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She was thinking of a perfect way to end her show with her stuck up, cock sucking cousin.

She'd always hated the skinny little bitch.

"Eat me out, you sorry cunt!" Candy screamed, grabbing Amy's braids and pulling them until she felt Amy's hair puffing out at the root. "If you being such a dead luck little cunt keeps me from getting into this club, I'm going to sew your tits together and make you wear a one cup bra."

Candy grinned at her own joke while the men laughed and some of them promised that Candy was already in the club. One man even suggested she be the new president.

Then Amy recovered enough that she was able to start sucking Candy's cunt, and the blonde girl's evil look was replaced by one of dreamy pleasure.

"You're so fucking good!" Candy crooned. She rocked forward down Amy's body. "You're such a good little slave pig. I'll take care of your pussy, little bitch, just like you're taking care of mine."

Amy's tongue flicked back and forth over Candy's clit, driving the girl into a humping frenzy that smashed Amy's head into the floor. Amy brought her hair bound hands to her tits and began to pluck at her hard, spiky nipples. Soon she was leaving deep red scratches on her creamy bronzed skin.

"I wasn't hurting the bitch half that much and she was screaming bloody murder," Barry complained good naturedly. "Candy's got the cock tease really going now."

Amy heard his words and she slipped her hips up hard against Candy's hands. One of the clothespins popped off her cuntlips and flipped straight up in the air. Candy caught it neatly and plunged it back inside the hot, clasping sheath of Amy's pussy. The men applauded as she clamped it tight on the inner wall of the enslaved girl's cunt.

"Now, cousin cunt," Candy rasped as she rolled her hips on Amy's mouth and pulled Amy's cunt wide open. "Let's see just how far your pig cunt stretches. You want to see that, Amy pig?"

Amy heard her cousin's threatening words, but there was nothing she could do to respond to them with her whole face entrapped within Candy's fat lipped, juicy cunt.

"First, let's get these fuckers out of the way." Candy began yanking off the pins that were clamped along the lips of Amy's cunt, not bothering to open them up, just yanking them as hard as she could until they pulled off her cousin's agonized flesh. "I don't want to hurt my hands fucking around with these."

Each time Candy ripped one of the pins from her cunt lips, Amy felt as though she were losing her mind. And she knew there were more inside her cunt to be removed. The worst of all would be the one that was still crushing her clit.

Amy thrashed wildly as Candy tore the first of the pins out from inside Amy's cunt, but she didn't stop lashing her tongue inside her big titted cousin's cunt. She knew that if she stopped pleasuring Candy, her mistress would do something even more terrible to her. Even through the haze of fiery pain that surrounded her, Amy kept her tongue moving and her lips in motion on the leather bordered cunt that covered her face. Her hair bound hands pawed helplessly at the air, trying to come down to stop what Candy was doing, but they were stopped before she even reached her navel by the length of her braids.

"Fuck, she must really be hurting!" one of the men said. "Where'd you find that crazy slut?"

"She's my cousin," Glen answered, watching as Candy pulled the last of the clips from Amy's grasping cunt. "She's always been an oversexed little pig, so I figured I might as well put it to some good use."

"And what about the blonde?" another of the men asked. "She's fucking fantastic!"

"She's his cousin, too," Barry said with a laugh. "I wish I was in that fucking family."

Candy ripped away the clamp that had been crushing Amy's clit. The slender, sexy girl screamed so loudly that the men could hear her cries of anguish clearly even through the muffle of Candy's steamy cunt. Amy's clit had pulled far outside her cunt as Candy had yanked the pin off.

"Oh, yes!" Candy was going wild atop the girl, gyrating her hips like a dancer gone out of control. She buried her fist into the quivering hollow of Amy's silky stomach, driving the air from the girl's lungs and crushing clothespins deep into her injured flesh. "Scream up into my pussy again, you sorry whore. Scream into my pussy, you pig. Do it, slave!"

Amy screamed, wildly, desperately, as her big blonde cousin beat her. She felt clothespins lose their grip on her as Candy landed blow after blow against her stomach and tits. Her entire body was screaming with pain. Her face, where Candy's powerful, clenching thighs were pulling hard on the clamps, burned like fire. Amy screamed with all the strength she had, again and again, hoping that she would satiate her cousin's terrible lust and the gill would stop this awful beating.

"Oh, shit!" Candy sighed at last, her jolting hips beginning to slow and her blows to Amy's helplessly squirming body lessening in intensity.

"That was so fucking great! Shit! Scream again, you piggy little slut."

Amy screamed up into Candy's swampy cunt. She would have done anything to bring this beating to a close.

"Now, bitch," Candy whispered venomously, brushing away some of the pins that her beating head dislodged, "start licking again. I've got something special for you."

Almost mechanically, Amy began to tongue out her cousin's pussy once more. Candy's hands were on Amy's cunt again. Amy felt her body beginning to respond to them as they touched her, her hips starting to wiggle once more. She hoped that she might get just a little pleasure now, just a little something to make up for all the pain she'd suffered.

"Now watch this, guys." Candy grinned up at the watching, wildly excited men, stroking the first finger of each hand deep inside Amy's puffy, peeled back pussy. "This is where the show really fucking starts."

Amy couldn't understand what Candy was talking about, but she wiggled her hips when Candy added a second finger from each hand into Amy's tightly clasping pussy. They were a tight fit, but with every inward thrust Candy was stroking Amy's bruised clit, and the friction was turning Amy on. Maybe Candy was going to do something to hurt her again, but Amy didn't care anymore, not as long as she got this kind of excitement, too.

"Fuck my fingers, Amy pig," Candy ordered.

She added a third finger from each hand into Amy's stuffed, straining cunt. Amy squealed in pain as the rings fingers smashed in. Her cunt lips were pulled so far apart that she was sure they must be tearing. Her legs began to kick out slowly, painfully, on the carpeted floor. Her cunt felt overstuffed in a way that Amy had never thought it could.

"I've got an idea," Candy said with a sudden, evil smile. She scratched her long, red fingernails over the tender flesh of Amy's cunt. "Let's see if the little piggie can swallow all my fingers."

"No!" Amy screamed.

She jerked wildly beneath her sexy, leatherclad cousin. Her hands came up to scratch at Candy's lush thighs and Barry and Glen had to step in and loop her wrists more tightly in her hair to keep her from trying to hurt the sexy blonde. In a moment her hands were bound so tightly in her hair that she couldn't pull them more than an inch away from her head.

"That's going to cost you, you slutty bitch pig!" Candy screamed.

She banged her hips down brutally on Amy's head and skewered her six fingers relentlessly in Amy's bulging cunt. She lifted her quivering ass high off Amy's bruised, slimy face and dropped straight back down, smashing Amy's head again and again. She gouged the straining, tortured girl with her fingernails. She was going to really hurt the girl for trying to scratch her.

"I was fucking going easy on you before," she hissed, slamming her cunt against Amy's helpless face, almost smothering her cousin with her lush ass. "I thought you were learning to be a good little pig slave. No silly whore tries to scratch me, though? Now you're going to pay, you lowly little gutter slut!"