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Lord Dolphinton, pleased to hear his words thus confirmed, turned his eyes towards his elder cousin, and remarked succinctly: “Told you so!”

Chapter II

A few minutes later, Miss Catherine Charing entered the room, accompanied by an elderly lady whose sparse gray locks had been crimped into ringlets which dangled on either side of an amiable if not comely countenance. The absence of a cap proclaimed her spinsterhood; she wore a high-gown of an unbecoming shade of puce; and carried a reticule in one bony hand. Mr. Penicuik no sooner saw her than he exclaimed with unnecessary violence: “Not you, woman, not you! Think I haven’t had a bellyful of your face today? Go away! go away!”

The elderly lady made a faint clucking noise, but although she looked frightened she did not seem to be surprised by this unconventional greeting. She said: “Oh, Mr. Penicuik! At such a time—such a delicate occasion—!”

“Kitty!” interrupted Mr. Penicuik. “Throw that Fish out of the room!”

The elderly lady uttered a protesting shriek; Miss Charing, however, pushed her gently but inexorably over the threshold, saying: “I told you how it would be!” She then closed the door, favoured the company with a wide-eyed and thoughtful gaze, and advanced into the middle of the room.

“Good girl!” approved Mr. Penicuik. “Sit down!”

“Take this chair!” urged Lord Biddenden.

“You will be comfortable here, my dear Kitty,” said the Reverend Hugh, indicating the chair from which he had risen at her entrance.

Not to be outdone, Lord Dolphinton gulped, and said: “Take mine! Not comfortable, but very happy to— Pray take it!”

Miss Charing bestowed a small, prim smile upon her suitors, and sat down on a straight chair by the table, and folded her hands in her lap.

Miss Charing was a rather diminutive brunette. She had a neat figure, very pretty hands and feet, and a countenance which owed much to a pair of large, dark eyes. Their expression was one of candour and of innocence, and she had a habit of fixing them earnestly (and sometimes disconcertingly) upon the face of any interlocutor. She had a slightly retrousse nose, a short upper-lip, a decided chin, and a profusion of dusky curls, which were dressed in the demure style which found favour in the eyes of her guardian and her governess. She wore a round robe of green cambric, with a high waist and long sleeves, and one narrow flounce. A small gold locket was suspended round her throat by a ribbon. It was her only ornament. If Lord Biddenden, a man of fashionable inclinations, felt that a few trinkets and a more modish gown would have improved her, it was plain that his brother surveyed her modest appearance with approbation.

“Well, Kitty,” said Mr. Penicuik, “I’ve told these three what my intentions are, and now they may speak for themselves. Not Biddenden, of course: I don’t mean him, though I don’t doubt he’d speak fast enough if he could. What brought him here I don’t know!”

“I expect,” said Miss Charing, considering his lordship, “he came to bring Hugh up to the mark.”

“Really, Kitty! Upon my word!” ejaculated Biddenden, visibly discomposed. “It is time you learned to mend your tongue!”

Miss Charing looked surprised, and directed an enquiring glance at Hugh. He said, with grave kindness: “George means that such expressions as ‘up to the mark’ are improper when uttered by a female, cousin.”

“Ho!” said Mr. Penicuik. “So that’s what he meant, is it? Well, well! Then I’ll thank him to keep his nose out of what don’t concern him! What’s more, I won’t have you teaching the girl to be mealy-mouthed! Not while she lives under my roof! I have quite enough of that from that Fish!”

“I must observe, sir, that my cousin would be perhaps well-advised to model her conversation rather upon Miss Fishguard’s example than upon that set her by—I conjecture —Jack,” returned Hugh, pointedly enunciating each syllable of the governess’s name.

“Gammon!” said Mr. Penicuik rudely. “It ain’t Jack’s example she follows! It’s mine! I knew how it would be: I shan’t get a wink of sleep tonight! Damme, I never knew a fellow turn my bile as you do, Hugh, with that starched face of yours, and your prosy ways! If I hadn’t made up my mind to it that—Never mind that! I did make it up, and I won’t go back on my word! Never have, never will! However, there’s no reason for Kitty to be in a hurry to decide which of you she’ll have, and if she takes my advice she’ll wait and see whether—Not that either of ’em deserves she should, and if they think they can keep me dangling on their whims they will very soon discover their mistake!”

With these suddenly venomous words Mr. Penicuik once more tugged at the bell-rope, and with such violence that it was not surprising that not only the butler, but his valet as well, appeared in the Saloon before the echo of the clapper had died away. Mr. Penicuik announced his determination to retire to the library, adding that he had had enough of his relations for one day, but would see them again upon the morrow, unless—as was more than probable—he was then too ill to see anyone but the doctor. “Not that it’ll do me any good to see him!” he said. He uttered a sharp yelp as he was hoisted out of his chair, cursed his valet, and cast a malevolent look at Lord Biddenden. “And if I were to sleep all night, and wake up without a twinge of this damned gout, I still wouldn’t want to see you, George!” he declared.

Lord Biddenden waited until he had been supported out of the room before observing, with a significant look: “It is not difficult to understand what has cast him into this ill-humour, of course!”

“Didn’t invite you,” said Dolphinton, showing his understanding.

“Oh, hold your tongue!” exclaimed Biddenden, quite exasperated. “My uncle must be in his dotage! A more ill-managed business—”

“Ill-managed indeed,” said Hugh. “There has been a want of delicacy which must be excessively disagreeable, not to you, but to our cousin here!”

“She is not our cousin!”

“My dear brother, we have thought of her as our cousin ever since she was in her cradle.”

“Yes, I know we have,” said Biddenden, “but you heard what my uncle said! She’s not!”

Hugh said arctically: “That was not what I meant. I am happy to be able to say that such a suspicion has never crossed my mind.”

“Coming it rather too strong, Hugh!” said Biddenden, with a short laugh.

“You forget your company!” said Hugh, allowing annoyance to lend an edge to his voice.

Recollecting it, Lord Biddenden reddened, and cast an apologetic look at Kitty. “I beg your pardon! But this business has so much provoked me—! Done in such a scrambling way—! However, I do not mean to put you to the blush, and I am sure we have all of us been in such habits of easy intercourse that there is no reason why you should feel the least degree of mortification!”