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And then? The rats will still be underground Snug in their galleries, unsought, unfound Untried and tied to undermining tricks Until your houses shiver and collapse like sticks: They speak corruption, live among its flowers Proliferate black seeds in April showers. The heart stops breeding fields of verity Becomes an eggtimer overworked and spun By propaganda whose ignoble run Of words begets not progress but obesity. One day you’ll take your best friend’s hand And feel his fingers turning into sand.
No one will lift the black patch from a warning Who cannot see the night from too much morning. So? You ask too many questions, son: Take off those glasses, and pick up that gun.
Those continentals, the funny English say, Until my brain rebels and with grey Just logic substitutes for ‘English’ a word Many might object to, a label too absurd To comprehend, a double syllable That to me will remain unkillable Like gutter children or an Arab nomad: Namely I rename an Angle ‘OGAD’.
This brain-somersault has made It suddenly impossible to call An oak a limetree or a spade a spade After sixty months meandering In warm Majorca and coniferous glade Where many tongues in silent valleys mix To push my English to the further banks of Styx.
The first grey sago-OGAD met by me Was on the high grey waves of OGAD sea, Stamping passports on the ferryboat Before the mouth of Dover’s dismal throat. Unprivileged aliens in their special queue Etched their names for white-faced men in blue, Unbribable stern servants of the realm Whose rat-like ashen fingers grip the helm Of OGADLAND, keep an inner circle speed To guard an obsolescent greed Of law and order firm behind seven veils Of self-important mists — and Channel gales.
I lingered in this continental line Idealizing Britain-of-the Brine To my American wife with passport green, Until a tall Sicilian wept and cried That those grey OGAD cliffs so vaguely seen Would ever bar his way to Paradise – Because a leaden-weighted face of ice, Bilious from its last attack of spleen, Based his entry on a throw of dice.
Weeping so, he’d do no wrong I say, but who am I when rubber stamps And lines of ANGLE-OGAD faces vet With blank dictatorship these so-called tramps? Such rats will face the floodtide yet.
Many pink-faced OGADS of the north I have met on Sundays leading forth Pink-faced OGAD-dogs on lengths of leather On typical wet days of OGAD weather.
The second month came musically sweet And mild, blue skies glittering with birdsong And silver jetplanes frolicking like fleet Lambs not yet responsible. ‘What a Beautiful raincloud over there!’ Black and grey, yet Surely a silver-lining lurks somewhere? How strangely like a mountain, round and jet; Moving with speed, yet silently, no rain Falling from its cabbage — no, cauliflower — head: And suddenly a mushroom grows instead!
Such OGAD weather does not give clear vision Hides all above the level of the eyes Makes only power to see with fair precision Certain orders posted by the wise Of this dark OGAD world: ‘Keep off the grass’ And ‘Queue this side of sign’. ‘Thou shalt not pass Unless your child or dog be on a lead’. ‘Keep to the left’. ‘Slow down’. ‘Reduce your speed’. ‘Don’t park your car upon this hallowed spot’. ‘Drop litter here’. (That animals begot?) ‘Step along there, room for two inside’. And not one democrat looked up and sighed: You need not lift your face towards the sky, All orders are placed level with the eye.
These pithy messages must make good trade For those who paint them. A poet’s blade Can’t cut more ice, the brains Of dull bespectacled sad OGAD folk Are taught by television and a race for trains Each morning not to test the laden yoke By a gaze to heaven, when all earthy bread Is planted firmly at their feet instead.
Revolution is the word of God A firefly that lifts from soddened ground For one second at the end of spring. So go the workings of the unsound Mind in its beginnings, a minor sting That no rat notices, and turns no brown Last winter’s leaf to face the sky. In this live jungle must the mind leap down To feed on pickings of dark soil, and shy Its hawk-beak at the earth’s sweet guile: Then rise full-caloried to kill in style.
These are the commandments of the rats: You shall be born into the melting-vats Without an eye to give or a tooth to lose And never want for schooling, work or shoes. Good: but each advertisement is a decree A hanged man on the propaganda tree (From ITV as well as BBC) To make it shoot up high and thin: A hundred thousand may begin To march one damp October dawn: You can’t thank Life that you were born, Says Rat beneath his atom-cloud: the melting-vats Demand obedience to no one but the rats.
You shall love the rats who take the hours From your clumsy hands, who guide you over roads And traffic islands, take heavy loads From lighter brains, give paper flowers Of happiness, and stand you in a line For bus or train, transport you to a house And television set and OGAD wine: You too can be a rat divine A living civil servant of a louse Though first you must become a mouse.
O hear me, soulless OGADS of the mist Older than the rocks on which you pissed The winter snows away for idle summer; Listen to the rawboned pitprop drummer Who versifies rebellion from the ice (In exile where he feeds on uncooked rice That one day will explode his walnut fist) Hear his warning over your contented mummer And the mewings of devoted mice: Catastrophe will be the last device.
So keep your whiskers weaving while you may Beneath blue helmets, antennae of the law Sensitively finding those who pray For criminal success by some shop door. The time to strike is now. Drop your club Upon the head that holds ideas to boast Your kill, who stands like an untamed cub For buses on the wrong side of the post.