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“Just kidding. You’re a star gazer. Boy would you love it out here at night. It gets a tad cold but you can really see what the universe looks like with no background light,” he told her.

Abby was thinking this guy has spent too many nights out here in the cold. He led them into the back room where a huge contraption was setting that took up almost the entire room.

“What do you think?” he asked.

“What is it?” Abby said looking at it from several angles trying to determine just what it did.

“The E-PEG. Electro-Pulse Emitting Generator.”

“I see. And what does it do exactly?”

“Emits electromagnetic pulses.”

“No kidding. Who would have thought,” Abby said thinking that the conversation was definitely taking on an Area 51 feeling for sure. She was sure at some point he would change into an alien right before her eyes.

“Okay. Let me explain,” he said and jumped up on the side of the machine.

“EMPs as you know are electromagnetic pulses. They are usually associated with either nuclear bombs or high output microwaves. When I was working on trying to turn microwaves into a propulsion system I remembered an earlier experiment I had done years ago. Combining EMP with HERF I was able to build a fairly powerful shock impulse machine. The problem was that it took a significant amount of power so the actual force generated was limited. That was many years ago. Today, getting the power isn’t the problem it was then.”

He paused, warming up to the lecture.

“It occurred to me that if I could build a two dimensional electronic spectroscopy of CdSe nanoparticles I would be able to generate the power to create a device that could be used for propulsion. But, that’s not all. It could be used to actually move objects if the sine waves were altered and focused.”

“So you are saying that this E-PEG can possibly move objects?”

“Yes, yes. That’s it exactly. It would actually be able to move a space ship great distances without running out of fuel. Suddenly deep space, and I mean really deep space, exploration would be achieved. The only limitation is that when it is used it creates EMPs that escape and can cause widespread damage.”

“Ah. So the problem isn’t getting it to work, the problem is keeping it from damaging other computer equipment when it is working.”

“Yes,” he yelled, “Exactly. Excellent. Most people just look at me like I have lost my mind when I explain the problem. You are one smart lady. ”

“She is very bright,” Dan said.

“You’re darn tootin’ Sonny,” Metzler said.

“So the E-PEG can’t actually be used until after you determine how to control the random EMPs. Once that is accomplished then it can be fitted to a rocket ship.”

“Oh, you are a sharp one. That is exactly the problem. I can move a test sled with the waves but I have only been able to test it at the very lowest power,” he told her.

“So for this to be used need is a platform in outer space to make this practical. A space ship would have to be fitted after it was out of the Earth’s atmosphere otherwise it could damage the computers that control the lift off on the ground.”

“Absolutely correct.”

“And it can be used to move other objects in space as well, correct?” Abby said.

“Now I understand why I’m here. To figure out if this E-PEG device can be somehow used to move KA5.”

“What is a KA5?” Metzler asked.

“It’s not important. Doctor, how big of an object could it move at full power?”

“I really don’t know. A lot of variables would need to be considered. For starters; size, weight, composition, location, surrounding area. There are numerous other variables. I’m sure if I had the data I could figure it out mathematically.”

“But if you had the platform, it is possible to move something pretty big?”

“Depending on what ‘pretty big’ is,” he said and started laughing.

“What?” Dan asked.

“Definition of ‘pretty big’. We had a President say it depended on what the definition of ‘is, is’. Do you know how lame that sounds?”

“Okay,” Dan said rolling his eyes.


Abby and Dan went back to the main complex with Metzler. Abby spent the next three hours explaining what KA5 was and the potential damage the Earth could sustain if it did hit part of the moon.

“That is very interesting,” he said when she finished.

“It’s a little more than interesting doctor. We’re talking about the potential loss of life in the billions,” Abby said.

“It certainly would thin out the herd some. Stop overpopulation in its tracks,” he replied.

“Doctor. We are talking about people’s lives, not cattle.”

“Yes. Yes, I understand all of that, I’m just saying.”

Abby, Dan and Fritz went to the dining area and had a surprisingly good dinner. They continued to talk all during the meal but it was hard to keep Fritz on track. He would suddenly stop listening and start talking to himself. For Abby it was very unnerving. Dan seemed to take it in stride.

“Fritz, can you give me any data about what kind of power the E-PEG generates and what you would need in the way of a platform?” Abby asked.

“Oh heavens to mercatroid, I’ve given that to the military countless times and then I never hear anything back.”

“Do you still have copies of what you gave them?”

“I have copies of everything I have given them. A whole filing cabinet full. Lot of good that has done. I sometimes wonder if they even read what I give them. I never hear a word. Well until now.”

“If you give me the information, I promise I will see that it gets to the right people. I will personally place it in their hands.”

“Really? Honestly?”

“Honestly,” Abby said crossing her heart.

She felt silly doing it but if it made Metzler happy, she didn’t mind doing it.

“Okay then. When will you do it?” he asked.

“Just as soon as we get back,” she assured him.

“That’s good enough for me. Say, not to be nosey, but young man is this your girl?” he suddenly asked.

Dan’s eyes got big for a second before he answered.

“Doctor, I’m just her escort. I was sent to pick her up and deliver her here. I believe Doctor Montgomery is unattached at the moment,” Dan managed to get out.

“Well Sonny, if I were you, I wouldn’t let any grass grow under my feet if you know what I mean,” Fritz said.

“I’ll certainly take that under advisement. Thank you for the suggestion,” Dan replied.

Abby was fighting laughter at Dan’s predicament.

* * *

After Metzler left, Dan asked if she wanted to head back. Abby said she thought it would be best if they did. She would need all the time she had to study what he had given her. Dan seemed a little put off by her wanting to return immediately but he knew she was right. Time was running out. It still didn’t make it any better. He wanted to spend more time with her.

They talked about how weird Metzler was. Brilliant but weird. Abby looked over and saw that Dan had dozed off after a few minutes. She got a blanket and covered him and sat and watched him until her eyes got heavy and she drifted off as well.

They landed back at the Litchfield Airport where Abby had left her car. Dan walked her to her car carrying the armload of files Metzler had turned over to them.

* * *

“Please be very careful driving home. Are you going to be alright? It’s almost 2:00 A.M.,” he said glancing at his watch.

“Sure. I was able to sleep some on the plane. I don’t live far from here so I’ll be fine.”

“Alright. Thanks for going to talk to Metzler.”