner to the way his fingers and hands were turning her crazy with passion.

"Damn you!" she hissed. "Damn you!"

Greg laughed, then slipped off so he could play with her pussy. She lay submissive as he sucked her tits and fingered deeper into her cunt. She gasped in pleasure. His face was down between her thighs while he brought his cock to her waiting lips. She took his huge meat in her mouth just as she felt him begin to suck richly on her cunt. His tongue lapped roughly at her clit, sending sparks of throbbing passion down along her thighs and up through her pussy.

She sucked the head of his prick while her hands grabbed his balls. The brunette rolled slowly about, her body pulsing in growing ecstasy. Damn him! He was a stupid, arrogant son of a bitch, but he was one hell of a lay! Damn! He was one magnificent stud!

"Mmmmmm," she sighed, sucking more eagerly on his lunging cock. "Mmmmmmm!"

He jammed his cock into her mouth, forcing it into her throat before she could stop his charge. Charley almost choked. She couldn't breathe for a moment. She felt a quick wave of panic sweep through her before she was able to twist free of his prick. She'd never taken so much cock into her mouth before. She'd have to be careful, awfully careful. Greg could choke her to death with that thick, hard pecker. She wasn't about to end the joint suck, however. His cock tasted too damn good for that. She'd risk his choking her, just to get the experience of that prick blowing off in her mouth.

"Ohhhhh, baby!" he panted. "Ohhhh, baby! What sweet cunt! What a hell of a pussy!"

He blew forcefully into her cunt. Charley jumped. Now he was sucking again, drawing her whole being into his mouth through her glowing pussy. He was magnificent! Damn! This was better than that night in the studio. This was one hell of a suck! She shuddered as he began alternating his blowing and sucking.

They rolled about on the bed. Charlene fingered his bum hole. She pressed into it as she sucked his cock with growing enthusiasm.

Her finger was buried into his ass, then she shuddered frantically as he spread her ass open with his inserted finger. They rolled and twisted. They blew and sucked. Their bodies shook and trembled with the mounting passion. The room was spinning about them. The bed seemed to be whirling up in the air.

"Mmmmmmm!" the brunette moaned. "Mmmmmmm!"

His cock rammed into her throat once more. He drove his big pecker down her throat, pulling it back just as she felt she was going to choke. He kept balling away at her mouth, his cock getting hotter and hotter as it throbbed and trembled in anxious desire to unload its heavy charge into her throat.

Charley wanted to shout to him. She wanted to plead with him. She didn't dare stop sucking, however. Instead she urged him onward. She fucked her finger into his ass more rapidly. She pulled and teased his balls. She thrust her tits up against his body.

She sensed success! He was shaking horribly, preparing to unload his great wad into her mouth. She felt his cock shudder, then leap about insanely as his luscious semen came boiling out. She swallowed one mouthful, then caught another and another. He kept pumping into her, kept unloading his magnificent wad of cum.

Her pussy was responding in kind. She was meeting his charge with a passion of her own. Her stuff was flooding over his face. She was giving him all that his tongue could lap up. They rolled and twisted, lost in the fantastic orgasms that merged into one magnificent suck.

"Oooooooo, baby!" Charlene panted when they finally rolled apart. "Ohhhhh, what a suck! What a wild suck!"

Greg patted her tits and lay beside her, panting and gasping in an effort to catch his breath.

They smiled at each other, then began to laugh openly. They were made for each other. Damn, they were. Charley had finally found a man to match her lusty passion, a man with enough cock to satisfy her. Greg had discovered a woman who wasn't terrified by his enormous cock, a pussy that could take whatever he wanted to offer.