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Each man wants to move the boat Clockwise with fashionable hands Reading history on how to float Upon the wash with watermusic bands. One calls the tune but others play the music And idle waves of Neptune make the crew sick.
The rats devise solutions for each lake Each overture and song reduce to easy, Fix stabilizers firm from wind to wake: And still the crew persist in feeling queasy.
Old antagonisms rage: Rat-machinations roped with force Imprison beauty in a cage, Encircle it with propaganda morse.
‘Corruption is corruption, sometimes sweet Is only dangerous when it stagnates: Corrupt before, corrupted ever Only keep it moving to be safe.’
First Rat: Feed, house, educate and teach Place anti-seasick tablets in their reach. Second Rat: Dope, rope, spiflicate and preach Colour them by sunray lamps or bleach.
Third Rat: Dazzle, flash, warp their speech Send them every Sunday to the beach. Fourth Rat: Deceive, demand, even beseech Cleverly, cleverly — they’ll never screech!
Retreat like Scythians, like men of hair Back into folding earth and lair: Burn and scorch black the rich fields that you leave, Once tilled with freedom and passion-verse.
Prepare to destroy that for which you grieve: It is already ruined by the worse Rat venom. Do not wish for what was there Before Rats came but keep the cleansed air Uncloyed, devoid of devil-noses And perverted paper roses Who pander to each scheme that rat proposes.
When on the rack-and-pinion of retreat Earn your wayside cigarettes and bread By giving lessons on the rats’ defeat Disguised in languages more live than dead: Tutor yourselves in map-reading and crime And devil’s courage for the bleak time When you alone will face the empty plain Armed only with a visionary brain That tried to understand how earth and sky Could meet beyond the reach of feet and eye.
The would-be Rat-destroyers may feel this: Burdened with a glimpse of emptiness Night after night, with dreams that kiss Despair as a king’s seal, and nothingness: A dull light gleaming on continual fight In a retreat that leads beyond the end of night.
It was a rabbit skin, without meat That took me to the fleapit for a treat: The wasteland that seemed to Mr Eliot death Nurtured me with passion, life and breath To prolong for one more generation A wasteland satellite of veneration: A bottle-top, a piece of bone, a stone Marked on no posters or big banners To catapult against the rodent planners.
… the rock stop and turbo-drill that goes Through granite like a knife through butter (Shall I follow Mr Eliot’s nose And clinch this verse by using ‘gutter’?) Rock-a-bye-baby, reach the tree top Sing as you reap the apple crop; Rob each garbled voice of Wednesday’s ash Ring out the mardi gras to grab and smash: Hook-up your ribbons to a new Maypole.
The wasteland was a place where I best played As a snotty-nosed bottle-chasing raggèd-arsed kid: From a rusty frame and two cot-wheels I made A bike that took me on a roll and skid Between canal banks, tip and plain And junk shops advertising ‘Guns for Spain’. I read the tadpole angler quite complete What Katy did at her first Christmas treat Envied Monte Cristo’s endless riches But not Eliza’s shame at her dropped stitches, The splendid sack of Usher’s houses By philanthropists with ragged trousers. In wintertime were rabbit skins fair game For keeping warm the embers of such knowledge: The wasteland was my library and college.
What’s past is past, what still to come: King, queen and godhead of Time’s guide. Show your bottom-dogs and sparkling fangs In conspiratorial well-clawed gangs. Open Baedeker’s Handbook to the Jungle A thin-leaved blood-bound untried book to plan All expeditions on, and scan Its well-mapped footpaths (thornbush to the right): Mined offices avoid at any cost; Advice from all contributors is sound Gathered by ears pressed firmly to the ground. Ignore policemen if you’re lost By-pass the Customs, frontier weak at X Step on the skeletons of vanguard wrecks Hillslopes good for cover, summit wrong, Travellers had better go by night And eat ripe berries as they walk along.
Landmarks described with economic prose: This cathedral has a mildewed nose From decades of unmedicated sores. Decay comes quicker when it flouts Time’s laws.
See this castle? Rotten doors: King left owing bills for bread and cheese Queen stored perfumes in deepfreeze Was tricked for absolution with the whores. Take those statues by the wall Carved on a diet of olive-oil and galclass="underline" Unbribable stern servants of the realm Turned up their noses and let go the helm.
Watch the sky. Watch the warning Floating down of an autumn morning. Barricade your colleges and schools Sharpen slide-rules into fighting tools. Paper to a depth of thirty inches May stop a bullet and prove good defences, But fire will desolate consume and scorch That to begin needs but a single torch. A red sky at night will be their delight And red in the morning the Rats’ night dawning.
Admitted, you gave them ale and telly But in return took each man’s name and age And locked his magic in a wicker cage Burning it in secret while they filled Unwittingly their bellies after hunger.
You cannot read the writing on the walclass="underline" They were not given bread at all But food to make them strong (and sane) Enough to understand your orders.