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“Chloe’s favorite food,” added Goldie. “Rainbow water lilies!”

Jess touched the armbands. “Chloe’s secret—swimming lessons!”

“In Chloe’s favorite place—Summer Sands!” they all shouted together.

Purple sparks flew from the little otter.

As Snippit stared in surprise, the dirt magically disappeared from Chloe’s fur, and she was a sleek little otter once more.

She rubbed her eyes. “What happened?” she asked. “I feel so strange!”

Jess darted over to scoop her up for a cuddle.

“Snippit put a spell on you, but you’re safe now,” she said.

Chloe gave a small smile. “Thank you,” she said. “I feel better now.”

“I don’t,” Snippit said sadly. “I don’t have anyone to help me steal things anymore.”

“You shouldn’t steal things, Snippit.” Goldie said firmly. “It’s very, very wrong.” She picked up a shiny pebble and held it out to him. “This doesn’t belong to anyone. You can have it.”

The crow gave a happy squawk. “Thank you!”

“No more stealing, okay?” Jess said.

“Okay,” he replied. “I’ll find things instead. Like treasure hunting!”

He took off. As he flew away from Summer Sands, a yellow-green orb of light flew toward it.

“Grizelda!” Lily cried in alarm.

The orb floated over the beach and burst into spitting yellow sparks. The witch appeared, stamping her high-heeled boots.

“You’ve ruined Snippit’s spell!” she said, glaring at the girls, “but I’ve saved my messiest creature till last. Just wait till Hopper casts her spell. You won’t believe how disgusting and dirty she’ll make Friendship Forest. Then the animals will leave and the forest will be mine!”

“Never!” Lily shouted.

But Grizelda just snapped her fingers and disappeared in an explosion of smelly sparks.

Soon afterward, Jess, Lily, and Goldie were back at Agatha Glitterwing’s shop, finishing their necklaces. Violet, Chloe, and the rest of the Slipperslide family were there, too, along with all the other animals. All the scattered seeds and stones had been tidied up, and Agatha was already stringing some new necklaces up in the branches.

“Thank you so much for saving our daughter,” said Mr. Slipperslide.

Mrs. Slipperslide hugged Chloe. “We’re so happy she’s safe,” she said, “and we’re thrilled she’s having swimming lessons!”

Chloe smiled happily as she helped Lily with her necklace. “Mom and Dad said it doesn’t matter if I’m not good at swimming,” she said. “But if I practice a lot, maybe I can get better!”

“I’m sure you will,” said Jess. “But even if you’re not the best swimmer, you’re already great at making jewelry.”

Agatha nodded and twirled her own necklace thoughtfully. “Chloe,” she said, “the jewelry you make is so pretty. Would you like to sell it in my shop?”

The little otter wriggled with excitement. “Yes, please!” she squealed.

Lily and Jess grinned, and all the Slipperslides looked like they would burst with pride.

Chloe hugged Jess, Lily, and Goldie. “I want to give you something to say thank you,” she said. Taking three silver shells from her necklace, she looped them each on a chain and gave them to Goldie, Lily, and Jess.

“Chloe, they’re gorgeous,” said Lily as she put hers on and hugged the otter, who gave a great yawn.

“Bedtime,” said Mrs. Slipperslide, “before you fall asleep right here. You’ve had a very long day.”

Jess giggled. “We have to go, too.”

They kissed Chloe, and hugged all their other friends.

“Bye!” they called, waving as Goldie took them back to the Friendship Tree.

She touched a paw to the trunk, and opened the door that appeared. Golden light spilled out from inside.

The girls hugged Goldie. “There will be trouble when Hopper casts her spell,” said Lily, “but we’ll be ready to help.”

“I know you will,” said Goldie. “Thank you for being such good friends. Good-bye for now! See you soon!”

They stepped into the golden glow and felt the tingle that meant they were returning to their normal size.

Moments later, they were back in Brightley Meadow, heading toward the stream.

“Chloe would love it here,” said Lily.

Jess giggled. “We might have to add a slide to one of the trees, though, like the one at the Slipperslides’ house!”

“Or a diving board!” Lily laughed. “What an amazing adventure that was!”

Jess grinned back. “I can’t wait for our next one!” she said, and together they ran back to Helping Paw.

The End