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A meal of pure white bread is bad When given to a dog the dog goes mad. The bread of life is of a different grain It feeds the body wholemeal and the brain.
Slowly, slowly, Dungeness lighthouse Dim in the distance dipped its wick: Old Folkestone vowed to thee its country And Beachy Head was being sick;
But stouter England stood and stouter From Berwick’s Tweed to Dover Castle Hugging the Downs beneath its arm Like an empty paper parcel;
And slowly also big Cape Grey Nose Lays itself before the boat Sends its white birds up to catch my Soul while yet it stays afloat.
Retreat, dig in, retreat Withdraw your shadow from the crimson Gutters that run riot down the street.
Retreat, dig in, arrange your coat As a protective covering A clever camouflage of antidote.
Retreat still more, still more Remembering your images and words: Perfect the principles of fang-and-claw.
The shadows of retreat are wide Town and desert equally bereft Of honest hieroglyph or guide.
Release your territory and retreat Record preserve and memorize The journey where no drums can rouse nor beat:
Defeat is not the question. Withdraw Into the hollows of the hills Until this winter passes into thaw.
Dig in no more. Turn round and fight Forget the wicked and regret the lame And travel back the way you came, In front the darkness, and behind — THE LIGHT.

from A Falling Out of Love and Other Poems, 1964


Let no one say I was cleaning this gun: I killed myself because I wanted the sun But got the moon. Sanity came back too soon.
I did not even clean the gun: Put in two bullets for the moon and sun Spun the chamber in a final game. The sun and moon were both the same.


Borrow got here, so did I Nothing in front but sea and sky. Blue, traditional, unplanned, Then white with envy at safe land: Were such cold acres ever seen Than vast and climbing for this rock?
Big as the fish that got away, Bigger, but no one ever died from shock At so much water, such wide space: Vostok III and Vostok IV Slap proportion in the face.
Rapier-thin horizons claw At blasé tissue of bland eye: While Man is climbing at the moon The sea foams white on every shore, Moonstruck where the start began Moonlit in the wake of Man Who turns his back on Finisterre.


Woods are for observing from a distance On your father’s arms: Woods are for being frightened of – Bogie-men swing among those close-packed trees.
Woods are then for making fires in Running before the wrath of cop or farmer: Smoke and the smell of dandelions In place of blood.
Later for loving girls in: Untidy bushes lick damp hair, Secret, dark and out of sight With nothing now to replace blood.
Some use woods for attacking and defending The black scream of unnatural possession, Tree roots linchpinned into earth By shudders and the soil of death.
By summer shunned in fear of lightning The bitter roaming flash of snaked lightning; In winter shelter us from rain or snow: Tree-packs hold our fate like cards.
Woods are then forgotten two-score years Power lapsing into midnight dreams, The core of body and soul Scooped by the knife of living.
The wood became jungle, and you its shadow: Woods a purple rage of wakened dogs, To be kept out of, snubbed Hemmed into night, not known.
Woods returned, tamed, not for Making love or fires in. Familiar; suspicious of their shelter You stay at home in rain or snow –
The woods are seen but not remembered A far-off shadow, cloud or dream; Your power vanishes with their’s – No more to be defended, or attacked.


Safe from horizontal rain And gale-blown boxing-gloves thumping the walls The wireless plays a drama Of a poet stricken at a priest’s house Reached only by footpath, A poet descending Jacob’s ladder made of sand Washed by mountain torrents, Spouting rhetoric of fire as he fell –
While kilocycles off frequency Morse code mewed by strophe and antistrophe Behind the stark undoing of the poet Lost in narrow seams of God and Sin and Death, Corroded by the opposite of what he would be.
The code comes in again, a querulous demand Plucked by a far-off guitar with one string left That chance may hear, And through the poet’s white despair The rhythmic images cry distraction, Till I read their symbols That beyond my bosom-comfort A ship by chance of time committed To elemental wrath in asking for anchorage From blind and twisting waves: Five score sailors on the sea Never to be compared to a suffering poet in his anguish.


A housewife sweeps her doorstep Pavement yard and walls Each leaf of wilting privet Polishes the window To do away with dust and bloodmarks In case one speck shows sin.
Kills all trace by art and elbow as if dirt Smears the dark side of her mirror face – As proof of jungle ape and missing link That drags back to when we hopped From the saltpan slime of Lake Bacteria, That first jelly-blob deviously edging Towards moondust and the feat of sleep, Sunstroke, blight of spoiled nerves, Weapons and a new flint-hack for food – And then the bright machinegun.