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[37a] Wilhelm Lexis, „Bemerkungen über Paralellgeld und Sortengeld“, Jahrbücher fur Nationalokonomie, 3f. IX (LXIV), 1895

[37b] Thelma Liesner & Mervyn A. King (eds), Indexing for Inflation, London, 1975

[37c] R.G. Upsey, „Does Money Always Deprecate?“, Lloyds Bank Review 58, October 1960

[38] Hayek (later Lord Overstone), Further Reflections on the State of the Currency and the Bank of England, London, 1837

[39] Fritz Machiup, „Euro-Dollar Creation: A Mystery Story“, Banca Nazionale dellavoro Quarterly Review, 94, 1970, reprinted Princeton, December 1970

[40] R.I. McKinnon, „Optimum Currency Areas“, American Economic Review, 53/4, 1963

[41] F.A. Mann, The Legal Aspects of Money, 3rd Edition, Oxford University Press, London, 1971

[42] Arthur W. Marget, The Theory of Prices, 2 vols., Prentice-Hall, New York and London, 1938 and 1942

[42a] A. James Meigs, Money Matters, Наrper & Row, New York, 1972

[43] Carl Menger, Principles of Economics [1871], The Free Press, Glencoe, III, 1950

[43a] Carl Menger, „Geld“ [1892], Collected Works of Carl Menger, ed. by the London School of Economics, London, 1934

[44] Henry Meulen, Free Banking, 2nd Edition, Macmillan, London, 1934

[44a] Fritz W. Meyer and Alfred Schuller, Spontane Ordnungen in der Geldwirtschaft und das Inflationsproblem, Tubingen, 1976

[45] Ludwig von Mises, The Theory of Money and Credit [1912], New Edition, Jonathan Cape, London, 1952

[46] Ludwig von Mises, Geldwertstabilisierung und Konjunkturpolitik, Jena, 1928

[47] Ludwig von Mises, Human Action, William Hodge, Edinburgh, 1949; Henry Regnery, Chicago, 1966

[47a] E. Victor Morgan, A History of Money [1965], Penguin Books, Hardmondswonh, Rev. Edition, 1969

[48] Robert A. Mundell, „The International Equilibrium“, Kyklos, 14, 1961

[49] Robert A. Mundell, „A Theory of Optimum Currency Areas“, American Economics Review, 51, September 1963

[49a] W.T. Newlyn, 'The Supply of Money and Its Content», Economic Journal, LXXIV, 1964

[50] F. Nussbaum, Money in the Law, National and International, Foundation Press, Brooklyn, 1950

[50a] Karl Olivecrona, The Problem of the Monetary Unit, Stockholm, 1957

[50b] Franz Pick and Rene Sedillot, All the Money of the World. A Chronicle of Currency Values, Pick Publishing Corporation, New York, 1971

[50c] Henri Pirenne, La Civilization occidentale au Moyen Age du milieu du XVe siecle, Paris, 1933

[51] H. Rittershausen, Der Neubau des deutschen Kredit-Systems, Berlin, 1932

[51a] Herbert Rottmann, Deutsche Geldgeschichte 1484–1914, Munich, 1974

[52] Murray N. Rothbatd, What has Government Done to Our Money? New Rev. Edition, Rampart College Publication, Santa Anna, Calif., 1974

[53] Gasparo Scaruffi, l'Alitinonfo per far ragione e concordandanza d'ore e d'argento, Reggio, 1582

[53a] W.A. Shaw, The History of Currency 1252–1894, London, 1894

[54] Adam Smith, Inquiry info the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations [1776], Glasgow edition, Oxford University Press, London, 1976

[55] Vera С. Smith, Rationale of Central Banking P.S. King, London, 1936

[56] Wemer Sombart, Der moderne Kapitalismus, vol. II, 2nd Edition, Munich and Leipzig, 1916/17

[57] Gasparo Scaruffi, Social Statics [1850], Abridged and Rev. Edition, Williams & Norgate, London, 1902

[58] G. Tullock, Über unsere Wahrungsverfassung, Tubingen, 1975

[58a] Brian Summers, «Private Coinage in America», The Freeman, July 1976

[58b] Earl A. Thompson, «The Theory of Money and Income Consistent with Orthodox Value Theory», in P.A. Samuelson and G. Horwich (eds.), Trade, Stability and Macroeconomics. Essays in Honor of Lloyd Metzler, Academic Press, New York and London, 1974

[59] Cordon Tullock, «Taper Money — A Cycle in Cathay», Economic History Review, IX/3, 1956

[60] Gordon Tullock, «Competing Moneys», Money Credit and Banking, 1976

[61] Willem Vissering, «Plans for a European Parallel Currency and SDR Reform», WeltwirtschaftlichesArchiv, 110/2, 1974 [6la] Roland Vaubel, «Freier Wettbewerb Zwischen Wahrungen», Wirtschaftsdienst, August 1976

[62] Willem Vissering, On Chinese Currency. Coin and Paper Money, Leiden, 1877

[63] Knut Wicksell, Geldzins und Guterpreise, Jena, 1898

[64] Knut Wicksell, Vorlesungen über Nationalokonomie [1922], English Ed., Lectures on Political Economy, vol. II: Money, Routledge, 1935

[64a] Leiand B. Yeager, «Essential Properties of the Medium of Exchange», Kyklos, 21, 1968.