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A question with a simple answer that he suddenly heard on the recording. One of the fourteen people was explaining why The Pillar couldn’t track number fourteen.

It turned out that the mysterious Mr. Fourteen, with a plan to beat the devil, longed for the help of another devil. The Cheshire.

Inspector Dormouse chuckled, listening to this. Everything was really messed up in this story.

Mr. Fourteen asked the Cheshire to help him. Why? Because it turned out that The Pillar, having decided on killing them, had to kill each and every one of them. Kill only thirteen and the ritual gets reversed, meaning The Pillar’s life’s expectancy was lessened and shortened. That’s why The Pillar was having a skin problem, a rare disease that he kept secret.

Of course, the Cheshire liked the idea, and granted Mr. Fourteen the power of splitting his soul in two — it was the best the Cheshire could do, but it was more than enough.

Doing so, apparently so many years ago, helped Mr. Fourteen have two bodies, one which traveled abroad and left the continent completely, and the other which still lived in London, under a disguise and different name.

The Cheshire’s plan was to delude The Pillar into killing the one in London and thinking he is safe, and then die suddenly without even knowing it.

“This isn’t Wonderland,” Dormouse told himself. “This is London’s Chainsaw Massacre tripled by Hannibal Lector’s madness. In short, this is a British Horror Story.”

In the end, Inspector Dormouse needed a lead. Something in the recording that would give a clue to where to find Mr. Fourteen, because thinking logically, this was why The Pillar came back to London all of a sudden, instead of helping Alice.

The Pillar was about to kill Mr. Fourteen, and Inspector Dormouse was ready to stop that from happening.

Chapter 73

The Last Chess Game, Chess City, Kalmykia

Whatever I do or say to apologize, there is no escaping from the Chessmaster’s game. And how in the world can I win or save the world from him? Why is it even my burden to do so when I’ve been the worst person in the world in the past?

“Ready, darling?” The Chessmaster’s dark tone returns ten-fold. “Don’t ever think that the pain I’ve been through made me weaker. Don’t ever think I have a sweet spot and will back off any moment. Being Death for all those years made me heartless, and there is only one joy left in my life; to see you suffer.”

“Why not ask to play against The Pillar?” I ask.

“I’ve taken care of The Pillar long ago,” he says. “I’ve even looked away when he escaped Chess City and left you behind. He is dying, only he doesn’t know it. I made sure he’d eat the bait.”

“I thought it was me who was going to kill him.” I say. “He read it in the future.”

“But of course it was you who killed him — will kill him. You just don’t know it. He doesn’t know it.”

“How will I kill him if I die today?”

“People plant the seed of death to others long before anyone knows it darling,” the Chessmaster says. “You think you have to pull the trigger to do so. Start playing, because you’re wasting my time.”

I stare with a blank mind at the table, then at the chess pieces, then at the cups of poison. There is no way I can survive this.

A man with a tray arrives with a complimentary drink all of a sudden. I glance at the Chessmaster to see if he is going to object, but he doesn’t.

“A complimentary drink…” The Chessmaster brushes the left side of his mustache. “Of death,” he laughs. “I’m always a good host. Never kill without a good last meal or drink. I’ll even pay for your coffin’s expenses.”

None of the Chessmaster’s show unsettles me. In fact, I’m most curious about the man offering me the drink on the tray. Because it’s a Red. My guardian angel. The Dude.

“Didn’t know Reds work for you,” I tell the Chessmaster.

“They’re vulgar killing machines who would do anything for money,” the Chessmaster says. “I’m happy they conceal their faces under their hoods, because I’m sure they’re pretty ugly.”

But I don’t think my Red is ugly, because I can feel it; he is my guardian angel.

I reach for the glass, trying to meet his unseen eyes. He doesn’t say anything though, but he nods toward the glass. I squint, not sure what he is implying. He must be here to help me somehow.

Then, when he nods again, I see it. He is nodding at the bottom of the glass. There is napkin, a round one, sticking out at the bottom. It’s a message. Another note. Now I certainly know it’s him.

Remember: ‘He Who Laughs Last’ & ’That you will die when you say so.’

I lift my head up and shrug my shoulders, wishing the Red would explain further. But he nods, takes the glass back and leaves.

Did he just give me a clue to how win this game? And how come those are The Pillar’s words. The ‘He Who Laughs Last’ is The Pillar’s theory in killing the giant. How can I implement this in the game of chess I’m about to play?

Then there is the silly ‘I will die when I say so’, those words The Pillar was feeding to the old people in the hospice.

Are those really the solution to my struggle? I can trust the Red, my guardian, but do I want to take advice from The Pillar after all I just heard about him?

Chapter 74

The Vatican

The Cheshire watched the people of the Vatican panic, confused about whom would take the deceased pope’s place. Though he knew there were prolonged and accurate processes to elect a new one, there seemed to be an unexplained urge to find a new Pope immediately. Maybe because the Vatican hadn’t gone to sleep yet. They needed a pope before that happened.

None of this was of interest to the Cheshire, though. He’d just flown over to amuse himself. After all, he was bored, unable to find one soul to possess and stick to — and he’d watched so many movies that he couldn’t meow anymore.

Needing to make a phone call, he possessed the first old lady with a cellular he came across. She wore a terrible perfume that he hated, but tolerated, until he finished the call.

“Did The Pillar find Mr. Fourteen?” the Cheshire asked.

“Looks like it,” the voice on the other line said.

“The one in London?”


“Not the other Mr. Fourteen?”

“No, only the one in London.”

“Looks good,” the Cheshire said in the woman’s voice. “The plan is on. He will find the one in London and kill him, then stop looking. Soon, he will die of his illness without knowing it, and I get rid of him forever.”

“It seems like you will also get rid of Alice. The Chessmaster has her cornered.”

“So he found Carroll’s Knight.”

“He did.”

The Cheshire grinned. It was such an unsettling grin that a few people stepped away from the old woman. “Then Alice is dead, too. She can’t win against the Chessmaster.”

“It’s a beautiful day, Chesh.”

“Beautiful indeed. Two of my enemies dead in one day, after all these years.” The Cheshire hung up and walked out of the Vatican.

He found a shortcut through an empty and darkened ally, so he took it, only to be stopped by a black figure in the dark.

“Oh.” The Cheshire shrugged, lowering the woman’s head.

“Didn’t expect me?” the man said in a baritone voice.

“No, but it’s always a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Jay.”

“I don’t show myself much, but I thought we could use a little talk.”

“Whatever you ask.”

“I know you’re not a Black Chess employee, and that you have interests of your own, so I never pressured you into joining.”

“That’s right, sir. I’m most irritated with the Queen of Hearts. I don’t think I can work with her in the same place, ever.”