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His own uniform had been repaired by the grateful rebels. His body bore a score of bandages, and was sore but mending. Yet his soul was still in turmoil. He knew they’d arrived. How, he couldn’t say. But the night before, as he’d spent another sleepless eight hours in the apartment the rebels had graciously allotted him, he’d sensed their presence.

At the mahogony desk sat Falcone, working feverishly signing papers, answering phones, and conversing with a constant stream of humanity who all had business with the just-installed President of New Chicago. In the week since the revolution, elections had been held and a fresh name bestowed on the city to signify the rebirth of liberty and the triumph of the people.

Roy suddenly entered and dashed up to the desk. “There are three strangers here to see you, Falcone,” he reported anxiously.


“Yes. They showed up at the west gate an hour ago. It appears they were all set to destroy the guard tower when they noticed the new blue uniforms on the guards and decided to talk instead of ambushing them,” Roy detailed, his excitement obvious. He glanced at Yama and lowered his voice. “They’re Warriors.”

Falcone straightened. “What? Show them right in.”

“We’re already here, Chuckles,” declared one of three men coming through the doorway.

Falcone stared at them in surprise, instantly recognizing the buckskin-clad form of Hickok from the stories he’d heard. The other two, though, a giant and an Indian, were unknown to him although he wondered if the giant might be the legendary Blade. He smiled and stood.

“I’m glad to meet you.”

Strangely, the trio paid no attention to him. Instead, they walked over and halted behind Yama, who hadn’t turned around although he had to know they were there.

The giant spoke in a quiet, almost gentle voice. “Time to go back and face the music, old friend.”


The lower level of the immense reinforced concrete bunker known as B Block was filled to overflowing for the Warrior Review Board hearing.

Every Family member wanted to attend, and except for the three Warriors comprising Omega Triad who were on guard duty on the ramparts of the high brick walls surrounding the 30-acre compound, all were present.

They sat in folding metal chairs, stood three deep along the walls, and packed the stairs leading to the upper level.

Blade sat in a chair at a small table situated between the rows of spectators and the long table at the head of the room where the three presiding Warriors would sit. Lots had been drawn to determine which three of the 18 would sit on the Review Board, and he hadn’t drawn one of the short straws, which had turned out for the best.

He glanced to his left at Yama, who sat beside him in stony silence with his eyes fixed on the front wall. Frowning, he shifted and looked back at the crowd. Among those in the front row were his wife and son. He waved and smiled at Jenny and Gabe, then nodded at the Family Leader, Plato, who sat on Jenny’s left.

Most of the front row had been filled by the ten remaining Warriors, and among them were Hickok and Geronimo. All the Warriors wore grim expressions. They were acutely aware of the gravity of the proceedings, particularly since one of their own stood accused of such a grave breech of discipline.

The hushed conversations taking place abruptly ended when the three presiding Warriors entered and moved toward the long table.

Blade studied them, glad he wasn’t in their shoes.

In the lead walked the diminutive Warrior named Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, clad in black as usual, the long scabbard containing his cherished katana clutched in his left hand. His Oriental features were inscrutable as he took his seat in the center of the three chairs positioned behind the long table.

Sitting down on the right was the Warrior called Lynx, a hybrid endowed with the attributes of a feline. His appearance resembled his namesake’s, from his small triangular ears to his slanted green eyes to his coat of short, grayish-brown fur. The cat-man wore just a gray loincloth.

On Rikki’s left sat a female Warrior, Bertha, a lovely dusky woman sporting a full Afro. She had on fatigues and combat boots. Like Lynx, she had been admitted to the Family in recent years, having spent most of her life in the ravaged Twin Cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis before being rescued by Alpha Triad.

Rikki-Tikki-Tavi somberly surveyed the chamber, then lifted the gavel that had been placed at the center of the table and slammed it down.

“This Review Board Hearing is now in session. Will the accused please rise?”

Yama stood mechanically.

“You stand accused of one of the gravest offenses ever committed by any Warrior. Desertion is punishable three ways according to the Warrior bylaws. You can be expelled from the Family, never to set foot in the Home again. You can be stripped of your rank and forever denied Warrior status. Or this tribunal can select whatever punishment fits the crime. Do you fully appreciate the seriousness of your offense?”

“I do,” Yama said softly.

“And how do you plead?”

“Guilty as charged.”

Rikki leaned back and regarded his peer intently. “Have you any justification to offer for your actions?”

“I do not.”

Blade quickly stood and regarded the three judges. “If I may, I would like to point out that the bylaws give any Warrior accused of a misdeed the right to defend himself or herself at a Review Hearing.”

“We know that,” Rikki said. “But if Yama refuses to do so, we’ll be forced to render summary judgment.”

Stepping around the small table, Blade indicated the Warrior in blue.

“Yama’s entire future with the Family is in jeopardy here. In light of this grave situation, I formally ask that I be permitted to offer a defense in Yama’s behalf.”

Bertha propped her elbows on the long table and cocked her head.

“This is sort of unusual, ain’t it?”

“Yeah,” Lynx chimed in. “Why should we make an exception for this dummy?”

Blade controlled his temper and replied forcefully. “Because this is a man’s future that’s at stake. Because above all else judges are required to be fair and impartial. And because all of us are Warriors and pledged to do what is right at all times.”

“I have no objections provided the accused agrees.”

Rikki announced, and looked at Yama. “Do you accept Blade’s offer?”

“He asked me yesterday if he could defend me. Although I feel he is wasting his time, I won’t stand in his way.”

“Very well.” Rikki turned to each of his fellow judges. “Do either of you object?”

Bertha and Lynx shook their heads.

“Very well,” Rikki said, nodding at the giant. “You may proceed.”

“Thank you,” Blade said, trying to recall every word of the speech he had worked on until four in the morning. Once he’d realized that Yama intended to meekly accept whatever punishment was meted out, he’d decided to try this unorthodox tactic in an effort to save Yama from himself. “I won’t attempt to dispute the facts. Yes, Yama departed the Home without authorization. Yes, he failed to show up for a scheduled shift. Had he left on his days off he would still be facing the same charges. He is, plain and simple, guilty.”

A murmur broke out among the spectators.

Rikki banged the gavel and gave them a stern look. “Silence will be maintained at all times or the hearing will be conducted in private.” He paused, focused on Blade. “Continue.”